Academic Goal Definitions

Goal / Broad statement as an Academic Goal
Academic Goal- Focused on a content area(s)
Students will… (Academic Goal)
Measureable Objective / S.M.A.R.T.
Measureable Objective for an Academic Goal
What will happen, with whom, by when, as measured by what
Students will…
Program, or Initiative / Strategy for an Academic Goal
What teachers do in the classroom with the students in the presents of content
Teachers will… Math teachers will… Literacy Coaches will…
(Types of Activities) / What needs to be done so that staff or teams
  • Are ready to implement the strategy
  • Have a plan for implementation the strategy
  • Have a plan to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the strategy and the impact on student achievement

Getting Ready to Implement / QUESTIONS 1-3:
  1. How will you ensure readiness for implementation?
  2. How will you ensure that participants have the knowledge and skills to implement the strategy?
  3. How will you ensure that teachers and leaders have the opportunity to implement?
-Professional development around strategy for staff and leadership
-Purchase materials
-Planning for implementation – Identify schedule for strategy use, personnel, mechanism for monitoring, rollout, etc.
-Communication vehicles
Monitor the Fidelity of Implementation / QUESTION 4:
  1. How will you ensure the strategy will be implemented as intended?
-Communication – to whom? How?
-Support structures been identified and put in place – professional supports
-Barriers for implementation have been removed, i.e., policy revisions? Process changes?
-Instructional technology*
-Activities to support at-risk students (For Title One students)* are delineated
-Parent Involvement has been planned
Evaluate / QUESTION 5:
  1. How will you ensure the strategy has a positive impact on student achievement (staff, and the school)?
Conclusions: How will you ensure that the date collected on adult implementation and student achievement will be used to make informed decisions about the design and/or continuation of the strategy, program or initiative? / POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES
-Instructional Rounds
-PLC, grade-level, department, SIT meetings
-Documentation or implementation is occurring
-Documentation of impact of strategy is occurring
-Demonstration classrooms
-Gathering and analysis of achievement data and process data
-Schedule for monitoring/evaluating has been developed and process identified

Facilitators of School Improvement

School Improvement Plan Components due 09.01.16

Created by Beth Brophy, School Support Team Coordinator, June 12, 2013. Some adjustments made by Jan Callis, Aug. 2013.

School Improvement PLAN Components for Submission, Due 09.01.16

# of SIP Components for Submission
/ Goas: Revisit, Review and Revise
/ One: School Executive Summary Diagnostic

Two: Improvement Plan Stakeholder Involvement Diagnostic
/ Three: School Data Analysis Diagnostic
/ Four: Additional Requirements Diagnostic

Five: Goal Development
/ Six: Title I Targeted Assistance or School-wide Diagnostics
/ Create Plan

Created by Beth Brophy, School Support Team Coordinator, June 12, 2013. Some adjustments made by Jan Callis, Aug. 2013.