Study Questions for the movie Dante’s Peak

1) The movie begins with an explosion followed by an ash fall and volcanic bombs. The bombs glow on one side and leave a sparkly trail as they pass at very high velocity with a swooshing sound.

A)Is this (volcanic explosion, ash fall, volcanic bombs) a likely association? Support your answer.

B)Describe the manner in which volcanic bombs are likely to appear and sound.

2) The geologist takes pH (acidity) readings from a mountain lake, where he finds dead squirrels and trees. He deduces that the cause is a high emission of CO2 gas. Is this likely? Support your answer.

3) The geologist picks up a rock, looks at it with a magnifying lens and deduces that the last eruption occurred about 7,000 years ago. He has previously stated that the odds of an eruption are 10,000:1, as the volcano is dormant. Are these likely conclusions given the geologic setting of Dante’s Peak? Support your answer.

4) There is an argument as to whether seismic activity beneath the volcano is tectonic or magmatic in origin. Is it possible to distinguish between the two? Support your answer.

5) Each of the following situations appears in the movie and is used as evidence that an eruption either is or is not likely to occur. Write the word “eruption” under those that are signs that the mountain is likely to erupt, “no eruption” under those that suggest there will be no eruption, “neither” under those that have no bearing either way, and “silly” under those that are ridiculous.

A) Intense flames emitting from a hot spring

B) Seismic activity at 20 km depth

C) Boiling pools of water

D) Lack of SO2 readings above fumeroles

E) Lack of readings on a tiltometer

F) Highly acidic town water supply with a strong odor and orange color from SO2 emissions

6) Which of the following fit with the type of eruption one would expect in the Cascade Mountain Range? Write “fit” or “doesn’t fit” under each.

A) Prolonged, intense earthquake (selectively taking place depending upon the scene and who’s in it)

B) Fireballs shooting skyward from the surface

C) Town-engulfing ash cloud

D) Large boulders rolling down hill

E) Basaltic lava fountain

F) Pahoehoe lava flow

G) Aa laval flow

H) Lake acidity increasing to the point of dissolving an aluminum boat bottom

I) Lahars pouring down stream channels

J) Pyroclastic flow (with missiles shooting from the front)

7) What issues do you have with the following dramatic events?

A) Truck driving with engine submerged

B) Vehicles driving through lahars

C) Truck driving across hot aa flow

D) Dog patiently waiting on a small “island” in the middle of an aa flow

E) Grandma pushing a dissolving boat through acidic water