Charfield BIG Sing 2
October 20 and November 3,
10am to 12 noon in the Primary School main hall.
Conductor – Dr Steven Kings (by popular demand)
Accompanist – Dr James Corbett (by equally popular demand)
Verdi – Nabucco – Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves
In English; gert lush tune, mainly sung in unison, but with a bit of harmony to challenge us… you’ll know it when you hear it
Rodgers – Carousel – You’ll Never Walk Alone
Not quite the Liverpool Kop’s version; spine-tingling if we sing it properly.
If there’s time, we can dust off the Hallelujah Chorus Karaoke for the fun of it
Both the new pieces will be very familiar to you, but still offer a challenge as they aren’t quite what you might expect. There are also a lot of dynamics in them, so there will be plenty to concentrate on and get our tonsils round.
As this is our second Big Sing and Dr K covered all the basics last time, this time he will have us singing the pieces in both sessions, and will revise technique (and no doubt introduce some more) as he goes.
As we need to be independent of our friends at Thornbury Choral Society and CHADRA in future, this time round I need to formalise the admin. The idea is not only to cover costs but to gain a little seed money so that we can continue with further Big Sings without the umbrella of TCS and CHADRA. (To be crystal clear, any money surplus to expenses will be ploughed back into the next Sing – the Sing is run by volunteers. Only the two professionals are paid.) (Is there an event insurance expert in the village? I could do with some advice!)
So for the Big Sing 2, there will be a participation fee of £6 for adults (ie £3 a session, to include your coffee and biscuits) and £2 for youngsters still at school (who must be accompanied by a parent/guardian). Cheap as chips.
You MUST register and pay the fee in order to secure your place. We had quite a few no-shows last time, so this time I must insist on pre-payment. It would be unfair for people to take slots and then not show up, both because they would deny someone else the chance to join in, and also mess up the budget!
Those who attended last time have until 15 September to register. Thereafter, all are welcome to register. If you wish to go on a waiting list before 15 September, then drop me an email and I’ll come back to you in due course.
When you have secured your place, the scores will be emailed to you for you to print. If you need help, just ask. Please use the slip provided to secure your place.
Any questions, ring me on 01454 260877, or email me on
It can’t possibly be more fun than last time, can it?
Julia O’Connor-Beach
An Outreach Project of Thornbury Choral Society
Supported by CHADRA and CharfieldPrimary School
Organiser – Julia O’Connor-Beach
Open to those who attended the first Big Sing until 15 September.
Open to all after 15 September.
Please deliver to 86 Manor Lane, and have your cash payment receipted.
Contact NamePhone
Charfield Street and House Nr.
Name(s) of singers
and voice section if known (SATB)
and age if at school
Total registration due
£6 for adults
£2 for school children / £
NB: In case of withdrawal from the event, the registration fee will be refundable only if the singer’s place can be resold.
To be completed by organiser
Detach and keep as receiptReceived from
The sum of / £
Date / Signed
For Charfield Big Sing 2