Masterfile Creation Form for Certificate of Deposit

(Kindly ensure that all columns are properly filled. Write “N.A.” wherever not applicable).

Full name of the Issuer:

Corporate Identity Number (CIN) : ______

Whether company has already signed agreement with NSDL for any other instrument?

YES/NO (Tick the relevant option)

(Information sought in Section A to be provided for the first issue of Certificate of Deposit of the Issuer through NSDL. For the subsequent issues, if there is no change in the information sought in Section A, please proceed directly to Section B)

Section A

Address of the Regd. Office including telephone, fax nos. and email addresses:

City / PIN
State / Country
Phone – 1 / Phone – 2
Fax / Mobile
Email ID (s)

In case the place of supply of services by NSDL to Issuer as per requirements of GST is not the registered office address, specify the alternative address to be recorded for place of supply of services by NSDL to Issuer:

City / PIN
State / Country
Phone – 1 / Phone – 2
Fax / Mobile
Email ID (s)
Permanent Account Number (PAN)
Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN)
Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN) #
State code for GST

# Kindly attach self-attested copy of GST Registration certificate/ARN Acknowledgment for verification purpose.

Type of Issuer:

Legal Form / Tick () the relevant code
Financial Institution
Contact persons of the Issuer:
Compliance Officer
Designation & Department
Tel. & Fax nos.: / Tel: Fax:
Email address:

Address of the registry operations where the physical securities for dematerialisation are to be delivered by the Depository Participants (DPs) :

Name of Organisation
Name of contact person
Designation & Department
Tel. Nos.:
Fax Nos.:
Email addresses:

Section B

1)Security Details

Description of the Security
Issue Date
Redemption Date
Face Value per Security (Rs.) / Rs.1,00,000/-
Issue Price
Tenure of the security (in days) / Days
Total Issue Size (in Rs. Crores)

Credit Rating for the Issue (if any): ______

Credit Rating Agency: ______

Date of Credit Rating : ______

2)Kindly indicate (Yes) for Type of interest and Guarantee or ranking relevant row(s). Only one option can be selected from the given options in each group.

A) / Type of interest / Indicate
i) / Fixed rate (all interest payments are known at issuance and remain constant for the life of the issue) / N.A
ii) / Zero rate/discounted [no periodical interest payments are made; the interest charge (discount) is the difference between maturity value and proceeds at time of acquisition] / Yes
iii) / Variable (the interest rate is subject to adjustment trough the life of the issue; includes graduated, i.e. step-up/step-down, floating and indexed interest rates) / N.A.
iv) / Payment in kind (pays interest using other assets instead of cash) / N.A.
B) / Guarantee or ranking (indicates, in the case of the issuers inability to settle, whether the debt issues is additionally secured) / Indicate
Guideline: The values Senior, Senior subordinated, Junior and Junior subordinated may only be used for unsecured securities. Negative may only be used for unsecured securities that are neither senior nor junior. Unsecured may be used only if one of these codes does not apply to the relevant security.
i) / Government guarantee [the debt instrument is guaranteed by a federal, state, (semi)- government, sovereigns, agencies] / N.A
ii) / Joint guarantee [the debt instrument is guaranteed by an entity(e.g. corporation) other than the issuer; not a federal or state government] / N.A
iii) / Secured (debt issue against which specific assets are pledged to ensure the obligation, e.g. mortgage or receivables) / N.A
iv) / Unsecured/unguaranteed (the direct obligation of the issuer rest solely on its general credit) / Yes
v) / Negative pledge (the borrower agrees not to pledge any assets if such pledging would results in less security for the agreement’s bondholders) / N.A
vi) / Senior (applies to senior debts that are placed before senior subordinated, junior and junior subordinated in the ranking in the event of liquidation) / N.A
vii) / Senior subordinated (applies to senior subordinated debts that are placed before junior and junior subordinated in the ranking in the event of liquidation) / N.A
viii) / Junior (applies to junior debts that are placed before junior subordinated in the ranking in the event of liquidation) / N.A
ix) / Junior subordinated (applies to junior subordinated debts in the ranking in the event of liquidation) / N.A
x) / Supranational (organization defined as being beyond the scope or borders of any one nation such as two or more central banks or two or more central governments. Examples of supranational includes the United Nations, the European Union, the European Investment Bank and the World Bank.) / N.A

Redemption Account Details:

DP Name
CD Redemption Account No.

Place from where Redemption Proceeds to be Issued :

Name of Organisation
Name of contact person
Designation & Department
Tel. Nos.:
Fax Nos.:
Email addresses:

Connectivity details (Tick () the relevant boxes below):

Connectivity obtained through / Registrar In-house
Name of Registrar (if not In-house)
Service obtained (if not in-house)
Only Electronic connectivity:
Complete share registry:

Stock Exchange details (Please start with the Primary Stock Exchange):

Name of Stock Exchange / Listed () / Permitted to trade () / Stock Exchange Security code (if any)

We hereby certify that:

1)All policy guidelines of Reserve Bank of India and, procedural and operational guidelines of Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) for the issue of Certificate of Deposit have been complied with.

2)We understand that Certificate of Deposit(s) having the same maturity date will be allotted a single ISIN irrespective of the date of allotment.

3)The information provided above is correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.


Date: Name:

Stamp of the Issuer: Designation: