Marina Fridin

Curriculum Vitae

Faculty of Industrial EngineeringManagement, Ariel College, Israel

+972 - 77 –8130006; ; .


Emotions, Motor control, Perception, Cognition, Affective computing, Cognitive User Modeling, Robotics, Human Computer/Robot Interaction, Assistive Robotics, Machine learning,Computer vision


Ph.D., Computer Science Applied Math., Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 2004- 04.2009

Thesis: Computational model for body expression of emotion; Advisor: Prof. T. Flash

M.Sc., Computer Science Applied Math.,Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 2002-2004

Thesis: Gesture Language for Human Computer Interaction; Advisor: Prof. T. Flash

B. Tech., Computer Science,Shenkar College, Israel 1997-2001


Faculty Member, Faculty of Industrial Engineering& Management, Ariel College, Israel 2009

  • Motor Control and Action Perception: our research in motor control/affective motor control and cognitive user modeling,investigates the information that provides human movement about the intentions, affect and identity of an individual, within the application domains of human-robotic/computer interaction, athletics and artistic expression in music and dance.
  • Human-Robot Interaction:our research in human-robotic interactionfocuses on socially assistive systems capable of aiding people through social interaction,within thecurrent application domains of rehabilitationof stroke patients and trainingofchildren with autism spectrum disorders.

International Summer Science Institute in Weizmann Institute of Scence:

Perceptual learning in Body Expression of Emotions 2007

Adaptive methods for gesture recognition 2004


Human-Computer Interaction, Faculty of Software Engineering, Shenkar College 2007-2009

It is an interdisciplinary field that integrates theories and methodologies from computer science, cognitive psychology, design, and many other areas; providesstudents withexperience working on both individual and team projects to design, implement and evaluate computer interfaces.

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Ariel College 2007-2009

This course provides the students with an understanding of the fundamentals of Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, including the basic algorithms in Image Processing, Robotics, Networking, Programmed Logic Controllers and Numerical Control.

Human Robot Interaction, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Ariel College 2009

This course is designed to teach students about the field of human-robot interaction, through a combination of lectures and problem sets that lead upto the creation and evaluation of their own relational machine by the end of the semester.

Cognitive Engineering, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Ariel College 2009

This course is designed to prepare incoming graduate students by providing them with a basic background on cognitive theory. The aims of the course is to establish basic knowledge of psychology necessary for understanding human interaction with complex systems,including Attention, Perception, Memory, Language, Decision making, and to practice drawing implications for system design from that foundation.

Introduction to Robotics, School of Computer Science, Academic College of Tel-Aviv 2009

This course introduces advancedundergraduate students to the programming and control of robotic systems. Topics includekinematics, inverse kinematics, dynamics, actuation, sensing, manipulation, control, andmotion planning. The course includes lectures, mathematical problem sets, programmingassignments, and a course lab-basedprojectwith LEGO kits mobile robots.


Computer Engineer, Sarin Technology, Ramat-Gan, Israel 2001-2002

UI, software and 3D vision algorithms for processing of diamonds(C++, MFC underUNIX/Windows)

Computer Engineer, Motorola, Tel-Aviv, Israel 2000-2001

Development of Software for QA of mobile phones (C++, MFC under UNIX/Windows)


  1. Fridin, M., Barliy, A., Schechtman, E., deGelder, B., Flash, T., (2009), Gaze and the perception of emotional body language (EBL), an eye tracking study,accepted to Experimental Brain Research
  2. Fridin, M., deGelder, B., Flash, T., (2009), Gender differences in the perception of emotional body language (EBL), an eye tracking study, in preparation to Emotion
  3. Fridin, M., Maoz, U., Flash, T.,(2009),The Influence of Emotion and Affective Music on Arm Movements,inpreparation for Experimental Brain Research
  4. Fridin, M., Barliy, A., deGelder, B., Flash, T.,(2009),A Computational Model for Body Expression of Emotion,submitted to Cognition
  5. Fridin, M., Flash, T., (2007),Glove-Based Recognition System of Gesture Language for HCI,in preparation for IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation.


  1. Fridin, M., Barliya, A., Schechtman, E., deGelder, B., Flash, T.,(2009),Computational model and the human perception of emotional body language (EBL),Proceeding, AISB, Edinburgh
  2. Ousov-Fridin, M., Barliya,A., Rabani, M., Shectman, E., deGelder, B., Flash, T.,(2008),Analysis of human eye fixation patterns during the perception and recognition of emotions from static body postures,SFN, Washington, US, 2008 (abstract& oral presentation)
  3. Ousov-Fridin, M., deGelder, B., Flash, T.,(2006), A Computational Model for Body Expression of Emotion in HCI,Humaine Summer School, University of Genova,Italy, (oral presentation)
  4. Ousov-Fridin, M., deGelder, B., Flash, T., (2007),A Computational Model for Body Expression of Emotion in HCI,The Third Computational Motor Control Workshop, BGU, Israel (poster).
  5. Ousov-Fridin, M., Zachenhouse, M., Flash, T., (2006),Gesture Language for HCI,The Second Computational Motor Control Workshop, BGU, Israel, (poster).


  1. “Body Expression of Emotion for Human-Computer/Robot Interaction”, Robotics Seminar, USC, Cornell, Brown, Minnesota and Carnegie-Mellon Universities, US,Nov-Dec, 2008.
  2. “Body Expression of Emotion for Human-Computer/Robot Interaction”, Robotics Seminar, ArielCollege, Ben-Gurion University,Israel, June, 2009.
  3. Talks on COBOL (COmmunication with Emotional BOdy Language)project annual meetings, 2006-2009.

PEER REVIEWING: Autosoft Journal:Soft Computing and Automation Journal


Languages: English, Hebrew, Russian

Computer Languages: MFC/C++, VB, Java, Matlab, SAS, SPSS, MS Office

Equipment: CyberGlove– hand gestures, Libertysystem - motion tracking, ISCAN–eye tracking, Wacom Tablet- hand movement,Wii – human movement in computer game context.


Prof. Tamar Flash
Research Adviser
Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics,Weizmann Institute of Science,76100 Rehovot, Israel
Fax: +972-8-9342945
Phone: +972-8-9343476
E-mail: / Prof. Shimon Ullman
Member of Dissertation Committee
Samy and Ruth Cohn Professor of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science,76100 Rehovot, Israel
Tel: +972-8-934-2894
Fax: +972-8-934-2945 / 6023
E-mail: / Dr. Uri Maoz
Division of Biology, 216-76
Pasadena, CA91125