School of Pharmacy and Health Professions / CreightonUniversity
Student Corrective Action Plan / Issued:
11/26/07 (reformatted) / Revised:
3/28/12 / Page 1 of 3

Name: Date:


Download the form to your hard drive and fill it in by clicking on the shaded areas. The document will automatically increase lines as needed.

Please answer the following questions concerning your academic performance last semester and your plans for correction. Schedule an appointment to meet with your faculty advisor in the next two weeks to discuss your situation and your plans to improve this semester. Once finalized,this Corrective Action Plan must be signed by your advisor. Your Corrective Action Plan will be shared with the School’s Academic Review and Support Advisory Committee (ARSAC). Students may be invited to appear before this Committee at a later date.

  1. Summarizethe circumstances that caused the academic problems last semester.
  1. Describe your study strategies used last semester. What resources did you take advantage of last semester (i.e. instructor of record, academic success counselors, tutors, study groups, review sessions, etc.)?
  1. Describe any time management challenges you experienced last semester.
  1. Have you had any difficulties with your mood or temperament e.g. anxiety, difficulty concentrating, depression, sleep disturbances? If yes, please describe and indicate their effects on your academic performance and any interventions you have taken or plan to take to address these issues.
  1. Have you had any physical health problems or been affected by the physical health problems of persons close to you? If yes, please describe and indicate their effects on your academic performance and any interventions you have taken or plan to take to address these issues.
  1. Have you had any personal or family relationship issues that have affected your ability to participate in your academic activities? If yes, please describe and indicate their effects on your academic performance and any interventions you have taken or plan to take to address these issues.
  1. Have you had any social relationship issues within the class / with classmates that have affected your ability to participate in your academic activities? If yes, please describe and indicate their effects on your academic performance and any interventions you have taken or plan to take to address these issues.
  1. Have you had any financial issues that have affected your ability to participate in your academic activities (e.g. family support, inability to pay bills, need to work increased hours, etc.)? If yes, please describe and indicate their effects on your academic performance and any interventions you have taken or plan to take to address these issues.
  1. Have you had other outside commitments that have affected your ability to participate in academic activities e.g. student or service organizations, positions of responsibility in community organizations, work responsibilities? If yes, please describe and indicate their effects on your academic performance and any interventions you have taken or plan to take to address these issues.
  1. Are there any other issues (not mentioned above) that contributed to your academic performance?
  1. How often did you meet with your faculty advisor last semester? Please explain the reason for the frequency of meetings.
  1. Considering the information you provided in the answers above, what could you have done differently during last semester?
  1. What have you learned from the experience of earning a probationary event?
  1. List below the actual plan (steps and timeline) you will institute to address the issues described above.

My signature below indicates that I intend to make the changes and institute the Corrective Action Plan indicated above and that I may be required to periodically meet with an Academic Success Counselor or other School personnel to provide an update of my progress.

Student Signature Date

Faculty Advisor Signature Date