Name of project
Main contact
Main contact’s role
Names and roles of key officers that run the organisation
1. / Briefly describe what your organisation does
2. / Legal structure. Please select from the following options (tick the relevant box)
  • A community benefit society or co-operative society
  • Planning to become a community benefit society or co-operative society
  • Other – please specify below
  • We have not yet decided which structure to adopt

3. / How long has your organisation existed?
4. / Describe the project that you want to do under the Just Growth programme
5. / A key requirement of the Just Growth programme is that you raise a portion of the financing from your local community or a community of interest. What evidence do you have of community support for the project you want to do?
6. / What evidence do you have of a market for what you want to produce?
7. / Explain how your project will meet FEA’s aims. In particular we are interested in
(a) How the way you farm supports and protects the environment
(b) How what you do gives people more control over their food and where it comes from
(c) How what you do allows more people to eat better food
8. / Budget – please attach a budget for the project. Please note that Just Growth funding can be used for both capital and revenue costs.
In terms of the funding you would like from the Just Growth programme, please indicate what amount you would aim to raise from the community; secure in terms of the loan (min £15k) and the grant (max £20k).Please read the programme notes for details of what you can apply for
9. / How long will the project take to develop and implement? Please include key milestones (bullet points only) along the timeline including when you will be ready to start.
10. / Who will deliver the work and manage the project and what experience and skills do they bring to the project?
11. / What are the three main outcomes you hope to achieve with this work?
12. / Do you have a business plan?
13. / Please provide details of any funding (amount, funder and time period over which the funding is provided) that you have received:
(a) over the last 3 years;
(b) are receiving now;
(c) have pending applications for

If you have any questions about how to complete this form please do not hesitate to contact Clare Horrell at

Please email your completed application form to Clare Horrell at by 30th September 2015

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