Los Angeles Unified School District

Teacher and Administrative Development Branch

LD 7 BTSA-FAS Induction Program

Induction Early Completion Option

Attendance at the Year 1 Orientation and Early Completion Option Information Session in the current school year is a pre-requisite for application.

The Commission-Approved BTSA Induction Program provides the Early Completion Option (ECO) to all qualifying program participants in accordance with Senate Bill 57 (Scott). This option serves experienced and exceptional candidates.

Applications are available online at http://acts.lausd.net/BTSA.

All submissions must be word processed or typed.

Complete application packets are DUE no later than 5:00 pm November 14, 2011.

Please submit the following:

____ Induction Early Completion Applicant Information 2011-12

____ Signed Letter(s) of Recommendation from supervising principal(s) over the last two years (Template attached)

·  The principal may choose to have an administrative designee complete the letter of recommendation if

they are responsible for completing your stull evaluation

·  Must include dates of employment

·  Must be printed on school letterhead with original signature

____ Early Completion Applicant Self-Assessment

____ Copy of Year 1 Orientation and ECO Information Session Confirmation of Attendance for this year (print your certificate of completion from the Learning Zone)

Complete application packages will be acknowledged as of the date received. (If materials are missing they will be returned and reassessed as of the date submitted with all components.)

Please note that for participants entering in the 11-12 academic year all work must be completed by June 30, 2012 regardless of the date that you begin this option. Participants who do not complete the program by that date are subject to all requirements of the full induction program.

Please make a copy of the completed application materials for your records.

Completed application materials should be submitted in person or by mail

(faxes and emails will not be accepted) to:

LAUSD LD 7 BTSA-FAS Induction Program, ECO

333 South Beaudry, 14th Floor

LA 90017

Attention: Janet Peaks



Enrollment in the BTSA Program
Ø  State
Year 1:
Ø  Orientation
Ø  Early Completion Option Information Session (Mandatory)
Ø  Mid-Year Review
Ø  Advisement
Reflective Engagement in Formative Assessment System (FAS)
Ø  Context for Teaching
Ø  Co-Assessment of Teaching Practice
Ø  Fall Inquiry – Standard # 5 Pedagogy
Ø  Spring Inquiry – Standard # 6 Equity for All Students
Ø  Professional Growth Reflections
Ø  2011-12 Assignments (FAS Tools as needed)
Fall and Spring Seminars
Surveys and Evaluations
Padfolio Review

* Professional Development to Support Self-identified Goals

·  Professional Development will be offered throughout the year to allow for deeper understanding and extension of skills in the areas that teachers have identified as areas for growth through their self-assessment and inquiry process.

·  Some of these opportunities allow the teacher to receive salary points.



Name______Employee # ______

Type of California preliminary credential held (attach a copy):

*  Multiple Subject

* Single Subject in ______

Home Address ______E-mail______

City ______Zip______

Home Telephone ( ) ____ - ______Cell Phone ( ) ____ - ______

School ______Local District ______

Current Calendar: * Traditional * Year Round: Calendar___90/30 Track ____ * Early Start

Prior experience as a teacher of record (please check all that apply, must attach verification)

_____ Completion of an Accredited Intern Program through ______

_____ Two years public classroom experience as a register carrying teacher with satisfactory evaluations

Name of school: ______District:______

City, State ______Years as teacher of record ____

Name of school: ______District:______

City, State ______Years as teacher of record ____

As an Early Completion Option Applicant, I agree to complete the following should I be accepted:

1.  Enroll in the program, attend orientation, and mentor/participating teacher meetings.

2.  Attend the Padfolio review sessions and successfully complete the Padfolio.

3.  Complete the required Formative Assessment System (FAS) components, including Fall and Spring Inquiry with 2-4 case study students, which must include evidence of meeting Induction Standard # 5 Pedagogy and Standard # 6 Equity for All Students including Teaching English Learners and Teaching Special Populations.

4.  Satisfactory completion of the Mid-year and Final Padfolio Review including Co-Assessment, and Professional Growth Reflections.

5.  Complete the LAUSD mid-year survey and the state survey.

6.  Complete additional requirements as assigned for 2011-12 (FAS Tools as needed).

·  I am aware that the Early Completion Option is an accelerated program which allows me to earn a California Professional Clear credential.

·  I understand that the SB 57 legislation allows the Early Completion Option for teachers with substantial experience who have demonstrated exceptional performance in their classroom practice.

·  I understand that ECO is not available to teachers who were enrolled in the regular BTSA program and did not complete the requirements. (By application you certify that you were not previously in the BTSA program.)

·  I understand that for participants entering in the11-12 Academic Year all assigned work must be completed satisfactorily by the due dates for both the mid-year review and by the final review, June 30, 2012 regardless of the date that you begin this option.

·  I also understand that if I am unable to keep pace with the accelerated ECO Induction Program I will be transitioned to full induction and will need to complete the regular program.

Name (print)______Date ____/____/____

Signature ______Employee Number ______

Accepted by:______Date ____/____/____


MUST BE WORD PROCESSED – DOWNLOADABLE FORM – (document will automatically expand when filled in)

Please write a reflection/self-assessment about your performance for each area of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP). You may want to study the CSTP prompts in the extended CSTP booklet. (Please note: three pages total for all six standards, 12 point double spaced)

Engaging & Supporting All Students in Learning

Creating & Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

Understanding & Organizing Subject Matter for Student Learning

Planning Instruction & Designing Learning Experience for All Students

Assessing Student Learning

Developing as a Professional Educator

Site Administrator Letter of Recommendation

Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA)

Early Completion Option

Template—to be printed on school letterhead and submitted with original signature.

Additional comments may be added by the site administrator at their discretion.

Teacher Name ______Employee Number ______

School ______Local District ______

Dates of Employment as a teacher of record at this location ______

I understand that AB 57 legislation allows for the Early Completion option in order to allow teachers with substantial experience who have demonstrated exceptional performance in their classroom practice to complete the clear credential program at an accelerated pace.

The teacher named above has shared with me their intent to apply for the BTSA Early Completion Program.

I have reviewed the requirements for the accelerated clear credential program which include the following:

1.  Enroll in the program, attend orientation and mentor/participating teacher meetings.

2.  Complete the required Formative Assessment System (FAS) components, including the Fall and Spring Inquiry with 2-4 case study students which must include evidence of meeting Induction Standard # 5 Pedagogy and Standard # 6 Equity for All Students including Teaching English Language Learners and Special Populations.

3.  Satisfactory completion of the Mid-year and Final Padfolio Review including Co-Assessment and

Professional Growth Reflections.

4.  Complete the LAUSD mid-year survey and the state survey.

Upon reviewing the requirements for the accelerated clear credential program I believe that this teacher has the capacity, organizational skills and dedication to effectively complete the program without negatively impacting their ability to fulfill their classroom responsibilities.

With my signature below I am recommending that ______be accepted into the BTSA Early Completion Option.


Name (Please Print or Type) Date

Signature ______

Position ______