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“Service for Union with God and with One Another”

Studies offered to Sr. Rose McDermott

upon the completion of her 75th birthday

A special publication dedicated to Sister Rose McDermott in honor both of her 75th birthday in September, 2009 and of her service as interim dean will be presented to our colleague at the Spring 2010 March Workshop. Her faculty colleagues and former students have contributed scholarly articles to this volume (see the selection offered below). Others have written congratulatory letters.

You can pre-order your own copy of this volume by completing and returning the subscription form [see other side]. If you order before December 31, 2009, you will not only obtain the volume at the price of $25.00 (after January 1, 2010, the price will be $35.00) but you will also have the opportunity to have your name listed in the Tabula gratulatoria included in the publication.

Payment may be made by check or postal money order in U. S. currency payable to THE JURIST or by MasterCard or Visa cards. Please use the bottom portion of this form to order your copy of this special volume, the first of a new series by the Faculty of the School of Canon Law.


The volume, edited by the Dean of the School, Rev. Robert J. Kaslyn, S.J., includes the following articles:

K. Pennington, “Giuseppe Dossetti’s Medieval Sources.”

T. Green, “Lay Ministries in the Church: Comparative Reflections on the Eastern and Latin Codes.”

R. Kaslyn, “The Canonical Institute of Incardination: Entrance into the Clerical State in the Code of Canon Law.”

J. Coriden, “Pastoral Ministry in the Parish: A Theological Consensus and Practical Issues.”

K. Martens, “Ick belove Godt almachtigh gehoorzaemheyt ende reynigheijdt. A Particular Form of Religious Life: Beguines in Flanders.”

R. Oliver, “Sisters and Brothers to God’s People.”

S. Holland, “Balancing Code and Culture: Select Issues in Religious Governance.”

P. Brown, “Societies of Apostolic Life: The Evolution of a Canonical Institute.”

S. Sheridan. “Consecrated Persons in Catholic Schools: A Canonical Analysis.”

J. Foster, “‘Take and Eat,’ ‘Take and Drink’: An Examination of the Communion Rite in the Third Edition of the Roman Missal.”

J. Beal, “The Complaint of Nullity: A Hands-On Approach.”

R. Pagé, “Quid est veritas in Matrimonial Causes According to Dignitas Connubii?”

R. Jenkins, “Nullum Crimen, Nulla PoenaSine Lege: The Principle of Legality in Modern Ecclesiastical Criminal Law.”

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