Youth Leader Training (YLT) will take place on Saturday’s7th October and 18thNovember 2017in Edinburgh (location to be finalised),commencing at 9.00am and finishing at approximately 5pm. If applicants do not hold a valid current First Aid Certificate, then Part 3 will also require to be attended on either Saturday 9th December 2017 (at Blackburn and Seafield Church Halls, West Lothian) or Saturday 13thJanuary 2018(Pollock Pavilion, 227 Ferry Road, Edinburgh) between 9am and 1.30pm. Please note participants must attend all applicable dates in order to complete all the necessary modules that make up Youth Leader Training.

There is no cost for Parts 1 & 2 of this course, but Part 3 (Emergency First Aid) will cost a maximum of £24 as it is a certificated Course by an external provider (British Red Cross).

(Support may be available towards the costs from your Company or Battalion. E, L& D Battalion and WL Battalion Participants will be able to access theirBattalion Training Fund for 50% support).

Tea and coffee will be provided, but participants should bring a packed lunch for Parts 1 & 2.

Each individual registered for Youth Leader Training must at present be active within a Company in a leadership role (e.g. registered as a Helper, Instructor or Warrant Officer).

In order to finalise arrangements for Parts 1 & 2, registrationsmust be submitted to the Battalion Office on

later than Thursday 28September 2017, but earlier preferred. Part 3 (First Aid), if required, is by separate Registration Form.

If there are any other individuals who would wish to attend, but cannot make all dates, please advise names to the Office as well, to see if additional dates may be required.


Saturday’s7thOctober and 18thNovember 2017

Please register the undernoted for YLT Parts 1 & 2 (Part 3 Registration will be by separate form).


Signed: …………….………………….. Captain ………………………………………... Company