El Camino College Spring 2008

Physiology 31: Human Physiology

Instructor Information

Instructor: J.A.Padilla

E Mail Address:

Voice Mail: (310) 660- 3359

Office Location: NATS 108

Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 11:50am -12:20pm

Tuesday & Thursday 12:20 – 1:00pm

Instructor Webpage:

Course Description

Prerequisite: Anatomy 30 or 32 and Chemistry 20, 21A, or 4 with a minimum grade of C.

This is a 4 unit course transferable to CSU and UC schools. Lecture and lab will cover physiology principles of the following systems: nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, digestive, endocrine, urinary, reproductive, and immune. Pathology and concepts of cellular and molecular biology are also introduced. This course is primarily designed for students majoring in the Health Sciences.

Course Objectives

At the completion of the course students should:

1) Understand the relationship between anatomical structure and normal physiological function

2) Be able to explain the physiological processes as they occur in all systems studied.

3) Understand how reactions at a cellular and chemical level affect system level physiology

4) Be able to relate lab experimental concepts to normal physiological function

5) Be able to predict the effect on other physiological functions when one system’s physiology fails.

6) Have a solid foundation in preparations for a health profession

Course Requirements

Textbook: Human Physiology An Intergrated Approach 4thEd by DeeUnglaubSilverthorn

bundled with: Interactive Physiology CD-ROM

Custom Website access code (online)

AW Tutor Center (online)

The Physiology Place (online)

Lab Manual:Human Anatomy and Physiology 9th edition by Marieb

BIOPAC student kit(may share with lab group- purchase after week 3)

For Exams please purchase:

#2 pencils

whiteout pens

6scantrons for lecture exams (# 884-E )

8 scantrons for quizzes and lab tests (100 answers # 882-E)

Other Materials:

3-ring binder for lecture note handouts

Flash cards and metal rings to secure cards

Colored pencils or pens

Two- Light weight folders with pocket and 3 prongs for submitting lab reports- see class

sample. Lab reports will not be accepted if not submitted in the right type of folder.

Grading Policy (Grades will be determined on a straight scale).

Lecture exams 7 @ 120-150 points = 840-1050 points

Lab exams 4 @ 100 points = 400 points

Quizzes1 @ 30 points = 30 points

SLO worksheets 2 @ 10 points = 20 points

Lab preps1 @ 100 points = 100 points

Reference Notebook 1 @ 100 points = 100 points

A minimum of 1490and a maximum of 1700 total points

Grading Scale for Semester

Letter Grade Percent

A 100 - 90%

B 89 - 80%

C 79 - 70%

D 69 - 60%

F 58 - 0%

All assignments and your class grade will be based on the scale above.

THERE IS NO EXTRA CREDIT FOR THIS COURSE!!!!!! (Please don’t beg for any extra credit)

Total number of points may change depending on overall test/assignment results.

Exams, Quiz, and Assignment Policy

You are required to attend all exams. 1 Missed exam may be made-up before graded exams have been returned (usually by the next meeting). MAKE SURE TO CONTACT ME IF YOU MISSATEST TO TELL ME WHY YOU ARE NOT THERE AND TO SET UP A MAKE UP TIME.

If you know ahead of time that you will miss class on an exam day, you can arrange to take a test early without penalty.

You may drop one lecture test as long as the test IS NOT LOWER THAN 55%.

10% per school day of total earned grade will be deducted from assignments turned in late.

THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP QUIZZES: if you are absent on a quiz day your score will be zero. Quizzes may be given either before or after lecture. If you arrive while a quiz is being administered you may take the quiz but will not have additional time.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is taken on a daily basis- please stay in assigned seats. After four absences you will be warned that at your fifth absence you will be dropped from the class. Three tardies equals one absence. Time missed from class due to tardiness or leaving early will count toward absence time. Friends, relatives, children, or other acquaintances may not attend class. It is your responsibility to drop the class if you decide to stop coming. It is not the instructor’s responsibility to drop you from the class. If you stop attending class and do not drop yourself or instructor does not drop you and your name appears on the grade sheet at the end of the semester, you will earn an F in the class. To drop the class, obtain a laboratory clearance slip from the lab technician and take it to the registration office.