Mar. – April, 2017




Letter from the VP:

Spring has arrived!

Temperatures are increasing and forecasts are for rain rather that snow. Spring is a new beginning. Bulbs are blooming, birds are singing, bees are buzzing and the trees are sprouting new leaves. Everything is emerging from the winter hibernation.

As spring starts, look at the world around you. Notice the changes in your yard and your neighborhood. This is a time to try something new. Add a new plant to your garden. Dig an entirely new flower garden. Take a hike and explore an area you’ve never seen. Take a picture as you watch a bee pollinate a flower. Enjoy the sunrise and the dew on the grass on a warm morning.

One of the pleasures of spring is planting seeds that will wind up, eventually, on the table. Countless nights we look at the dinner table and talk about what we grew in the vegetable garden. Tonight, the surprise spinach from last year looked too good to leave in the ground. It was part of a quiche.

Spring is nature’s regeneration and “wake up call.” Wake up yourself—early. You will need those extra hours for all of your new activities.

Jeff Drapalik, CCMG Vice President

Minutes: Clinton County Master Gardener Association. Mar. 24, 2017

In attendance: Jeff Drapalik-V. President, Judy Grosvenor, Beverly Drapalik, Dori Sabino, Roxanne Luff, Tony Nye-Ag Ed.

Meeting opened by our V. President, Jeff Drapalik.Call to order 6.30 pm. Quorum rule overruled due to the last two meetings being so small. Action: Tony

Extension Report- Tony:

•Busy with small farm Saturday 25th of March.

•Could everyone please introduce yourself to Candy (Teresa’s replacement). Candy is currently very busy with 4H. Action: everyone

•Starting April 1st, Tony and Tracy will be sharing the role of county director. Tony was the sole director last year.

•Currently he has not been able to speak with the commissioner about the garden. He and Dori will be doing so soon. He has spoken with the maintenance person who is happy to go with it if the commissioner is happy. Action: Tony/Dori

Vice President’s Report - Jeff: 501C3 - spoke to Dave Rosekrans (who got the 501C3 paperwork filed for the local Sailing Club) and he is willing to guide us in getting the 501C3. Paperwork is minimal, it will take about 18 months. Need an EIN number which we can get easily.Dori motioned, Judy seconded. All were in favor of becoming

an 501C3. Action: Jeff

Treasurer’s Report - Beverly:Budget submitted to be the same as the previous year. Dori motioned, Judy seconded. All were in favor. Received $80 in dues. If you haven’t got them to Beverly please do so. Action: everyone

Dues will be in the mail24th March of $120Action: Beverly

February’s statements passed around.

February actual: $10.00. February total: $3300.

Secretary’s Report:Minutes read.

CC Coordinator report-Judy:

  • Benefits of paying your fees,$7 out of every $10 is returned to the county.

•Would like to submit some projects and friends for MG awards, however currently having trouble getting onto the buckeye box. Awards need to be submitted byMay 1st.Suggested that we nominate MB Financial to be a friend of the MG

We can nominate a MG and/or project.

•The state MG meeting is Sept 29thand 30th at a Marriott hotel in Franklin county

•Seacrest Arboretum asking for volunteers on May 4th and 5th. Contact Judy if interested.

•Financial risk management sheet printed and handed to Jeff. Tony to clarify if we need to get insurance at our events. We are covered as volunteers. Action: Tony

Current projects and updates:

Pollinator week - Roxanne

•Currently still working on sponsorship.

•Letter from Lowes for a class during pollinator week. A letter needs be sent back to them with the details. Action: Roxanne

•The class will be held June 16th from 2-3 pm. The public will be planting a pollinator garden in a 12’ pot with 2 perennials and 1 herb. Volunteers will be needed to man the class. Currently Dori and Tony. Action: Dori/Tony

•Library class will be held on June 22nd from 11 – 12. Dori suggested a bee keeper for this. Dori to ask Ronni Crumb. Action: Dori

•Class to be held at Cowan Lake on the 24th on making a pollinator garden. Roxanne to be giving this. Action: Roxanne

Plant sale - Dori

  • Juanita's daughters to provide plants and they will contact Dori when they believe they will need assistance. Action: Dori
  • Classes –

Plant a pot for Mother's Day,

20 questions for diagnostics - Tony

Educational seminar- Dori

Plan a pot – Mary Helen

Advertising: Print, Facebook and the radioAction: everyone

Facebook - Roxanne

Stats for the number of people that have seen our posts. To increase them we need to share them so other people see them and will pass them on.

New business:

Community garden classes:

Jeff & Beverly got a mentor manual, Jeff will forward the email regarding it.Action: Jeff

Park next to the library would be a good place for a community garden. Dori suggested another place as kids tend to run all over that area. The garden around the extension office to be a demo garden while the one near the library will feed people. Their next class is in April.

Library marker:

Delayed until October due to a new sewer line being put in.

Volunteer hours: please keep your hours up to date.Action: everyone

Open discussion

Black tubs available for the summer school program.

Meeting adjournedat 7:40 pm. Next meeting April 27th, 6:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, Roxanne Luff, Secretary

Denver Park Urns Project:

Doris has ‘planted up’ the two front urns at the Denver Park, for Spring. The CC Master Gardenersare responsible for one planting each year and we have chosen the winter display.

Be sure to sign up if you are interested in this



I hope all of you are doing well and getting ready for another great growing season. It is hard to believewe are in the final stages of preparing for yet another plant sale and education event on May 13, 2017.

That means it is time for you to get your 'Green Thumb On'. One way to start is by getting on your Facebook pages and promote our annual plant sale and workshop event. If I can do it you can do it, yes I am now on Facebook. Don't get too excited, it is limited but as I said, if I can do it, you can too.
It looks like we will have many great projects to work with again this year as requests are coming in for programs and projects by our community.
A great way to show off your Green Thumb side.

Lastly, our Master Gardener Family has suffered great loss. In honor of our loved ones I thought I would End with this quote:
It takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, and a day to love them, but it takes an entire lifetime to forget them.


Our MG Plant Sale is coming up soon and we will need to have all MG’s helping make this the best sale yet.

On Friday, May 12th, 10 am, we will go pick up and set up the plants at the Extension community room. The Sale starts on May 13th at 9 am till 2 pm and

Will include four classes. Also, bring your home grownPlants from your garden. Please call Jeff or Judy to volunteer.


May 6, 2017 – 9 am to 1 pm –Clark Co. Plant and Barn Sale. Springfield, Oh.Location at: Snyder Park Gardens & Arboretum, 1900 Snyder Park Road, Springfield, OH. For info- contact: clark.osu.edu

May 6, 2017, 9 am –noon:Wilm. Garden Club Plant Sale. Saturday Plant Sale at Historical Society Barn. All plants Are $2.00 each, money goes to park upkeep.

May 13, 2017, 9 am to 2 pm: Clinton Co. MG Plant Sale: Sale starts at 9 am at Ext. Community Room, lots of vegetables, etc. Four classes will be offered. Need lots of MG’s help.


The Ohio Invasive Plants Council (OIPC) has posted on their website, new factsheets on some of the most problematic invasive plant species in Ohio. Check it out. Also other interesting websites:

Ohio State MGV website: mastergardener.osu.edu.And;

Ohio MG Volunteer system sign in: and

This is our county Facebook link to:

OSUE’s ‘Buckeye Yard and Garden on Line’: and; ; and.


Clinton County MG 2016 Meeting Dates:

The Association meets on the fourth Thursday of each month unless otherwise noted. All regular meetings begin at 6:30 pm. (note time change)

April 27 Regular Meeting 6:30 pm

May 25 Regular Meeting 6:30 pm

June Picnic - TBA

July Road Trip - TBA

August 24 Regular Meeting 6:30 pm

Sept. 28 Regular Meeting 6:30 pm


THOUGHTS… “My garden is my most beautifulmasterpiece.” – Claude Monet


Master Gardener Program - Ohio State University Extension Our Mission:
The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Program provides knowledge to and develops the leadership abilities of volunteers who, in turn, enable others to improve the quality of their lives by enhancing their home and community environments through horticultural education and activities.


All educational programs conducted by Ohio State University Extension are available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, gender, age, and disability or Vietnam- era veteran statue.