Quick Search

Tool User Functions

Event Management









Tool User Functions

Event Management


This menu option allows you to search quickly for information on a model, event, participant, respondent, or e-mail. Edit capabilities are also available for the displayed information.


The Model Activity Quick Search screen allows you to check on the level of activity for a certain model.

1.Choose the model on which you would like to find information and click the search button. You can select from standard and custom 360 or Time2Change models.

2.Select your company name from the client drop-down box.

3.Select the project.

4. Select search criteria of event name or cutoff date to narrow the search, or click search to see all events in which the chosen project is included.

5.To see the EVENT INFORMATION screen, click on the event name.

6.To see the EVENT STATUS screen, click on “view” under Event Status.


Here is a look at the Event Quick Search screen. Events are filtered by profile; you will only see a list of events for your area of responsibility.

  1. Select your company name from the client drop-down list.

2. Fill in any other field (You must have two criteria to search)

Now you can search for events:

  • To search specific search criteria, including the event name, the cut-off date or range of dates, the project, or the event coordinator and then click on the “Search” button. The list will include only those events that match your criteria.

Once a list appears, you can access a status screen, an edit screen, or an e-mail screen:

  1. Clicking on the word View under the Status column will bring up the Event Status screen (similar to the screen seen in EVENT STATUS, except that it displays information only for the selected event).
  2. Clicking on the word View under the Event Information column will bring up the Event Information screen (seen in ADDEVENT).
  3. Clicking on the word Menu under the Email column will bring up the Manage Email screen (seen in MANAGE EMAIL).
  4. Clicking on the word Order under the Event Report column will bring up the Additional Reports Request screen (see Report Order).


This is the Participant Quick Search screen. Participants are filtered by profile; you will only see a list of participants for your area of responsibility. You have to enter a minimum of 2 criteria to search.

  1. Enter any 2 search criteria.
  2. Search for participants in two ways:
  • You can type in a minimum of 2 characters in the first or last name field
  • You can enter specific search criteria, including the event name, project, participant last or first name, participant e-mail address, login ID, or external ID. Then click on the “Search” button. The list will include only those people that match your criteria.

From here you can access a status screen, an edit screen, and an e-mail screen:

  1. Clicking on the word View under the Status column will bring up the Participant Status screen (seen in EVENTSTATUS).
  2. Clicking on the word View under the Participant Information column will bring up the Participant Information screen (seen in ADD PARTICIPANT).
  3. Clicking on the word Menu under the Email column will bring up the Manage Email screen (seen in MANAGEEMAIL).


This is the Respondent Quick Search screen. Respondents are filtered by profile; you will only see a list of participants for your area of responsibility.

  1. Select your company name from the client drop-down list and a minimum of 1 other field.
  2. Search for respondents:
  • You can enter specific search criteria, including the event name, project, respondent last or first name, respondent email address, respondent login ID, respondent external ID, or participant last or first name. Then click on the “Search” button. The list will include only those people that match your criteria.

From this screen, you can access three more screens: a status screen, an edit screen, or an e-mail screen.

  1. Clicking on the word View under the Status column will bring up the Respondent Status screen (seen in ADD RESPONDENT).
  2. Clicking on the word View under the Respondent Information column will bring up the RespondentInformation screen (seen in ADD RESPONDENT).
  3. Clicking on the word Menu under the Email column will bring up the Manage Email screen (seen in MANAGE EMAIL).

If you did not filter by Participant, you may see a respondent name listed more than once. This simply means that person is rating more than one participant. If necessary, you can click on View under the Respondent Information column to identify the participant you are looking for.


The e-mail log allows you to confirm quickly which e-mails have been sent. You can see where they came from and to whom they went, the type of e-mail, the date and time it was sent, the name of the event, and the sender’s login.

The Email Log Search screen looks like this:

  1. Fill in any 2 fields.
  2. Search for emails:

You can enter specific search criteria, including the event name, questionnaire, the purpose of the email, the e-mail address of the recipient, the date sent, and the sender’s login. Then click on the “Search” button. The list will include only those people that match your criteria.

You will get a list of information about all e-mails that have been sent, including the type of e-mail, when it went out, the login of the sender, etc.

Clicking on the ‘View’ link will bring up the text of the e-mail.


The Upload Status menu option allows you to check on the status of participant or participant/respondent uploads that have been submitted using the menu options on the Upload from File sub-menu under Event Management / Status.

The Upload Status Quick Search screen looks like this:

This link will download a blank template sheet.

  1. Fill in any 2 or more fields. The Client field is required.
  2. Search for uploads:
  • You can enter specific search criteria, including the upload ID, project name, event name, or the date range of the submitted uploads. Then click the “Search” button. You will get a display of information about all uploads that match your selection criteria.
  1. Click the Upload Details ‘View’ link to display a screen with detail by participant/respondent for the selected upload.
  1. On the Upload Details page, when you click the ‘Successful’ Status link, a message “This record has been successfully added/updated” is displayed. For those participants who load successfully, clicking the Participant Name link displays the Edit Participant page.
    When you click the ‘Failed’ Status link, a message “This record has failed error checking” is displayed.
    For any participants or respondents that show a ‘Failed’ status, click the ‘View’ link in the Error Description column to display more detailed information about the error(s).