Cobb County School District

Middle School Summer School Program 2012

Site: Campbell Middle School


Diane Rice, Coordinator

Middle School Curriculum & Instruction


Administrator: Maxine Miller Clerical: Normandy Huff

Calendar of Events

Teacher Application process - February 13 – March 9, 2012

Registration by recommendation at local school / April 23 – May 29, 2012
Late Registration, Campbell Middle School / May 30 – June 1, 2012 8:30 – 11:30
Registration Forms from Local Schools delivered to Diane Rice / Wednesday, May 30, 2012 - AM
Registration Forms prepared for summer school teacher pre-planning / Friday, June 1, 2012 - AM
Pre-planning – Campbell Middle School / Friday, June 1, 2012 – 8:30AM – 12:30PM
Student attendance days – Mon. - Thurs.,( 2 sessions per day). No Friday sessions. / Monday, June 4 – Thursday, June 28, 2012.
8:00 A.M. – 10:30 and 10:45 – 1:15 P.M.
Transportation will not be provided by CCSD / No drop offs before 7:50 A.M. (Session 1) or 10:30 (Session 2)
Students are to be picked up by 10:40 (Session 1) or 1:25 P.M. (Session 2)
Application Process

·  Fill out “Middle School Summer School Application.” Give the “Principal Recommendation” form to your principal for completion.

·  The principal is responsible for mailing or faxing the Application and Recommendation form to Diane Rice (678-594-2044)

Anticipated Vacancies

·  Teachers: ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Special Education

Work Schedule

·  Employee Hours – 7:30AM to 1:30PM


·  State & federal taxes, teacher retirement and social security will be deducted.

·  Certified employees:

-  Determine daily rate of pay for 2011-12 school year (See salary schedule)

-  Divide your daily rate by 8 to determine your hourly rate

-  Multiply your hourly rate times the number of hours worked.

·  Classified employees:

-  Determine daily rate of pay for 2011-012 school year (See salary schedule)

-  Divide your daily rate by 7.5 to determine your hourly rate

-  Multiply your hourly rate times the number of hours worked

Leave & Experience Credit

·  The State of Georgia will not grant credit for Summer School teaching experience for those who are attempting to complete 120 days of teaching experience.

·  Summer School pay is added to the previous year’s salary in calculating yearly salary for the Teacher Retirement System. (Call Teacher Retirement System at 404-352-6500).

·  Leave days accumulated during the regular school year cannot be used to cover absences from Summer School employment. The Summer School employee will have a full day’s pay deducted for each absence.

·  Summer School employees will not earn additional leave days for Summer School employment.

·  The demands of the Summer School program will not allow absences requested for vacation.

Middle School Summer School Program 2012

Student Enrollment & Hiring Timeline

Questions & Answers

1.  How is the number of Middle School Summer School teaching staff determined?

Teaching staff is based on actual student enrollment.

2.  When is student enrollment final?

Typically, student enrollment is final at the end of the last day of post-planning.

3.  Why is the date so late?

Students recommended for Summer School many times, does not occur until the last day of school or even post planning.

4.  How does this impact hiring teachers?

Teachers are hired according to preliminary registration numbers. If more teachers are needed during the first day of Summer School pre-planning (June 1), they will be notified.

5.  How will I know if I have been accepted for a position?

You will receive notification by e-mail or county mail.

6.  What if I am offered employment, attend pre-planning and the first day of classes, and my class (es) are cancelled because of low enrollment?

You will be paid for the two days you worked.

7.  How are Summer School employees selected?

Applicants are selected based on an evaluation of the Summer School Application Form, curriculum needs, actual student enrollment, observation rating, and Principal’s Recommendation.

8.  Will I be called for an interview?

Face to face interviews of all applicants are not feasible because of time constraints, but applicants will be observed for differentiation and efficacy during phase 2 of the applicant process.

9.  If I have had experience in Cobb County School District Summer School, does my chance of employment increase?

Certainly Summer School experience in Cobb County or anywhere is a plus, but site coordinators look at a variety of factors in considering applicants. These factors include:

1)  Course Experience

2)  Principal Recommendation Form

3)  Current District employee

4)  Summer School experience

5)  Observation



Applications are due March 9, 2012

Tentative confirmation of positions will be announced by April 27, 2012.
Final job confirmations will be announced in May.

(Please Print)

Teacher Name

/ School / Certificate Number
You can find it on / Current Position / Years Teaching

Home Phone

/ Cell Phone
Summer School Teaching Information:
·  Site: Campbell Middle School
·  Teachers must attend pre-planning June 1 from 8:30 – 12:30.
·  Classes will run June 4 – June 28, 8:00-10:30 and 10:45-1:15. Teachers’ hours will be 7:30-1:30. (No Friday classes)
·  Teachers will be paid their hourly rates for approximately 100 hours. (4 hours preplanning, 96 hours instruction/planning)
·  Teachers must make a commitment for the entire program. Attendance is critical.
·  Teachers will work 2.5 hours/day/course.
·  Structured lesson plan formats will be followed with identified resources.
·  Teachers will be expected to differentiate based students’ prescribed standards that require remediation.
·  Please indicate the subject area for which you are applying:
____ELA /Reading ____ Math ____ Science ____ Social Studies
Please address the following information regarding your experience, qualifications, and availability.
q  I have previously taught middle school tuition summer school in Cobb County. Note years:______
q  I am currently certified in ____ELA ____ Math ____ Science ____ Social Studies ____Reading
q  I am bilingual: second language______
I am willing to prepare a differentiated lesson for observation before being hired.
q  If I am not hired by May 11, 2012, I will be available if late registration causes the need for more personnel.
q  If I am not hired by May 11, 2012, please remove my name from the applicant list.
Write a brief statement regarding your approach to teaching remedial students:

Your signature below indicates that you are a current and continuing employee of the Cobb County School District.


Teacher Signature / Date Teacher e-mail address

Principal recommendation and verification of application (Continue on back of form if necessary.)
____Yes ____No ____Conditional (explain below) Principal Signature / Date:______

Principal will send completed form to Diane Rice, C I & A by March 9, 2012.

The Cobb County Board of Education is an equal opportunity employer, and does not consider race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, marital or veteran status, disability status, or any other legally-protected status in any employment practice. Disability may only be considered as permitted under the Americans with Disabilities Act, and will not disqualify any qualified individual from employment.


Principal’s Recommendation

Certified Teacher Positions

Middle School Summer School Employment


Teacher Name______SSN______

Present work site______Present Position ______

Beyond the teaching skills needed for success during the regular school year, teaching Summer School calls for intense skills in strategic areas. Based on your knowledge and observation of this teacher, please rate the teacher’s skill level.

1 =Unsatisfactory 3 = Proficient 0 = Not Applicable

2 = Basic 4 = Distinguished

1.  Ability to compact content to meet time frame of Summer School 1 2 3 4 0

2.  Ability to organize and present content in manageable segments 1 2 3 4 0

3.  Ability to adequately assess student performance in segments 1 2 3 4 0

4.  Ability to adapt content appropriate to the students’ abilities 1 2 3 4 0

5.  Ability to organize and present content appropriate to diverse learning styles 1 2 3 4 0

6.  Ability to assess student performance appropriate to diverse student ability

and learning styles 1 2 3 4 0

7.  Ability to engage students of various abilities and motivational levels 1 2 3 4 0

8.  Ability to use various stimulating techniques to present content 1 2 3 4 0

9.  Ability to differentiate 1 2 3 4 0

10.  Ability to transition students appropriately from one activity to another

without loss of instructional time and focus 1 2 3 4 0

11.  Ability to encourage students, lower concern levels, and use language free

of sarcasm and ridicule 1 2 3 4 0

12.  Ability to get students on task quickly and keep them on task 1 2 3 4 0

13.  Ability to create an environment of respect and rapport 1 2 3 4 0

14.  Ability to be responsive and flexible in dealing with student needs 1 2 3 4 0

15.  Ability to inspire students to produce work of high quality and to take

pride in this work 1 2 3 4 0

16.  Ability to establish an appropriate standard of conduct and communicate

expectations to students 1 2 3 4 0

17.  Ability to respond to student misbehavior respectively,

immediately, and appropriately 1 2 3 4 0

18.  Ability to keep accurate records 1 2 3 4 0

19.  Ability to be prompt and have limited attendance issues 1 2 3 4 0

20.  Ability to follow Summer School procedures and meet deadlines

promptly 1 2 3 4 0

Based on your knowledge and observation of this teacher, please rate the teacher’s current performance.

q  In top 10% of faculty

q  Above Average

q  Average

q  Below Average

Do you recommend this teacher? _____Yes _____No

Comment if applicable:______


Teacher Name______


Principal signature



Principal: Please attach this recommendation form to the employee’s application form and mail or fax (678-594-2044) to Diane Rice

What’s New in 2012 for Middle School Summer School?

1.  Students must meet 2 out of 3 common criteria before being recommended for summer school:

a.  Failed 3 out of 4 core subjects

b.  Failed corresponding CRCT in area of recommendation, including re-test.

c.  Failing Benchmark, Checkpoints, Summative assessments

2.  All students must come with a prescription, completed retention plan, which includes necessary data to guide differentiated instruction. Identified deficient strands/standards will be the focus of individualized instruction.

3.  Successful mastery of deficient standards and appropriate attendance (no more than 1 excused absence) in summer school will result in grade promotion.

4.  Location, Dates, Times & Fees: Campbell Middle School June 4 – June 28, 2012. Two sessions per day: 8:00-10:30 and 10:45-1:15. Mon. – Thurs. only. No Friday classes. $225 per subject session.

5.  Registration to be paid in full by cash or money order at the local school before May 30, 2012. Emergency late registration, paid in full, on site May 30- June 1, 2012 8:30-11:30 only.

6.  No outside of Cobb students permitted.

7.  Curriculum and instructional resources will be provided, based on researched best practices and curriculum supervisor recommendation.

8.  Local schools need to provide other options for remediation and grade placement, at no cost, for families that cannot afford to send students to summer school.