WHISL First Semester Reflection (3rdhour)

Honor Code Level 2

Task: You will be writing a letter to Mr. Gravelle and Ms. Erickson that reflects on your learning and success this semester in WHISL.

When:Tuesday, Jan. 15 from 10:25-12:15.

Logistics: This assignment will take place as an in-class writing directly after the Morpheme and Vocabulary Test on Tuesday. The letter will be handwritten on your own paper and will need to be long enough to address the questions.

Content: This letter can only help us as we move forward if you provide specific and detailed explanations for your answers. If you have a frustration, please feel free to share it, but also please provide any realistic suggestions that you have for helping to alleviate your frustrations.

Remember that this is a letter and should be written as such. You may use first person in your writing and please format it as a letter. This is also an assessment and all other formal rules of academic writing should be utilized in your writing.

You are encouraged to plan your writing before Tuesday; however, the final draft will take place during class.

In your letter you must address the following question:

  • If we were to schedule a one on one meeting with each of you next semester, what academic and WHISL related issues would you like to discuss? Please consider your personal academic strengths, weaknesses, concerns, etc. as you consider this question.

Then you must address two of the following questions:

  • How do you feel that your voice has been heard this semester? Do you feel that there is a comfortable culture established that allows everyone to participate and share his/her opinions? Please explain your thoughts.
  • How would you rate your personal growth as a writer this semester? What can we do to help you improve next semester?
  • How would you rate your personal growth as an overall student this semester? Consider reading and note taking strategies, study skills, time management, etc. as you consider this question. What can we do to help you improve as a student next semester?
  • What would you like to tell us about your overall WHISL experience so far this year? What overall ideas and/or suggestions do you have for next semester?

Grading: The following rubric will be used to assess your writing. Please plan to turn this in with your letter.

Advanced Proficient / Proficient / Partially Proficient / Unsatisfactory
Student demonstrates superior depth of self-reflection through consistent use of examples, genuine and insightful explanations, and the ability to deeply consider one’s own experiences and perspectives.
All work is of consistently high quality.
Writing has been carefully proofread and edited and formal academic writing is evident throughout the letter. / Student demonstrates solid depth of self-reflection through use of examples, explanations and interpretations, and the ability to consider one’s own experiences and perspectives.
Most of the work is of high quality.
Writing may include a few grammatical or conventional errors or occasionally slip from formal academic writing. These errors do not detract from the content or readability of the letter. / Student attempts some depth of self-reflection, but explanations and interpretations are only attempted in a cursory fashion. Student struggles to consider his/her own experiences and perspectives.
Work is of inconsistent quality.
Writing may include grammatical or conventional errors or lapses in academic writing that do detract from the content and readability of the letter. / Evidence of self-reflection is minimal or unable to be determined. Little effort is being made by the student to provide details or explanations for any statements made or answers given. Minimal insight into the student’s experiences or perspectives is provided.
Work is of poor quality and many parts are incomplete and/or missing.
Errors in the writing make it almost impossible for the reader to move through the piece.