Request for Proposals
Innovative Technological Solutions
ISSUE DATE JULY 9, 2015, 1:00 P.M., CDT
Ross Towers, 500 N. Akard Street, Suite 3030, Dallas, Texas 75201, 214-290-1000,
Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxilliary aids are available upon request, for persons with disabilities. TTY:214-745-1054
Introduction 3
Workforce System Principals 4
Part 1.0 General Information 4
1.1 Purpose of Request for Proposal 4
1.2 Services/Products Solicited in this RFP 4
1.3 Activities and Services NOT Solicited 5
1.4 RFP Schedule of Events 5-6
Part 2.0 RFP Components 6
2.1 Administration of this RFP 6
A. Issuance 6
B. Response Deadline 6
2.2 Bidders’ Conference 7
2.3 Contract Awards 7
2.4 Eligible Bidders 7
2.5 Selection Process 8
2.6 Evaluation Criteria 9
2.7 Proposal Preparation……………………………………………………………………………………………..10
Part 9.0 Attachments
Attachment A Proposal Cover Sheet
Attachment B Proposal Narrative
Attachment C Budget
Attachment D Budget Back-up Sheet
Attachment E References
Attachment F Administrative Management Survey
Attachment G Fiscal Management Systems Survey
Attachment H Certification of Bidder
Attachment I Certification Regarding Debarment
Attachment J Certification Regarding Drug-Free Workplace
Attachment K Certification Regarding Lobbying
Attachment L Certification Regarding Conflict of Interest
Attachment M Texas Corporate Franchise Tax Certification
The workforce system in Dallas County is governed and managed by the Dallas County Local Workforce Development Board, Inc. d.b.a. Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas, acting on behalf of the county’s citizens and employers. The Dallas County Local Workforce Development Board is a 501(c) (3) a not for profit corporation in the State of Texas. Board Directors represent a partnership of private employers, organized labor, non-profit organizations and public entities. The Board administers and acts as fiscal agent for programs consolidated at the local level and is responsible and accountable for the management of all workforce development funds made available to the local workforce development area. The Board is also responsible for administering job seeker and employer services funded through the following programs, but not limited to, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Choices), Employment Services (ES), Rapid Response, Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), and Child Care Services (CCS). Grants are received from the Texas Workforce Commission and may include state funds, and federal funds from the U. S. Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Agriculture. Please see the Board’s website for additional information on the workforce programs and locations of the local workforce centers within Dallas County (
Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas exists to ensure competitive solutions
for EMPLOYERS through quality people and for PEOPLE through quality jobs.
Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas is recognized locally and nationally as a best in class workforce system that:
Workforce System Principles
§ Universality means access of all population groups to a broad array of services and information from a comprehensive assortment of education, employment, and training programs. The Greater Dallas Workforce System operates on the belief that true competitive advantage lies in the ability of people to think, to identify and analyze problems, and to work cooperatively to solve them.
§ Customer choice empowers, enhances, and determines customer satisfaction. Adequate information and resources exist to provide every customer, both job seeker and employer, with up-to-date information that is easy to access and meaningful. Customer choice is a shared responsibility and requires the system to inform every customer of the options and advantages to services.
§ Integration of systems, resources, and services is an ultimate principle that goes beyond co-location and technological access to provide a seamless, workforce solution to all potential customers, job seekers, and employers.
§ Performance driven/outcome based measures are the criteria by which successful providers are managed. The Board seeks providers who are capable of designing a seamless service delivery system that maximizes performance driven outcomes for all job seekers and employers served, while creating a successful workforce system.
Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas (WFSDallas) assists local employers by offering a skilled workforce and assists job seekers in finding well-paying high growth jobs in key industries such as infrastructure, healthcare, advanced manufacturing, education, aerospace, logistics and technology. Our goal is to create a customer-centric service delivery system that values the customer experience and improves their outcomes. We are seeking innovative solutions to expand the range of workforce technological products and services that provide seamless workforce services to all potential customers, job seekers and employers. This RFP solicitation is conducted to comply with federal procurement procedures.
WFSDallas is seeking an individual or organization to provide innovative technological solutions to extend and enhance job seeker services delivered within the workforce centers and available online. Bids should include assistance in integrating solutions into WFSDallas’ existing workforce system. WFSDallas’ objective is to enrich services with tools that will enhance e-learning and job search strategies through solutions that promote efficiencies in the Dallas workforce system. WFSDallas reserves the right to share licenses with partners, grantors and contractors in order to ensure a continuous and consistent customer-centric service delivery system. Solutions and products being solicited may include, but are not limited to:
· Skills certifications
· Computer literacy and keyboarding
· Short term programming certifications
· Support for educational attainment
· Instruction to complete high school equivalency
· English language acquisition
· Assessments, career exploration, labor market information and job search
· Individualized/accessible online portfolios
· Essential workplace skills; and/or
· Other technological solutions that enhance job search preparation.
WFSDallas is seeking solutions that will not only assist job seekers in gaining the skills they need to find quality employment but will facilitate improved access to services and increase efficiency. Our customers represent the universal job-seeking public including current workers, underemployed workers, dislocated workers (professionals, executive, degreed and credentialed), recently displaced workers (skilled and minimally skilled), veterans, low skilled, at-risk public assistance recipients, older disconnected youth, homeless individuals and individuals with disabilities. All bids must address full accessibility to our customer population regardless of barrier or ability.
1.3 Activities and Services NOT SOLICITED
The following functions, activities, and services are not solicited in this Request for Proposals (RFP):
· Planning, general administration, monitoring and oversight of programs and contractors; these are retained by the Board.
· Management and operation of workforce services- these are currently provided by Arbor Education and Training dba ResCare Workforce Services.
· Management and operation of youth services – these are currently provided by Arbor Education and Training dba ResCare Workforce Services, Richland College – Dallas County Community College District and Gulf Coast Trades Center.
· Vendors of pre-vocational and/or occupational training programs will provide training on an individual referral basis. Such training is solicited via separate procurement processes.
· Adequate facilities are in place to house existing workforce system operations which include eight (8) workforce centers. Please see our website for detailed information on center locations:
· Direct services to employers.
· Job banks/Job matching system (such as or data management systems (such as TWIST).
The following schedule is subject to revisions at the discretion of the Board. All requestors of this RFP will be notified of any changes.
Date / ActivityTuesday, July 7, 2015 / Notice published in Dallas Morning News
Thursday, July 9, 2015, 1:00 p.m. CDT / Issuance of RFP
Monday, July 20, 2015, 8:00 a.m. CDT / Deadline for Bidders’ Questions
Tuesday, July 21, 2015, 1:00 p.m. CDT / Bidders’ Conference Call – 1-866-244-8528
Passcode: 441339
Wednesday, July 22, 2015, COB / Questions/Answers posted on
Thursday, August 6, 2015 5:00 p.m. CDT / Deadline for Proposals
Friday, August 7, 2015 / Begin Evaluation of Proposals
August 10-17, 2015 / Interviews and Demonstrations will be scheduled as needed.
Wednesday, August 19, 2015 / Board Action for Consideration
Tuesday, September 1, 2015 / Anticipated Contract Start Pending Successful Negotiations
A. Issuance
The RFP issued at 1:00 p.m. CDT, Thursday, July 9, 2015 and available for download from the Board’s website: If you are unable to download the RFP, please contact: or (214) 290-1000.
B. Response Deadline
The package contains all the necessary information and forms to respond to this Request for Proposals (RFP). Proposal must include an original and seven (7) exact copies. This proposal must be officially received by the Board staff at Ross Tower, 500 N. Akard Street, Suite 3030 by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 6, 2015. Proposals may be hand delivered or submitted by mail. Telercopier, fax, or e-mail transmission is not acceptable. If hand delivering or submitting bid by mail, please address/externally labeled as follows:
Innovative Technological Solutions
Attn: Procurement
Dallas County Local Workforce Development Board, Inc.
Ross Tower, 500 N. Akard Street, Suite 3030
Dallas, Texas 75201
Dated Material: Proposals are due August 6, 2015 by 5:00 p.m., C.D.T. The Board is not responsible for any errors of omission or otherwise on the part of the U.S. Postal Service or other carrier regarding proof of mailing.
All interested respondents are encouraged to participate in the Bidders’ Conference Call that will be held on July 21, 2015 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. CDT by dialing (1-866-244-8528) code 441339. Prior to the conference call, questions may be faxed: (214) 745-1110 or emailed to by July 20, 2015, 8:00 a.m. C.D.T. Questions may be posed during the call, as well. All questions and responses will be posted on July 22nd at: This conference offers potential bidders the opportunity to obtain guidance on the scope and nature of the work required in the RFP or to ask other technical questions concerning this solicitation.
NOTE: All Board Directors, officers, and staff are precluded from entertaining questions concerning a proposal or the procurement process outside the confines of the Bidders’ Conference. Potential bidders are asked to respect these conditions by not making personal requests for assistance, except at the Bidder’s Conference.
A. Contract Type
Contract, agreements or purchases executed as a result of this RFP process will be fee for service, product pricing unless a different type of method is determined by the Board to be more advantageous. Providers can request a cost reimbursement contract. All contracts, agreements or purchases shall be contingent upon the receipt of sufficient funding from the Texas Workforce Commission. Negotiated contract/agreement for services and/or products will be contingent upon funding actually received. Final contracts/agreements will also be subject to any changes in the legislation, regulations, or policies promulgated by the funding sources. The Board reserves the right to vary or change the terms of any contract/agreement executed as a result of this RFP, including funding levels, the scope of work, and shortening or extending the contract/agreement period, as it deems necessary in the interest of the Board and its programs, pending availability of funds.
B. Contract/Agreement/Purchase Period
Contracts, agreements or purchases may commence as early as August 20, 2015 depending on negotiations, and may continue through September 30, 2017. The Board retains the option to extend any such provider contract/agreement, contingent on availability of funding and satisfactory performance in accordance with funding sources and Board requirements for up to two additional years.
C. Method of Procurement
The products and/or services solicited under this RFP shall be procured under the competitive procurement method of procurement, via the process as described in the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Financial Manual for Grants and Contracts (FMGC), and Board policy. The Board’s intention is to negotiate a cost reimbursement contract with the successful bidders.
Any vendors with the capability to provide items as described within this RFP with a record of integrity and good business ethics (i.e., not debarred from doing business with state, federal or local government) are invited to respond. Selection of a vendor or vendors will be via the competitive negotiation method of procurement process (described in the TWC Financial Manual for Grants and Contracts) based on the price and the ability to accommodate the needs of the WFSDallas.
Selection of a vendor or vendors will be in accordance with the principles stated in the Board’s plan and State plans, as well as other applicable laws, regulations and policy issuances from Federal, State, and Local entities.
1. We will make an effort to utilize small, minority and female-owned or operated businesses, as vendors, and to allow such organizations maximum feasible opportunity to compete for award.
2. We will award contract/purchase agreement(s) only to "Responsible Bidder", i. e. a Bidder/Vendor who has demonstrated competence to deliver the specified goods and services, a proven record of business integrity and ethics, and the ability to meet the requirements of this Request.
3. The Board reserves the right to contact any individual or agency listed in the Bid, or to contact others who may have knowledge of the bidder's relevant services/products or qualifications.
4. A response to this request does not commit the Board to award a purchase agreement or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response, nor to pay for any other costs incurred prior to the execution of a formal purchase agreement unless such costs are specifically authorized in writing by the Board.
5. The Board reserves the right to accept, or reject any or all Bids received, or to cancel in part or its entirety this Request for Proposals.
6. No contract/purchase agreement may be awarded until the bidder has complied with Executive Order
12549, 29CFR, Part 98 by submitting to the Board a signed Certification of Debarment, which states that neither the vendor, nor any of its principals, are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in a procurement by any Federal department or agency.