School Improvement Detailed Plan
School Name / PrincipalWestlake High School / Grant Rivera
Improvement Objectives
Objective No. 1Increase student performance in Math – CCGPS Algebra and CCGPS Geometry (EOCT)
Measure / Percent of students meeting or exceeding the standards in CCGPS Algebra EOCT – All Students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
NA / NA / 50% / 60% / 70% / 80%
Measure / Percent of students meeting or exceeding the standards in CCGPS Algebra EOCT – Students with Disabilities
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
NA / NA / 0% / 30% / 45% / 60%
Measure / Percent of students meeting or exceeding the standards in CCGPS Geometry EOCT – All Students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
NA / NA / 44% / 54% / 64% / 74%
Measure / Percent of students meeting or exceeding the standards in CCGPS Geometry EOCT – Students with Disabilities
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
NA / NA / 4% / 35% / 45% / 60%
Objective No. 2
Increase student performance in Science – Biology and Physical Science EOCT
Measure / Percent of students meeting or exceeding the standards in Biology EOCT – All Students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
49% / 55% / 68% / 78% / 83% / 88%
Measure / Percent of students meeting or exceeding the standards in Biology EOCT – Students with Disabilities
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
21% / 6% / 22% / 32% / 47% / 62%
Measure / Percent of students meeting or exceeding the standards Physical Science EOCT – All Students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
47% / 61% / 68% / 78% / 83% / 88%
Measure / Percent of students meeting or exceeding the standards in Physical Science EOCT – Students with Disabilities
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
16% / 20% / 26% / 36% / 48% / 60%
Objective No. 3
Increase graduation rate
Measure / Increase the percentage of students graduating within the four-year cohort – All Students
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
92% / 64% / TBD / 75% / 85% / 95%
Measure / Increase the percentage of students graduating within the four-year cohort – Students with Disabilities
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
64% / TBD / TBD / 75% / 85% / 95%
Objective No. 4
Decrease absenteeism for selected students.
Measure / Decrease the total number of absences of the identified top 100 students with chronic absenteeism by 50%.
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
NA / NA / NA / 50% / 50% / 50%
Objective No. 5
Decrease student tardies.
Measure / Decrease the total number of school-wide tardies by 30%.
Baseline Data / Actual Result / Targets
2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2012-13 / 2013-14 / 2014-15
NA / NA / NA / 30% / 30% / 30%
Initiative DescriptionImprove instructional and assessment practices through effective teacher collaboration and instructional support.
Is this a general initiative? / Yes / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting?
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
1. Establish common planning periods and designated collaborative time for all content teams.
2. Establish areas of academic priority and academic goals/benchmarks for each content team.
3. Establish “classroom essentials” and walkthrough form for improved monitoring of classroom instruction.
4. Transition to standards-based grading for all courses.
5. Develop professional learning plan aligned to curricular and instructional needs.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
1. Student achievement data by course (formative assessments, benchmark exams, and EOCT).
2. Anecdotal classroom walkthrough data.
3. Teacher survey of quality of professional learning and degree of implementation.
4. Analysis of student grade profiles and correlation to formative and summative assessments.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
1. Department chairs
2. Departmental administrators
3. Academy coordinators (when applicable)
4. Principal
Initiative Description
Improve support provided to students and families to complete graduation requirements in four years.
Is this a general initiative? / Yes / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting?
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
1. Improve academic and behavior interventions for at-risk ninth graders and their families.
2. Improve attendance protocols and communication with families of at-risk students.
3. Modify disciplinary protocols to limit frequency of ISS/OSS.
4. Continue regular meetings with students (juniors and seniors), parents, and counselors to review graduation plans.
5. Develop college and career center and improve access for students and families.
6. Offer opportunities for credit recovery (during school day, after-school, and evening sessions).
7. Improve withdrawal process and monitoring of negative withdrawal codes.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
1. Grade profiles (by course each semester).
2. Attendance data (tardies, absences, and skipping infractions).
3. Discipline data.
4. Attendance of parents and students at counselor meetings (to review graduation plans).
5. Student and family visits/utilization of college and career center.
6. Student retention data.
7. Frequency of negative withdrawal codes and response time to address concerns.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
1. Administrators
2. Academy coordinators (when applicable)
3. Principal
4. Graduation coach
5. Counselors
Initiative Description
Decrease the total number of absences of the identified top 100 students with chronic absenteeism by 50%.
Is this a general initiative? / Yes / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting?
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
1. Begin incentive program to reward students for attendance improvements (monthly).
2. Meet with selected students during first two weeks of school to outline expectations.
3. Identify and meet with 9th grade students with history of high absenteeism and provide opportunity to participate in incentive program.
4. Meet with attendance clerk to streamline process for distributing attendance letters (weekly).
5. Establish data room in 412 to improve monitoring of data.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
1. Monthly data reports displaying attendance and discipline for selected 100 students.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
1. Attendance Clerk
2. Attendance Administrator
3. Grade-level Administrator
4. Social Worker
Initiative DescriptionDecrease the total number of school-wide tardies by 30%.
Is this a general initiative? / Yes / If no, which objective is the initiative supporting?
Action Steps for this initiative to be completed in 2012-13
1. Revamp the tardy policy and define consequences that avoid repetitive use of suspension.
2. Improve attendance input process; ensure teachers are following protocol.
3. Employ two security guards to assist in tardy processes.
4. Distribute consequences within 24 hours of infraction.
What data will be collected to monitor progress on this initiative?
1. Reports (every period at the end of first 10 minutes) to show which students are tardy.
2. Reports (every period) to show which teachers have not taken attendance.
3. Reports (monthly) to compare current data to 2011-2012 attendance data.
Who is responsible for this initiative? (List position(s) only … do not include names)
1. Attendance Clerk
2. Attendance Administrator
3. Grade-level Administrator
School Improvement Plan
Summary for Distribution to School Community
School Name / PrincipalWestlake High School / Grant Rivera
Objectives for Improving Student Achievement
Objective No. 1Increase student performance on Math EOCT’s – CCGPS Algebra and CCGPS Geometry.
Objective No. 2
Increase student performance in Science EOCT’s – Biology and Physical Science.
Objective No. 3
Increase graduation rate.
Objective No. 4
Decrease tardies and absences for all students.
Major Improvement Initiatives
Initiative DescriptionIncrease student performance on Math and Science EOCT’s.
1. Establish common planning periods and designated collaborative time for all content teams.
2. Establish areas of academic priority and academic goals/benchmarks for each content team.
3. Establish “classroom essentials” and walkthrough form for improved monitoring of classroom instruction.
4. Transition to standards-based grading for all courses.
5. Develop professional learning plan aligned to curricular and instructional needs.
Initiative Description
Increase graduation rate.
1. Improve academic and behavior interventions for at-risk ninth graders and their families.
2. Improve attendance protocols and communication with families of at-risk students.
3. Modify disciplinary protocols to limit frequency of ISS/OSS.
4. Continue regular meetings with students (juniors and seniors), parents, and counselors to review graduation plans.
5. Develop college and career center and improve access for students and families.
6. Offer opportunities for credit recovery (during school day, after-school, and evening sessions).
7. Improve withdrawal process and monitoring of negative withdrawal codes.
Initiative Description
Decrease tardies and absences.
For all Students
1. Revamp the tardy policy and define consequences that avoid repetitive use of suspension.
2. Improve attendance input process; ensure teachers are following protocol.
3. Employ two security guards to assist in tardy processes.
4. Distribute consequences within 24 hours of infraction.
For Select Students (Chronic 100 Students)
1. Begin incentive program to reward students for attendance improvements (monthly).
2. Meet with selected students during first two weeks of school to outline expectations.
3. Identify and meet with 9th grade students with history of high absenteeism and provide opportunity to participate in incentive program.
4. Meet with attendance clerk to streamline process for distributing attendance letters (weekly).
5. Establish data room in 412 to improve monitoring of data.