Literature Terms Study Guide

TEST – Friday, December 21st

*You need to know “Vocabulary for Literature” (handed out in class) as well as information from Crash

-Antagonist – None

-Protagonist – main / most important character; a dynamic character; In Crash,

Crash Coogan is the protagonist

-Character – person, animal, or creature in a story

*Static – character traits stays the same throughout the story

*Dynamic – character traits change throughout the story;

-Characterization – developing the characters within a story. It is

sometimes stated directly (Direct Characterization) or

the reader must draw conclusions about the character

based on the reading (Indirect Characterization).

a.  -Climax – highest point of suspense ( When Penn gives Crash the Missouri mud to heal Scooter)

-Conflict – struggle between opposing forces

-Internal Conflict – character is struggling against himself/herself (1st time when Crash bullies Penn Webb )

-External Conflict – character is struggling with another character;

In Crash, the conflict is External, Crash vs. Penn

(man vs. man) because Crash is always bullying Penn

-Dialogue – a conversation between characters

-Exposition – the part of the story that introduces the characters and setting

-Falling Action – actions that tie up loose ends and leads to a resolution or

solution to the central problem.

-Flashback – section that interrupts the sequence of events to relate

an earlier event

-Foreshadowing – using clues to suggest something that hasn’t happened yet

-Initiating Event – introduces the central conflict (When Crash took Penn’s Button)

-Mood – the feeling the author makes the reader feel or the general

feeling in a story

-Plot – sequence of events in a story

-Purpose in writing – reason why the author is writing; there are 4 purposes:

1. Persuade

2. Inform

3. Describe

4. Entertain – Jerry Spinelli’s purpose for writing Crash

-Resolution – the ending events of a work of fiction ( How Crash and Penn end up at the end of the story)

-Setting – time and place where the story takes place; In Crash the setting is

Pennsylvania, present day.

-Theme – the central message communicated in the story;

the theme in Crash is to be kind to others

-Tone – attitude or style of expression used by the author

-1st Person Point of View – character tells the story;

Crash is told in 1st person point of view

because Crash is telling the story

-3rd Person Point of View – voice outside of the story narrates


*main character / protagonist

*bullies Penn *bullied by Crash and Mike

*best friend is Mike DeLuca *cheerleader

*football player *Quaker and vegetarian

*changes during the story *born in North Dakota

* grandfather is Scooter *named for his great grandfather

*sister, Abby, wants to to *owns 2 toys – Conestoga Wagon

Stop the mall from being built and Mississippi mud