IATI Implementation Schedule for UNDP

Ver 1.6Date8November 2011

Part 1: Public donor implementation plan

  1. When will data be published? Timetable and frequency of publication
  2. Exclusions and constraints: Overview of exceptions, thresholds & constraints
  3. How will data be published? How published data will be presented to users
  4. What data will be published? Overview coverage. For each area of the standard:
  5. Timetable for publication
  6. Terminology used within donor systems
  7. Exceptions, thresholds & constraints

Part 2: Implementation plan appendices for TAG secretariat only

  1. Donor contacts
  2. How will data be published? Overview of systems and processes for implementing IATI
  3. What data will be published? Detailed coverage. For each data item:
  1. An indication whether system changes are required
  2. Timetable for publication
  3. Terminology used within donor systems
  4. Exceptions, thresholds & constraints
  1. Implementation support needs

Part 1: Public donor Implementation schedule

1. When will data be published?

Timetable and frequency of publication
Which organisations/agencies will your IATI data cover? (What % of your total development flows does this cover? What is missing?)
This data covers 100 % of development flows at UNDP, including cost-sharing projects with partners. Activities marked as global or other may also include global, regional and country programme expenditure not linked to the UNDP Strategic Plan development results framework, in addition to resources for Development Support Services, Evaluation, Human Development Report Office, Special Unit for South-South Cooperation, Office of Development Studies, Economist Programme, and special initiatives.
Overall timetable for publication(Provide a date for when these organisations will publish a) an initial set (incomplete) of IATI data b) full IATI implementation)
Initial set of IATI data in November 2011. Full IATI implementation after implementation of IPSAS in 2012. The accounting standard will be adopted in January of 2012 and there will be a stabilization process for much of 2012. IATI implementation will take a parallel path, with full implementation targeted for November 2012.
Timeliness and frequency of publication (How soon after data is captured and available internally will data be published? Will data be published on a monthly or quarterly basis?)
Annually for expenditure at the project level in the initial phase due to IPSAS introduction in 2011. Final annual expenditure data from the previous year will be published at the project level in 2011 and 2012. , so that data will be published generally six months after closure. Quarterly publication of provisional expenditure data at the project level will start in 2013 for the previous quarter.
How early in lifecycle will activity details be published? (Will activity details be published during the pipeline/identification stage or not until they are approved and in the implementation stage)
Only approved projects will be published.
Data quality status (Do you want to identify the status of the quality/audit/statistical verification of data that is published in registry? Please indicate whether you anticipate doing this, and the likely timing of moving from unverified data to verified data)
Yes, we would like to distinguish between unaudited and audited data.
Resources available to implement IATI? (Please outline what staff and system resources are being made available to implement IATI, any relevant organisational structures e.g. working groups, and who is leading on IATI implementation)
IATI project working group includes External Relations staff, Finance staff, Development policy staff, management policy staff, and Information Systems staff.
Other notes

2. What are the exclusions from publication?

Exceptions and constraints: general rules that exclude activities from being published. Any specific data item exclusions should be listed in section 4
Thresholds(are there any thresholds on the value of activities or transactions to be published. Please specify what the general threshold limits are for publication)
Exclusions (Please identify any rules for excluding data or information that will either be applied automatically or used as a basis to manually exclude publication. Note that exceptions for publication should be kept to a minimum and based on existing national or other regulations)
Exclusions are based on UNDP’sInformation Disclosure Policy, which deems information under a number of categories as confidential and not available to the public to preserve essential and legitimate public or private (e.g. personal privacy) needs – see para. 11:
a) Information received from or sent to third parties, under an expectation of confidentiality.
(b) Information whose disclosure is likely to endanger the safety or security of any individual, violate his or her rights, or invade his or her privacy;
(c) Information whose disclosure is likely to endanger the security of Member States or prejudice the security or proper conduct of any operation or activity of UNDP;
(d) Information covered by legal privilege or related to access to internal audit reports;
(e) Internal inter-office or intra-office documents, including e-mails and draft documents;
(f) Commercial information where disclosure would harm either the financial interests of UNDP or those of other parties involved;
(g) Information which, if disclosed, in UNDP’s view would seriously undermine the policy dialogue with Member States or implementing partners.
Any general issues or other constraints
The United Nations Development Programme is fully committed to transparency and access to information and participatory decision-making. We plan to publish an initial data set for IATI implementation in November 2011 in accordance to IATI standards, and in the spirit of the initiative. UNDP has substantial resources aligned against full implementation of the IATI standard in 2012, after the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards, which also contributes to transparency. IPSAS requires significant effort on the part of many of the same resources required for full IATI implementation.

3. How will data be published?

Information for prospective users of information
Licensing (Under which license will data be published: public domain or attribution? If the license does not meet the IATI standard please specify why. Please state whether you intend to use the IATI authorised license or another)
We will publish the vast majority of information on an attribution basis. Some information will be published under a restricted license when a third party, such as a partner government, has obligated UNDP to restrict the licensing of such information.
Definition of an activity and multi-level activities (How is an activity defined e.g. projects and programmes, or some other structure? Do you have multi-tiered project structures e.g. projects and sub-projects or components? AT which level do you intend to publish details?)
UNDP follows a multi-tiered results structure of project-outputs-activities. We will report at the Output level. A UNDP project can have several outputs, and each output can have multiple activities. Income and expenditure are tracked at the output level.
Segmenting data for publication(The recommendation is to publish data segmented by country i.e. one data file for each country. Duplicate project data must not exist within different files, so projects targeting multiple countries or regional/worldwide by nature should be held within a non-country specific file(s). Is this a practical suggestion for your programme? How many projects are not specific to one country and what non-country files best suit your programme?)
The initial dataset that UNDP will be publishing in November 2011 will be contained in a single file (7 Mb uncompressed /667Kb compressed). For projects benefitting multiple countries, all recipient countries will be listed under the activity/project. For regional and worldwide projects, recipient will be coded as regional/global. Future data sets will be published segmented by country / region.
Do you intend to provide a user interface in addition to raw IATI data?(Will IATI data be accessible for end users through an existing or a new user interface on your website? [Note: this is not an IATI requirement])
Yes, we will publish this data on the UNDP global site at data.undp.org

4. What data will be published – data coverage for IATI implementation

Green / Able to publish
Orange / Able to publish but with either some caveats or some further work to do. Refer to publication notes.
Red / Unable to publish. Refer to publication notes.

Coverage: publish as much data as possible for all new and ongoing projects. For each data item:

Colour code according to the definitions above

When data can start being published(with reference to the overall timetable for publication described above in section 2, indicate when in the publication timetable this data item will be published)

Exclusions & thresholds(highlight any data specific thresholds or exclusions that you require for specific data items. Identify the reason the exclusion is sought:

a)Not applicable to organisation

b)A non-disclosure policy

c)Not currently captured and prohibitive cost

d)Other, specify)

Terminology used within donor systems(IATI aims to produce a glossary that maps the terminology used within the IATI standard to terminology used within donor agencies and international institutions. Please describe the term for each data item used within your organisation/systems)

Any issues or constraints relating to specific data items(add any notes relevant to public users about the publication of this data item and any reasons for orange or red coding)


Note: definitions and code lists can be found at

Information Area
[to be colour coded as above] / Publication Date / Exclusions (a, b, or c) and Thresholds / Donor definition / Publication notes
Annual forward planning budget data for agency / 2010 / This is already published as a document. Biennium Budget
Will publish in machine-readable format (as links) in November 2012
Annual forward planning budget data for funded institutions / n/a
Annual forward planning budget data for countries / 2010 / Published as part of CPD and CPAP (documents) Will publish in machine-readable format (as links) in November 2012
Organisation documents
(Phase 1 those already published; Phase 2 others) / 2010 / Strategic Plan is already published. Policy documents (poverty, energy, etc.) are also published. Will publish in machine-readable format (as links) in November 2012


Note: definitions and code lists can be found at

Information Area
[to be colour coded as above] / Publication Date / Exclusions (a, b, or c) and Thresholds / Donor Definitions / Publication notes
Reporting Organisation / Nov2011 / UNDP
Participating Organisation
(Funding) / Nov 2012 / In Atlas equates to fund and donor codes
Participating Organisation
(Extending) / Nov 2012
Participating Organisation
(Implementing) / Nov 2012 / Atlas: Implementing Partner
Participating Organisation
(Accountable) / Nov 2012 / Not captured in Atlas. For reporting purposes, accountable institution and implementing will be the same.
Recipient Country / Nov 2011
Recipient Region / Nov 2011 / Since UNDP’s definition of regions is different from IATI’s, for the November 2011 publication, UNDP will use IATI region code 998 (Unspecified), but will put UNDP’s region descriptions.
Collaboration Type / Nov 2011 / By default, UNDP Collaboration Type is ‘multilateral outflow’
Default Flow Type / Nov 2011 / By default UNDP assistance is Official Development Assistance (ODA)
Default Aid Type / Nov 2011 / By default UNDP Aid Type is ‘project-type intervention’
Default Finance Type / Nov 2011 / By default all UNDP assistance is grants
IATI activity identifier / Nov 2011 / This equates to UNDP-Atlas ‘project ID’
Other activity identifiers / No
Activity Title(Agency language) / Nov 2011
Activity Title(Recipient language) / Nov 2011 / In some cases, UNDP uses the official local language
Activity Description(Agency language) / Nov 2011
Activity Description(Recipient language) / Nov 2011 / In some cases, UNDP uses the official local language
Sector(CRS) / Nov 2012
Sector (donor specific) / Nov 2012 / UNDP will use the definition of its Focus Areasassurance.
(UNDER DEVELOPMENT) Recipient Country Budget Identifier / Later phase when IATI develops it more
Activity Dates(Start Date) / Nov 2012 / UNDP will consider publishing the activity start date at the project level (level 1).
Activity Dates(End Date) / Nov 2012 / UNDP will consider publishing the activity end date at the project level (activity level 1).
Default Tied Aid Status / Nov 2011 / By default UNDP aid is not tied
Policy/ Thematic Markers / Nov 2012 / Gender policy marker is in Atlas. Data quality will need to be reviewed.
Activity Status / Nov 2012 / UNDP will consider publishing the activity status at the project level (activity level 1).
Activity Contacts / Nov 2012 / Publish country office registry email address
Activity Web Site / Nov 2012 / This will be available in most cases via the corresponding country office website
Related Activity / Nov 2012 / On the November 2011 publication, activities will be reported at level 2 – output level. In succeeding publications, activity at the project level, level 1, will be included (please refer to UNDP’s ‘Definition of an activity and multi-level activities’ above)
Financial transaction
(Commitment) / Nov 2012 / UNDP will publish project level budgets
Financial transaction
(Disbursement & Expenditure) / Nov 2011 / annual expenditure at the project level for 2010
Financial transaction
(Reimbursement) / n/a
Financial transaction
(Incoming Funds) / Nov 2012 / for all ongoing development projects after IPSAS implementation
Financial transaction
(Loan repayment / interest repayment) / n/a
Activity Budget / Nov 2012
Planned Disbursements / Nov 2012
Activity Documents / Nov 2012 / UNDP already publishes all documents, however these are spread across global, regional and Country Offices websites. Consolidated document publishing will be introduced in 2012 and 2013.
Conditions attached Y/N / No / By default UNDP does not attach policy conditions to its assistance. Operational conditions are published as part of SBAA.
Text of Conditions
Results data*
(OPTIONAL) Sub-national Geographic Location / To be discussed for future implementation

*The suggested format for results data is a model to allow those that already publish resultsas data to do so in an internationally comparable format, should they so wish. Shouldfuture international agreementselsewhere on results data supersede the suggested data format, this will be updated accordingly.