Counter Balance: Store Assessment Survey Results

Richmond City Health District, June 2014

Survey Overview:

·  A total of 28 surveys were collected across 3 Richmond City Council Districts.

o  District 3: 9 surveys

o  District 5: 12 surveys

o  District 9: 7 surveys

·  Convenience stores, gas and convenience stores, drug stores/pharmacies and grocery stores were evaluated to assess tobacco marketing practices.

o  Convenience stores: 2 surveys

o  Gas and convenience stores: 17 surveys

o  Drug stores/pharmacies: 4 surveys

o  Grocery stores: 5 surveys

·  60% of the surveyed locations were within 1 mile of a school, park or playground.

Overall Findings:

·  Outside of the store:

o  60% of the stores surveyed had tobacco signs/ads visible from outside. 21% had 1-3 ads visible, 25% had 4-6 ads visible, and 14% had 7 or more tobacco ads visible.

o  None of the locations had neon/light up signs advertising tobacco outside.

o  36% of the stores had tobacco ads with "SPECIAL" or "DISCOUNT PRICE" displayed outside and 39% had tobacco ads on the door to enter the store.

o  One store surveyed had tobacco branded products (ex. Doormats) outside the store entrance.

o  The stores that had the lowest average outdoor marketing score on the survey (most tobacco marketing practices) were in district 9.

·  Inside of the store:

o  89% of the stores had tobacco signs/ads visible from somewhere inside the store. 14% had tobacco ads all over the store, 25% had ads at the register and behind the counter, and 50% of the stores had tobacco ads only behind the counter.

o  14% of the stores had tobacco ads lower than 4 feet where small children could see.

o  25% of the stores had tobacco ads with "special" or "discount price" displayed inside.

o  71% of the stores had at least one tobacco product display, and 39% had 3 or more product displays.

o  None of the locations had neon/light up signs advertising tobacco inside.

o  The stores that had the lowest average indoor marketing score on the survey (most tobacco marketing practices) were in district 9.

·  Tobacco Placement and Purchase:

o  82% of the stores did not have a separate register or check-out lane for purchasing tobacco products. However, 89% of the stores did have signs stating that minors under 18 are not allowed to purchase tobacco products.

o  25% of the stores had tobacco products placed within 2 feet of candy/gum/toys and 11% had tobacco products displayed lower than 4 feet.

o  The stores in city council districts 5 and 9 had much lower average tobacco placement and purchase marketing scores on the survey (more tobacco marketing practices) compared to district 3.

District 3 Summary:

o  All of the surveyed locations were within 1 mile of a school, park or playground.

o  55% of the stores had tobacco ads visible from outside of the store and 33% had 4-6 ads visible.22% of the stores had 2 or more tobacco signs/ads on the front door.

o  77% of the stores had tobacco signs/ads visible inside the store, but 44% had ads only behind the counter.

o  None of the stores had tobacco ads inside that were lower than 4 feet, and none of the stores had ads with "special" or "discount price" either indoors or outside.

o  100% of the stores had tobacco product displays inside, with 66% of the stores having 3 or more product displays.

o  11% of the stores had a separate register/check-out lane for tobacco purchases.

o  11% of the stores had signs stating that minors are not allowed to purchase tobacco.

o  11% of the stores had tobacco products within 2 feet of candy/gum/toys, but none of the stores had tobacco products displayed lower than 4 feet inside.

o  SURVEY SCORES: average outdoor score = 17, average indoor score = 17.55, average promotional score = 11.77.

District 5 Summary:

o  42% of the surveyed locations were within 1 mile of a school, park or playground.

o  58% of the stores had tobacco ads visible from outside of the store and 8% had 7 or more ads visible. 17% of the stores had tobacco signs/ads on the front door.

o  41% of the stores had ads with "special” or "discount" outside and 25% of the stores had the discount ads inside.

o  92% of the stores had tobacco signs/ads visible inside the store, with 16% of the stores having ads all over the store; however, 66% of the stores had ads only behind the counter.

o  8% of the stores had tobacco ads inside that were lower than 4 feet, at eye level for young children.

o  41% of the stores had tobacco product displays inside, with 25% of the stores having 2 or more product displays.

o  17% of the stores had a separate register/check-out lane for tobacco purchases.

o  All the stores had signs stating that minors are not allowed to purchase tobacco products.

o  25% of the stores had tobacco products within 2 feet of candy/gum/toys and 8% of the stores had tobacco products displayed lower than 4 feet inside.

o  SURVEY SCORES: average outdoor score = 17.25, average indoor score = 19.75, average promotional score = 5.66.

District 9 Summary:

o  43% of the surveyed locations were within 1 mile of a school, park or playground.

o  86% of the stores had tobacco ads visible from outside of the store and 43% had 7 or more ads visible from outside.

o  71% of the stores had ads with "SPECIAL" or "DISCOUNT PRICE" both outside and inside the store. 57% of the stores had tobacco signs/ads on the front door.

o  100% of the stores had tobacco signs/ads visible inside the store, with 29% of the stores having ads all over the store.

o  43% of the stores had tobacco ads inside that were lower than 4 feet at eye level for young children.

o  86% of the stores had tobacco product displays inside, with 43% of the stores having 3 or more product displays.

o  29% of the stores had a separate register/check-out lane for tobacco purchases.

o  29% of the stores did not have signs stating that minors are not allowed to purchase tobacco products.

o  43% of the stores had tobacco products within 2 feet of candy/gum/toys and 29% of the stores had tobacco products displayed lower than 4 feet inside.

o  SURVEY SCORES: average outdoor score = 12.14, average indoor score = 16, average promotional score = 4.57.


o  Implementing 100% tobacco free school policies in Richmond City will help reduce children's observation of tobacco use and take a firm stand against it.

o  Restricting point-of-sale advertising and price-based promotions at stores within a mile of schools, parks, and playgrounds will help prevent youth from moving along the uptake continuum toward regular smoking.

o  Increasing the tobacco tax is one of the most effective ways to reduce smoking and other tobacco use, especially among kids. Every 10 percent increase in cigarette prices reduces youth smoking by about seven percent and total cigarette consumption by about four percent.