Short vowel A w/ word families –at & -ad

Grade: 2

Proficiency Level: 1-2

Objective: SW learn short vowel sound a

SW learn words associated with word family –at

SW learn words associated with word family –ad


NJCCCS: 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4

Key Vocabulary: bat (multiple meaning), cat, fat, gnat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, that, flat, bad, dad, glad, had, lad, mad, pad, sad, tad


Being that the student is familiar with the alphabet, the teacher will introduce the short vowel sound a. The student will be asked to repeat the sound several times. Then, to activate prior knowledge, the teacher will ask the student if he knows any words, or can think of any words, that have that sound in it. If the student is able to mention some, the teacher will create a list on the white board. If not, the teacher will go ahead and write one or two words from the word family –at on the board. Then the teacher will exclaim that words that have the same vowel and consonant ending are rhyming words and that they are a part of the same word family. The words can be changed by replacing the initial consonant at the front of the word. The teacher will give an example, and then ask the student to do the same to try to come up with more words in the word family. The words will be written on the white board. After most of the words in the word family are identified, the student will write them down in his notebook. The teacher and student will say the words several time to hear the rhyming pattern.

The student will then be asked to read a short phonics story that is focused around the word family –at, specifically paying attention to the rhyming words.

Writing Activity:

The student will be asked to write his own phonics story, with the help of the teacher. Prior to writing the story, the student will be asked to pick a topic to write about, and then the teacher can help the student to generate some words that might help with writing the story.


Assessment is on-going and informal. The teacher will see if the student is grasping the concept of word families and rhymes depending upon how the word lists are generated and how easily the student contributes words to the writing activity.