St. Paul Lutheran Church celebrates and shares God’s love and compassion.

WE REMEMBER IN OUR PRAYERS: Marie Kirschner, Jim Stafford,Deb Lange, Barb Zielaskowski,Cathe Lappan,Jim Smithem,Julie Benson, Patty Wenzel,Dennis Diemond,Michael Schmitt, Judy Sowden,Marion Seguin,Jeff Trelfa, Celina Losinski, Lucille Andres, Don Urban, and Kori Werth. (Prayer is the best medicine and we are prepared to pray indefinitely for folks. Would you please help the church office keep our list current? Unless we know otherwise, our normal practice is to remove names after a month. Thank you for your partnership in prayer.

We remember our prayer partners in the North/West Lower Michigan Synod:

  • Bethany & Victory TrinityLutheran Church, Ludington, Pastor Bill Huether

This week we join in prayer with the other LARCC parishes (Grace Lutheran, Trinity Episcopal, First Congregational, St.Anne,St.Mary, St.Bernard and St. John the Baptist Catholic churches) for Hospice of Michigan and Hospice of Sunrise Side.

THE FLOWERS IN THE CHANCEL (foot of the cross) are given in memory of Major George W., Sam Nyo, and Patricia Kennedy from Phyllis Kennedy and family, Bonnie Duby, Charlie Kennedy, Diane Kus and Janet Burton.


Saturday (03/12) 5:30 p.m. 43Budgeted Offering Weekly $ 6,121.00

Sunday (03/13) 8:00 a.m. 32Offering Received Last Week $ 5,639.00

10:30 a.m. 82R & R (Renewal & Renovation) $ 4,121.00

Total 157Sunday School$ 11.00

The Egermeier’s Bible Story Book readings for next week are: Abram Follows God, page 20, The New Testament Letters, page 564, and Nicodemus Comes to Jesus, page 378.Parents, will you invest ten minutes a day in your children by reading God’s word with them? All it takes is time.

Start saving your treasures for St. Paul Lutheran Church’s Garage Sale. The dates will be: Friday, May 27, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and Saturday, May 28, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. This will be a “no clothes, no stuffed furniture, no mattresses” garage sale. All other treasures need to be clean and in working condition. If they were priced it would be helpful. The funds from the sale will go to the boiler project.

Wednesday Lenten Services are: 11 AM here at St. Paul with a light luncheon following and the ecumenical evening service is at St. Paul this coming Wednesday on March 23rd with the soup supper starting at 6 PM and the worship at 7 PM. The topic for the evening’s dialogue homily is Saints and Sinners. The following week on March 30th the evening service will be at First Presbyterian.

Cookbooks are on sale in the church office. All proceeds will go to the General Fund. The price is $10.00. If you have any questions please call Lori at 356-4753. $700.00 was given to the General Fund from sale of cookbooks.

Come join us on Saturday, March 26th at 5:30 p.m. at St. Paul Lutheran for a Christian Country Concert featuring Nashville Recording Artists, The Colmus Family. We encourage the entire congregation to attend and invite a friend. A free will offering will be taken.

Christians Get Failing Grade in Religious Knowledge is the topic for Adult Sunday School at 9:15 on Sunday morning. We invite you to join us in the Dining Room for a faithful discussion on living out our faith today. In this adult education series, each session is an individual discussion so you can join as you are able. An adult is in the nursery during this time to care for children ages 0 – 3 years old, so their parents can attend this class.

St. Paul will be hosting the Lenten Soup & Salad Supper on March 23, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The Education Committee will be organizing this event and are seeking individuals willing to make a kettle of soup or to bake a plate of cookies. A sign-up sheet can be found in the Narthex. Thank you.

Senior High Spring Lock In: Mark your calendar fora 12 hourLock In for Senior High Students (9-12 grades)at St Paulon Friday, April 8, starting at 8:00 pm thru Saturday morning 8:00 am. It will be an evening of games, food, fun and more fun!! Registration forms are a must andwill be available at the church office, in the narthex or by contacting either Becky Hawks or Kathy Froggett.

Our March Service Activity is LSSM. Items needed are: Kleenex, papers towels, toilet papers, disposable placemats, single serving food items ( such as fruits, jellos, puddings, snacks), white cover stock papers (8 ½ x 11), and envelopes. Drop off baskets are located in the Fellowship Hall, Narthex and hallway near the front of the Sanctuary. If you have any questions please call Irene at 595-2640.

We are forming a committee to plan and build a float to celebrate the 140th anniversary of our church for the 4th of July parade. WE NEED YOU. Please contact Lori Ludwig to volunteer at 356-4753.

Coffee Hour:If you or your group would like to host the coffee hour for a month call Sandy at358-0118.

WEEK AT A GLANCE: MARCH 20 - 27, 2011

SUN.WorshipServices– 8:00/HC, 10:30/HC; Sunday School – 9:15 a.m.

MON.Intermediate Line Dancing – 4:00 p.m.;Brownies – 4:30 p.m.;Girl Scouts – 6:00 p.m.; Women’s Bible Study – 6:30 p.m.

TUES.Anniversary Meeting – 10:30 a.m.; TOPS – 4:30 p.m.;Education Committee – 6:30 p.m.; Cub Scouts–6:30 p.m.; Boy Scouts–7:00 p.m.

WED.Lent Worship Services – 11:00 a.m. at St. Paul7:00 p.m. atSt. Paul Lutheran Church – starting with a Soup Supper at 6:00 p.m.

THURS.Choir – 6:30 p.m.

FRI.Intermediate Line Dancing – 11:00 a.m.; Deadline to order Easter Flowers

SAT.Colmus Family Concert – 5:30 p.m.

SUN.Worship Services - 8:00/HC, 10:30; Sunday School–9:15 a.m.