

Jessica Renn, Monroe County Emergency Management

Tim Deckard, Van Buren Township Fire Department, Monroe County

John Hooker III, Monroe County Emergency Management

Duane Davis, Jackson County Emergency Management

Rob Sears, Bloomington City Fire Department

Mark Baranko, Bloomington Township Fire Department

Max M. Peters, Perry Township Fire Department, Lawrence County

Ken Teague, Bedford Fire Department

Steve Nolan, Pleasant Run Fire Department

Lona Huffman, Jones & Associates Insurance

Robert Brown, Shawswick Volunteer Fire Department

Steven Ingle, Carr Township Fire Department

Troy Johnson, Oolitic Fire Department

Perry Hurst, Salem Fire Department

Jerry Kindred, Brownstown Fire Department

Morris Willmert, Orange County

William Sallee, Orange County District #2

John Dowdell, Jackson County

James E. McFarlan, Shawswick Volunteer Fire Department

Valerie Luchauer, Lawrence County Emergency Management

The meeting began with self introductions.

Ken Teague made a motion to accept the minutes from the December 19, 2006 meeting minutes. Steve Nolan seconded. All members were in favor.

Chairman Deckard went over the mission statement again with the committee. When he was finished reading it, he asked for any changes or additions to it.

Steve Nolan made a motion to accept the mission statement. Rob Sears seconded. All members were in favor.

Chairman Deckard reminded everyone of the last meeting where it was discussed to have Duane Davis, Jackson County Emergency Management Director be the Fiscal Agent for the district. Duane was at the meeting tonight. Mr. Davis stated that he would like to be the Fiscal Agent. He also stated that he needs a grant agreement as well.

Chairman Deckard told the committee that Jessica Renn has brought most of the needs assessments with her and they are dividing by county. He went through each county and the committee noted who was missing from each county. At this time Monroe County and Bartholomew County are the only two that have all of theirs completed.

Chairman Deckard told the committee that a subcommittee needs to be formed for the finances. A financial plan time from 1-5 years needs to be established as well. The members of the Financial Subcommittee are as follows:

Mark Baranko, Chairman

Rob Stumpf

Bob Brown

There is going to need to be a plan set up to keep track of everyone who is eligible to teach classes in the district. The individuals on the Instructor Program Subcommittee are as follows:

Rob Sears, Chairman

Steve Nolan

Ken Teague

Jerry Kindred

If anyone needs a copy of the tentative fire training plan for our district let Jessica Renn know and she will send you a copy.

Lona Huffman spoke to the committee about insurance for the vehicles for the district.

Chairman Deckard and the Committee discussed if there should be terms for the positions for Chairman and Secretary. The Committee decided that 5 years would probably be good terms for both.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 7:00PM at the Dunn Health Campus.