Taking Photos on Campus at EDHS:

Throughout the semester you will have days when you need to head outside to shoot. There are specific rules when taking photos on campus. If I get info from a teacher or administrator about bad behavior, you will lose the privilege to go outside to shoot! It IS a privilege, and this classroom is very much built on trust. Once you lose my trust, you must earn it back.


Not disrupt other classes.

Do not enter any classroom other than ours and do not stick your head in classrooms to say hello to buddies or teachers who are in class. Please avoid windows and doors to classrooms at all times. Do not go near the area by room 709.

Stay on campus.

No leaving campus grounds. You must stay within the gates of EDHS. The parking lots, office and field areas are off limits without special permission.

Not break any school rules.

Boys stay out of the girl's bathroom, visa versa. If you wouldn’t do whatever you are doing in front of Ms. Cecil, then you may not do it outside while shooting.

Pay attention to the time.

We don’t write late passes. Students must be back to shut down equipment and return gear.

Only go outside if I need to take photos.

No going outside to “hang”. We should not see students sitting around campus holding a camera and chatting with each other. You should be outside to shoot and then come back when you are done.

Treat the camera equipment & computer lab with respect at all times.

The equipment you are using belongs to the school. If you are careless, you not only limit equipment for yourself, but for everyone else. Please use camera wrist guards and tighten tripods correctly. Make sure you bring all equipment back to the classroom.

Make good choices.

Situations come up where you will need to use your own good judgment. Think before you do something that will get you in trouble. If you are unsure, ask me (the photo teacher).

By signing this contract, you can now use the computers and equipment in 902 and you AGREE to abide by these rules.

PRINT NAME: ______

PERIOD: ______