Year 11 Prom 2017

Dear Parent/Carer

We are writing to invite your son/ daughter to the Year 11 Prom on Thursday 13th Julyon theTereza Joanne Boat, King George V Dock, Albert Island, London E16 2QY.

The event is intended as a celebration of the five years the students have spent together at Oaks Park High School and as a mark of transition to a new stage in their lives. We are sure it will be a memorable occasion for all attending and will be great fun.

The price of the ticket is £40.00which can be paid in two instalments,£20 by 17/3/17 & the balance of £20 by 21/4/17. The price includes hire of the venue, a substantial buffet supper, complementary drink, photograph and a DJ, plus a couple of extra surprises. There will be a bar selling soft drinks only.

As you would expect we require the highest standards of behaviour at the Prom and will not tolerate poor behaviour which includes smoking or the drinking of alcohol. The venue reserves the right to ask any students to leave or refuse admittance if their behaviour should cause serious concern. The students may have their belongings searched as they enter the venue. We would also like to add that poor behaviour prior to the Prom may exclude some students from attending.

If you would like your son/daughter to attend, please complete the attached slip and place it the “Trips Payments” box outside the Main Office by Friday 17th March in a sealed envelope with the correct payment. The envelope should be clearly marked with the following details:-

  • Name of Student & Form
  • Year 11 Prom

& contain £20/ £40 cash (correct money only, change will not be given) or a cheque for £20/ £40. (Cheques should be made payable to ‘Oaks Park High School’ & please include another cheque dated 21/4/17)

If you would like to pay using our new online system, and you have not already registered for this, please email for your login details. Please do not forget to return the permission slip, should you pay via this method.

We really hope your son/daughter can attend the Prom.

Yours sincerely

Mr J Todd Ms K Kendall

Head of Year 11 Pastoral Assistant for Year 11


Year 11 Prom – 13th July 2017

To: Finance Office

Student Name …………………………………………………………...... Form ……………….

I give permission for my son/daughter to attend Year 11 Prom on 13/7/17

□ I enclose cash/cheque payment for £20 / £40 (cheque made payable to Oaks Park High School & include post-dated cheque)

□ I have paid £20 / £40 online and enclose my permission slip.

Signed …………………………………………………………...... Date ……………………….. Parent/Guardian