State Test Preparation - Vocab Quiz #1

  1. Something which attempts to develop the means for determining what values should be
  1. The assumption that people will voluntarily obey the law
  1. Decisions of th early law courts developed in England. This is characterized by the practice of deciding cases on precedent
  1. Laws specifically passed by a governing body (legislators) created for that purpose
  1. Document which spells out the principles by which that country’s government operates
  1. Those rules and procedures established by regulatory agencies (EPA, OSHA, FDA)
  1. First ten amendments to the constitution
  1. Rules which require a judge to follow an earlier court decision when deciding a case with similar circumstances
  1. Power and authority given to a court to hear a case and to make a judgment
  1. Jury of inquiry. Group of citizens called together to determine if there is enough evidence to charge certain people with certain crimes
  1. Group of citizens who determine guilt or innocence
  1. Courts with special jurisdiction over delinquents and neglected children up to an age set by state
  1. Courts have the authority to hear appeals and review cases from lower courts
  1. These include lower trial courts, general trial courts (district), appellate courts and State Supreme Courts
  1. These courts include U.S. District Courts, U.S. Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court
  1. Part who accuses another party of tort/crime
  1. Person who is accused of tort/crime
  1. In a criminal trial the government is referred to as this
  1. One person’s interference with another’s rights, either through intent, negligence, or strict liability
  1. Act against the public good. Punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both
  1. Legal contest carried on in court
  1. When disputing parties submit a controversy to a neutral third party who has the power to make a final, or binding decision
  1. Informal process for resolving disputes which is used in a variety of situations, such as marriage or family disputes
  1. This deals with torts which is defined as one person’s interference with another’s rights
  1. Jurors in a Civil Trial must see this in order to impose guilt
  1. Court’s (Judges) determination or decision in a case

Name: ______

State Test Preparation - Vocab Quiz #1







_____Juvenile Court


_____Grand Jury

_____Federal Courts

_____Petit Jury


_____Civil Law

_____Bill of Rights

_____Common Law


_____Appellate Court


_____State Courts


_____Administrative Law


_____Voluntary Compliance


_____Preponderance of Evidence

_____Statutory Law