Appraisal Form B

Appraisal Form B


  1. Please refer to the School’s Appraisal Policy and Procedure when completing this form.
  2. Employees (Appraisees) and managers (Appraisers) can also find further information in the Best Practice Guidelines.
  3. Part 1 of this form should be completed by Academic and Research staff only.
  4. All staff should completed Part 2 of this form.
  5. Completed copies of this form should be retained by both the Appraisee and Appraiser.
  6. Please send a completed copy (pages 1 – 5) to the HR Department.

Appraisee’s name: / Job title:
Department: / Appraiser’s name:
Date of Appraisal: / Appraisal Year:

Form B: Part 1: List of Publications and Research Grants (Academic & Research Staff only)

Details of papers published during the last Academic Year;
(Include the title of paper, title of publication, date of publication and list of authors etc). / Appraisee’s Comments / Appraiser’s Comments
Published papers:
Details of papers prepared for publication during the last Academic Year;
(Include the title of paper, title of intended publication, likely date of publication, list of authors etc) / Appraisee’s Comments / Appraiser’s Comments
Prepared papers:
Details of grants held during the last Academic Year;
(Include the title and amount of grant, duration of grant, name of grant awarding body, list of collaborators etc). / Appraisee’s Comments / Appraiser’s Comments
Grants currently held:
Details of grants applied for during the last Academic Year;
(Include the title and amount of grant, duration and status of grant, name of grant awarding body and list of proposed collaborators) / Appraisee’s Comments / Appraiser’s Comments
Grants applied for:

Form B: Part 2 – Register of Interests (All staff)

Please list all the interests that you or your immediate family members currently have in respect of: / Please specify the nature of interests;
(If none, please write ”none”).
Directorships of private companies or PLCs.
Ownership, part ownership or substantial shareholdings in companies currently doing business with the School or seeking or likely to do business with SOAS.
Positions of authority or influence in any charity or voluntary body in the education sector, or other charity or voluntary body having or seeking to have a relationship with the School.
Any immediate family member or member of your household employed by or registered as a student with the School, or seeking to have a relationship with the School.
Other employment, self-employment, sole-trading and the provision of consultancy, advice or expertise other than through SOAS whether remunerated or not;
Any other relevant or material interest

I hereby confirm that the above information is a true record of my publications, research grants (if applicable) and outside interests.

Signed: / Date:
Appraisee’s signature

I have read and approved the above information;

Signed: / Date:
Appraiser’s signature

I have read and approved the above information;

Name of Dean of Faculty/Head of Service Area:
Signed: / Date:
Dean of Faculty/Head of Service Area’s signature

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