Title of an Article – a Template1


Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Informatics

Third Dummy AUTHOR

Different Demonstrative Institution

TITLE OF AN ARTICLE – a template[1]

Summary. Article summary in English (short one) should contain up to 50 words. Text of the summary should be intended 1/2 inch. A title of summary should be written in bold and further intended by one tab space (1/4 inch).

Keywords: article, template


Streszczenie. Summary in Polish should also be up to the 50 words and it should have the same text formatting as the English one. It should be preceded by the bold title (a word 'Streszczenie')one tab stop intended.

Słowa kluczowe: Polish keywords, artykuł, szablon

1.Section title – first level of headings

This tutorial provides all the information about the necessary typesetting components and the layout of a manuscript for the submission to the Studia Informatica – scientific letters of a Silesian Univ. of Technology. The template[2] provides guidelines for the manuscripts which are to be submitted in electronic form (odt/doc file) as it is provided on the web page of a journal. The manuscript is then a subject of corrections according to reviewers' suggestions, editorial and linguistic comments. The manuscript should contain name and surname of an Author(s), affiliated institution(s), a title, article contents and additional parts:

  • short summary (abstract) in English up to 50 words,
  • keywords in English,
  • a title and summary in Polish,
  • keywords in Polish,
  • long abstract in Polish (up to 300 words) with references to the key figures and equations in the contents of article,
  • figure captions in both English and Polish,
  • the date of submission,
  • authors' addresses.

For preparation of a manuscript in a form of a mock-up article it is required to be prepared according to the following guidelines. The mock article is an A4 page having 1inch margins on all sides. Page headers are located within these margins. In case of using MSWord/OpenOffice/LibreOffice all these settings and styles are provided in the template files. Margin settings are to be set up in page style settings of the editing software. All the manuscripts for a single volume should be prepared using the same font and all the article components have to be placed according to this template guidelines. The guidelines template file contains all the necessary styles defined. The body text of the article has to be written using art_Main_text style. Page1 demonstrates a title page – it is always odd page – the form and location of: a header, authors name/surname, title and abstract (in both languages). Components such as publishing year, volume, number (issue) and page numbers are the subject of an update at the final stage of the publishing process – during the editorial and language corrections. If there are more authors from the same institution, their names should be listed before the institution name in one or more lines – authors should write their names to be ¾ text width wide and the number of lines should be as small as possible. When authors represent different institutions, then between institution of the previous author and name of next one there should be an additional 1.2mm interline spacing. The distances between names and page header and article title remain intact. Respective styles (in order of appearance) art_Author, art_Authors_institution, art_Title, art_Summary_short, art_Keywords, art_Title_Polish, art_Summary_short_polish and art_Keywords_polish are defined for this purpose.

1.1.Second level of section headings

The manuscript should be written in impersonal form style. To avoid excessive empty spaces between words the hyphenation should be used. One should also use hard spaces foraone letter conjunctions and prepositions (a, in, at, for, the, so, as) not to leave them at the end ofthe line.

Citations, inclusions of words from the different languages and explanation of foreign names should be written in italics font e.g.: Nec Hercules contra plures, or CIE (Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage) for International Commission on Illumination or as German derived word informatics (ger. Informatik) being somewhat equivalent for computer science.

The manuscript should be written using proportional serif font such as CG Times or Times New Roman with 12 point size (named further Normal font). Interline distance should be set proportional to 1.3 for the main text, bibliography and long abstract, with such settings there should be 37 or 38 lines per page. Further elements such as article titles, subsections, short abstracts, table captions and footnote comments should have interline set to 1. There is no additional spacing between paragraphs.

Horizontal tabs should be set up every ¼ inch. Section titles and first lines of paragraphs are intended for one tab space. Article parts: a title, a title in Polish and section titles should be left aligned without hyphenation. Main text, and all the abstracts should be justified (both, left and right margins aligned). Every even page of manuscript has a header with a page number and initials and surnames of author(s) - see pages 2, 4. The header of the odd pages except the first one has a page number and a title. If it is longer than a single line it should contain several initial words and ellipsis (three dots sign). The header line has ¾ point width and is text width long; it is placed 1.8 mm below the header text. The next text line is 1.8mm below that line for the first (title) page and 5mm below for all other pages. All these values are provided in the template file.

1.1.1.Third level of headings

The title of the article should be written in capital letters with bold 14.4 point size font. Polish title should also be capitals the same size normal font (without bold). All the information about font sizes and attributes for this mock article are provided in Tab. 1.

Tables, in most cases, should be centered in the text width – the same applies to the figures. The table name (Table 1) should be right aligned to the right side of the table. The table caption is to be centered and located in the next line or lines. If the table or figure is accompanied with text then the figures and tables can be located freely.

The last row of a table (having invisible edges) with 4 mm height is provided for proper distance between the table and the successive parts of the article.

Table 1
Font sizes and attributes of typesetting elements for article mock
Element / Size / Attributes / Justify / Spacing
Title / 14.4 / capitals, bold / left / 1
Title translation / 14.4 / capitals / left / 1
Section titles:
first level
second level
third level
fourth level / 14.4
12 / bold
bold, italic
italic / left
left / 1
Article content, longsummary andbibliography / 12 / both
(justified) / 1.3
Short summaries / 12 / both / 1
Footer and header / 12 / see description / 1
figure caption / 11 / see description / 1
table caption / 12 / centered / 1
footnote / 10 / both / 1 level of headings

Figures placed in the article should have centered captions provided both in English and Polish. Both abbreviations (Fig. and Rys.) and first letters of captions should be located be placed exactly over each other (left side aligned). If the caption is longer than a single line then it should be left aligned with a first word of a caption. Example of figure annotation and caption placing is demonstrated in Fig. 1. To obtain the proper formatting it is suggested to employ tables as it is demonstrated in Figs. 1 and 2. Please mind the numbering sequence field switches.

For convenient operation on the figures and for proper spacing it is suggested to use separate embedded drawings having small outer margins. Please mind that excessive margins are quite common when authors do not take care on the visual aspects of spreadsheet generated charts.

1 byte / 2 byte / r-th byte
s / e / a1 / ... / ar-1
s– sign bit,
e– exponent,
ai– mantis digits.
Fig. 1. The format of the floatingpoint, decimal or currency field type
Rys. 1.Format pola typu zmiennoprzecinkowego, dziesiętnego lub waluty

One should note that the font used in the figures should not differ significantly from the main text and should be the same for all figures in the article. The figures area should neither have borders nor frames.

Another example of figure and captions is demonstrated in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Scheme of a control system
Rys. 2. Schemat układu regulacji

Equations are left-aligned with ½inch indent (style art_Equation). For all equations there the same font size as for the rest of an article should be used. For the numbering and reference to the equations there should be used round brackets. Equation numbers are right aligned just after the right aligning tab sign. An exemplary equation with numbering is provided below:


where x and y denote coordinates of the current point.

Variables should be given with italic, brackets and operators with normal font. The proper notation should be equivalent to the equation editor results[3].

To write the source code of functions, procedures, programs and HTML/XML documents please use style “Program”. Please see exemplary HTML document below.



<title>Test application</title>





<a href="get_emp?p_empno='7369'">Id.: 7369</a<br/>

<a href="get_emp?p_empno='7788'">Id.: 7788</a>




Note the empty lines at the beginning and at the end of the source code, they provide proper spacing between the program code and the rest of the document.

Here are also provided enumerations and itemizations. The basic style for itemization is art_itemize_o. An example of usage of this style is provided on the second page of this template. Exemplary enumeration is provided with bibliographic index.

For referring to the positions of a bibliographic index, rectangular brackets should be used (e.g. [1], [2,3], [2-4])

The bibliographic index is located after the main article body. The header of the bibliographic index is left aligned written with capitals 12 point bold font. References should include as follows:

a)for books:

−index number (e.g. 1.),

−surname and initials of author,


−publisher name,

−location and date of publishing,

−tome, volume, issue,

b)for articles:

−index number (e.g. 2.),

−surname and initials of author,

−article title,

−journal title,




−pages, after the pp. abbreviation.

There are two styles predefined for the bibliographic index: art_Bibliography_item for manual edition and enumeration of an index, and the automatic style Bibliography 1 (or respective name depending on the language settings) that follows the first one, but is intended for the cooperation with Zotero bibliographic manager, therefore the enumeration is done by the external software– the appropriate CSL style is also provided.

2.Example of a section title (of a first level) which require two lines for its contents

2.1.The line spacing for two headings of first and second level one after another

If a title of a section is a first line on a page then there is no normal extended interline spacing between the text and the heading and the heading is located just below the page header. The same notions apply also to the headings of bibliographic index, heading for a long abstract and a date of submission. The submission date should be placed just after the bibliography.


  1. Węgrzyn S.: Podstawy automatyki. PWN, Warszawa 1978.
  2. Czachórski T., Kowalówka M., Szczerbiński Z., Wilk A. Wołowiec [w:] Modelowanie systemów komputerowych za pomocą AMOK-u. Podstawy Informatyki, 1987, t.17, nr3÷4, s.103÷127.
  3. Shannon, C. E.: A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 27, No. 3, p. 379÷423, 1948.
  4. Mielczarek W.: Cyfrowy interfejs pomiarowy ICS-BUS. ZN Pol. Śl. s. Informatyka z.22, Gliwice 1993.
  5. Skowronek M.: Wybrane ważniejsze zasady redakcyjne. Opracowanie Instytutu Informatyki Pol. Śl., Gliwice 1992.
  6. Węgrzyn S., Klamka J.: Kwantowe systemy informatyki. Studia Informatica, Wyd. Pol. Śląskiej, Vol.21, No.1 (39), Gliwice2000.
  7. Xięski T.: Zastosowanie algorytmu DBSCAN dla grupowania danych tekstowych. [w:] Wakulicz-Deja A. (red.): Systemy wspomagania decyzji. Instytut Informatyki Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Sosnowiec 2010.
  8. Savenko O., Lysenko S. Kryschuk A: Multi-Agent Based Approach of Botnet Detection [in:] Computer Systems. Int. Conf. Computer Networks '12, CCIS, Vol. 291, p.171÷180, Springer, 2012.


The article ends with a long abstract in Polish (up to 300 words) written using normal 12 point basic font. The header of this summary (pl. Omówienie) should be bold left-aligned with 12 point font. The long summary should contain references to the tables, figures and equations from the body of the article like referring to the equation (1).

Note for Polish authors:

Artykuł kończy streszczenie (długie) w języku polskim. Streszczenie to powinno zawierać do 300 słów. Tytuł streszczenia zapisany jest czcionką 12 point/Bold, bezpośrednio przy lewym marginesie Streszczenie długie powinno zawierać odwołania do wzorów, tabel irysunków. Przykładowe odwołanie do wzoru w treści artykułu (1).

Jeżeli artykuł jest napisany w języku polskim, wtedy rolę drugiego języka spełnia język angielski. Dotyczy to tytułu artykułu, streszczeń i podpisów pod rysunkami. Abstract będzie wtedy tytułem streszczenia długiego, natomiast BIBLIOGRAFIA tytułem wykazu literatury. Nazwa instytucji Autora i jego adres powinny być w języku polskim. W wykazie literatury do wskazywania stron, zamiast skrótu p., należy użyć skrótu s. Podobnież dane adresowe autora/autorów powinny być poprzedzone nagłówkiem Adres.

The final part of the article are addresses of authors having heading Addresses, if there is only one author then the header is Address. The address should be left aligned normal font providing a full postal address for mail correspondence and there should be provided e-mail address afterward.


Marcin SKOWRONEK: Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Informatics,
ul. Akademicka 16, 44100Gliwice, Poland, .

Przemysław SKUROWSKI: Silesian University of Technology, Institute of Informatics,
ul. Akademicka 16, 44100Gliwice, Poland, .

[1]Acknowledgments of the funding sources please provide as the footnote to the title; If the paper is an extended version of a conference referred article please provide this information here as citation as well.

[2] The most up-to-date version of this template in odt/ott format containing exemplary contents and definition of styles is available on The footer separator is 2 inch long, ¾ with points width and 2mm spacing between separator line and footnote text. Numbering of footnotes is continuous within an article

[3] It is\strongly recommended not to use the equation editor provided by Microsoft Office Word 2007 (or newer), please use Microsoft Equation 3.0 objects instead or use Open Document formula objects, as they provide proper visual representation of equations.