Planning Notifications for December
PA 06/01834/B Lezayre Parish Commissioners, Clenagh Rd, Sulby. Alterations and extensions to provide Board Room, Clerk’s Office and Store Room.
PA 06/01866/B Gribbin, Field 134328, Claddagh Mill, Sulby. Erection of an agricultural building.
PA 06/01854/REM Gribbin, Claddagh Mill House, Sulby. Reserved matters application for the erection of a replacement dwelling.
PA 06/01933/B Bedey and McKinlay, part of field 131449, Ballacowell, Cooilbane, Sulby. Erection of stable block with tack room and hay store.
PA 06/01940/B Morris, SulbyBridge Cottage, Sulby. Alterations and extensions to form additional living accommodation.
PA 06/01929/C Wells, St Benedicts, Glen Auldyn, Lezayre. Operation of a reflexology/complementary therapy treatment room within dwelling.
PA 06/02029/B Barden, West Hill Farm, Jurby Road, Lezayre. Conversion of existing barn into a private garage and workshop.
PA 06/02034/B Drummond Developments, Tranent, Churchtown, Lezayre. Erection of retaining walls to south and east and fence and masonry piers to east boundaries.
PA 06/02059/B Cable and Wireless (IoM) Ltd. Part of field 134135, Close Yn Ellan, St Judes Rd, Sulby. Installation of 15.2m monopole mast with associated cabinets.
Notifications received from DoLGE
PA 06/00625/B Sadler, Auldyn Home, Glen Auldyn, Lezayre. Alterations and extensions to provide additional living accommodation. APPROVED.
PA 06/01363/B Musson. Creation of field access adjacent to Holly Bank, SulbyBridge, Sulby. APPROVED.
It was AGREED (proposed FR; seconded AR) to APPEAL against this decision. The grounds for appeal are as stated in our original objection to the application.
PA 06/01010/B Davies, Killingan Beg, Churchtown, Lezayre. AIP for erection of a dwelling on land adjacent to Killingan Beg.
Planning Notifications for January
PA 06/02082/BQuilliam, Glen Mooar Cottage Sulby Glen Sulby. Installation of UPVC sliding sash windows to replace existing,
PA 06/02160/B Young, Graig-ma-Chree, Glen Auldyn, Lezayre. Installation of UPVC casement windows to replace existing and erection of a conservatory on south west elevation.
PA 06/002179/B Teare, Ivy Dene, Clenagh Road, Sulby. Alterations & 2 storey extension to rear elevation to provide additional living accommodation.
PA 06/02185/B Ronaldsway Met Office, Mountain Box, Mountaind Road, Lezayre. Reinstate weather station and installation of a solar panel.
PA 06/02136/B Cable & Wireless IoM Ltd. Installation of three antennas and two transmission dishes to existing building and installation of equipment cabinets, Area of Land Adjacent to Island Studios Baldromma Farm Jurby Road.
PA 06/02256/BDepartment of Transport, Mountain Road Glen Auldyn. Erection of a new observation post for use during motorsports events, Marshals Observation Hut .
PA 07/00003/B Thompson, Allandale, Ballamanagh Road Sulby. Erection of a two storey extension to side elevation.
PA 07/00008/BRadcliffe, Kella Farm, St Judes Roa,d Sulby. Erection of an agricultural building.
Notifications received from DoLGE
PA 06/001834/B Lezayre Parish Commissioners, Clenagh Road, Sulby. Alterations and extensions to provide Board Room, Clerk’s Office and Store Room. APPROVED.
PA 06/001940/B Morris, SulbyBridge Cottage, Sulby. Alterations and extensions to form additional living accommodation. APPROVED.
PA 06/001929/C Wells, St Benedicts, Glen Auldyn, Lezayre. Operation of a reflexology/complimentary therapy treatment room within dwelling.APPROVED.
PA 06/001817/C Tsitsos, Kella Veg, St Jude’s Road, Sulby. Additional use of part of dwelling as a therapy room. APPROVED.
PA 06/01732/B Popelier, Old Chapel, Glen Auldyn, Lezayre. Alterations and installation of roof lights and creation of gable windows. APPROVED.
PA 06/01451/B IoM Water Authority, Access track to Ballakerka Reservoir, Ballamanaugh Estate, Sulby. Repair and installation of road drainage for access track. APPROVED.
PA 06/01268/BHutchinson, The Old School House, Tholt-y-Will, Sulby, Lezayre. Extensions and alterations to provide two units of holiday accommodation. REFUSED.
PA 06/00692/C Sadd, Lower Glentramman Farm, Garey Road, Lezayre. Change of use from ancillary & tourist to ancillary tourist accommodation. REFUSED at appeal.
PA 06/01287/A Church Wardens of Kirk Christ, Lezayre. AIP to erect a detached dwelling on land adj. to Elm Bank, Churchtown, Lezayre. Further representation received.