Revised 9-22-17


Step 1– Getting Started

Download and open the Degree Completion Plan template. This is an Excel file. You will need to have access to Microsoft Office with Excel.

Save the template with a new file name with this format: student ID number_your last name_date.xlsx

So, for example: “0555432_Smith_10-5-16.xlsx”

Fill in your personal information at the top of the template (see below for instructions on entering credits earned). Under “Career Interests” feel free to list multiple possible interests. You can also indicate that you are uncertain about a career choice.

Step 2 – Course Credits So Far

Open up an unofficial copy of your transcript from yourTowson Online Services page.

At the end of the transcript, under “Undergraduate Career Totals,” find your cumulative total number of credits earned. Enter this number on the templateon the left side below your personal information where it asks for “Total Credits Earned To Date.”

Count up the number of UPPER LEVEL credits (300-400 level) that you have already completed and passedwith a D grade or higher(exclude courses you are currently taking). Enter this number on the template where it says “Total Upper Level Credits Earned To Date.”

Finally, where requested on the template, enter the total number of credits you are taking in the current term/semester (lower+upper level)AND the number of upper level credits you are taking in the current term/semester. If you are doingyour plan during minimester or summer (because you doing this for Biol 204), then the minimester or summer is your current term.

Step 3 – Making a List of Courses You Still Need to Take

Open a blank Word document and save it with the file name: your last name-Courses Still Needed.docx

Type in your full name at the top of the document and next to it write “Courses Still Needed.

Below your name, vertically list the Core courses you will still need to takeafter the current term. DO NOT specify which courses you will take, just indicate the categories you have left to fulfill. So, your document should look something like this at the top:

Jane Smith – Courses Still Needed
Core 9
Core 10
Core 11
Some advice! The easiest way to determine what Core courses you need is to access your Academic Requirements report. On the left side of your TU Online Services main webpageyou will find the “Academic Requirements” link. After clicking on that link, you will have a number of options, one of which is “view report as a PDF.” The PDF is generally easier to read so you might want to start with that. If you choose to view the report online, click on the “Expand All” option.

Next, list vertically on your document the courses that you plan to take in future semesters, minimesters and summers to complete your chosen Biology concentrationafter the current term. To help with this, please complete the “course checklist” for your chosen concentration. You will find checklists and all other helpful documents mentioned below online under “Information You Will Need.”

Your list of courses needed document will then start to look something like this:

Jane Smith – Courses Still Needed
Core 9
Core 10
Core 11
Biol 309
Biol 208
Biol 221/221L
Biol 222/222L
Biol 318
Biol 470
Chem 132/132L
Chem 331
Chem 332
Chem 351
Math 211
More advice! The Quick Guide to Course Requirements for the Biology Concentrations document will also be quite helpful. You especially want to see the reverse side of this document if you are pre-med, pre-dental, pre-PA or pre-vet.

Finally, list any courses you need for a second major or a minor, if you have one, and list any additional courses that you would like to take.

Step 4 – Making Your Plan

You will next indicate on your Degree Completion Plan template when you plan to take each of the courses on the list you just made. However, before you start, consider the following two notes of caution:

1. Not every course is offered in every semester! Use the Anticipated Offerings of Biology Courses document to determine in which semester Biology courses are offered. Likewise, use the Anticipated Offering of Ancillary Courses document to help schedule your Chemistry, Physics, and Math Courses.

Note: The Anticipated Offerings of Biology Coursesdocument may not show course offerings for your last semester or two at TU. However, the Biology Department has a four-semester course rotation scheme. Thus, you can assume that the Fall of 2019 will have the same courses as the Fall of 2017. Likewise, what will be available in Spring 2020 will match what is available in Spring 2018.

2. Watch out for pre-requisite requirements! For example, you must take Biol 309-Genetics before you take many other courses. Prerequisites for Biology courses can be found on the List of Pre-Requisites for Biology Courses document.

Ok, paying attention to when courses are offered and course pre-requisites, start to fill out the template, indicating what courses you will take in each of your remaining terms. Start with the NEXT TERM coming up (not the current term). Work left-to-right (rather than vertically) on the temple. Include minimester and summer terms if appropriate.

For courses you are taking, give the course number, the abbreviated course name, number of credits and list any pre-requisitesfor the course (just provide the course number for these). An example appears next:

Term/Year: / Spring 2019
Course Number / Course Name / Credits / Prerequisite(s)
1 / Biol 470 / Adv Physiology / 4 / Biol 221+222 or 325
2 / Biol 409 / Molec Biol / 4 / Biol 309
3 / Chem 356 / Biochem / 3 / Chem 332 or 330
4 / Core / TBD (to be determined) / 3
Total for term: / 14

Note that for Core courses you only need to write “Core” and indicate the number of credits (usually 3). Do NOT specify the core category or give the course name. You need to be flexible about which Core courses you take and when.

Step 5 – Making Sure You Have Enough Credits To Graduate

The template should automatically calculate the number of credits for each term and automatically put the total number of credits you have on the plan, and the total number of credits you will have at graduation, up above. The total number of credits at graduation must be at least 120.

You also need to have at least 32 upper level credits at graduation. The template does not automatically calculate total number of upper level credits. You have to do that and enter the information in the appropriate box.

DON’T FORGET that all Core 9 courses are upper level courses worth 3 credits. So if you still need to take a Core 9, count those 3 credits as upper level credits.
Certain courses in other Core categories are also upper level courses. See:
If you plan to take one of those courses, indicate in the “Student Notes” box at the top of the spreadsheet which other upper level Core course(s) you plan to take and what Core category each course fulfills. For example: “I plan to take FMST 310 – LGBT Families, to satisfy Core 13.”
Caution: Some upper level Core courses have restrictive prerequisites. Check the course
descriptions in the undergraduate catalog.

Step 6 – If You Are a Transfer Student…

Complete the special grid at the bottom of the Excel template where you indicate how many Biology course credits you will takeat TU. Be aware that Biology majors must take a minimum of 19 course credits in Biology at TU, with at least 10 of these credits being upper level. “Biology courses” include all“BIOL” courses that satisfy concentration requirements,as well as MBBB 301 & 315, and CHEM 351 & 356.

Step 7 – If You are an Honors College Student…

At the bottom of the template, include the number of non-elective Honors courses you will have completed by the end of the current term, and how many credits are from Honors Seminar courses.

Completing a plan is especially challenging for Honors students. You are strongly encouraged to see the “Tips for Honors Students” document for helpful advice.


Step 8 - Submit Your Plan For Review

You will submit three items to the faculty member responsible for reviewing your plan:

1) Your concentration checklist

2) Your “Courses Still Needed” Word document

3) Your Degree Completion Plan (the Excel template)


1. At least once a year, you are strongly encouraged to get an updated list of when BIOL courses are going to be offered over the coming four semesters (available in the Biology Department office) and double-check your Degree Completion Plan to make sure that courses will still be offered when you think they will be offered. The rotation scheme for courses is NOT set in stone and changes occur every year for various reasons.

2. The faculty member reviewing your plan will do their best to make sure that your plan will allow you to complete requirements for the B.S. degree in Biology. However, ultimately it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that, when you are applying for graduation, you will have completed allcourse requirements. We strongly recommend that you review and update your plan every semester and review it with your advisor before registering for your next set of courses. Indeed, your advisor may require you to do this.