Orlando Chapter of IFMA

Board of Directors March 2013 Meeting Minutes


Date: March 13, 2013

Location of Meeting: 2315 Lynx Ave., Orlando, Florida


Orlando Chapter of IFMA’s Mission Statement

The Orlando Chapter of IFMA is an organization dedicated to developing the professional growth of our members through education, networking, certification, and promotion of the facility management Profession.

Board Members in attendance:

President: Steve Mathes / X / Grace Cubarrubia – Director, Membership Chair
Vice President: Darlene King / X / Lisa Cloud-Kelly- Director, Education Chair / X
Treasurer: Amie Erickson / X / Phil Keller – Director, Social Chair / X
Secretary: Ramona Livingston / X / Ramona Livingston-Director, Community Chair / X
Past President: David Dunn / X / Alan Fickett – Director, Sponsorship Chair / X
Gerie Vogt – Director, Program Chair / X
Renee Ponik – Director, Newsletter/Webpage Chair / X

Committee members/Others’ in attendance:

Renee Perrin - Chapter Administration / X
Ben Parades – Membership Co-Chair / X
Fred Livingston – Education Co-Chair
Charles Davidson – CenturyLink

Meeting Called to Order by Steve at 11:53 a.m.

·  Steve asked everyone to review the February Minutes.

·  Steve made a motion that the February Minutes be accepted as revised, Phil made a motion, Alan seconded; Steve asked for a vote, motion was approved unanimously.

President’s Report

·  Renee’ Ponik reviewed status of Balanced Scorecard. She will work with her committee to look over what we are measuring. Each area, Treasurer, Membership, etc. is asked to review their section, what they are measuring and get their feedback to Renee’.

·  Steve presented a fee that is being charged by IFMA national. David will research the fee.

Treasurer’s Report

·  Amie reported on the February Financial Reports. February ending balanced is $32,915.80. Six month reserve funds of $10,500 leaves a working capital of $21,901.80. Motion made by Steve for the financial activity to be accepted as delivered. Alan made a motion, Darlene seconded; motion was approved unanimously.

Education – Lisa

·  No class this month due to exam review. Next month will be at KSC, presented by Kathy Nelson. For those not wanting to attend at KSC, may attend at City of Orlando conference room at no charge. If they want to attend at KSC, they need to notify Renee’ 24 hours in advance to get security authorization.

·  CFM Exam Review March 15 & 16. Geoff Allen will instruct. Tarzan will shadow Geoff. 12 students registered. Ben Paredes and Gerie Voigt are the sponsors.

·  Need to update wording in the scholarship applications.

·  Renee’ Ponik will set up a study team at KSC and will facilitate as a new CFM, when she passes her exam. Kathy Nelson has been doing this recently for those in our chapter. She encourages others to do the same as they get their CFM.

Programs – Gerie

·  March monthly program Dean Kashawagi is all set. He is doing a 90 minute workshop post luncheon for FMs who want to attend. There is no charge to attend. The chapter is paying his expenses.

Social – Phil

·  Save the date April 11th Spring Wing Fling at the Wing Shack, no cost to FM’s, though they need to RSVP.

·  Reverse Trade Show October 24th Winter Park Civic Center 1-4 pm. Social hour immediately following from 4-5:30 or 6 pm. There is a subcommittee working on this event and directory. Goal for 32 booths. Fee for vendors to attend, $55 for member vendors, $75 for non member vendors. Luncheon for FMs before event. Gold, silver and bronze level sponsors. No fee for FMs to attend the show.

Membership – Ben

·  177 members 69% professional, 31% vendors

·  Grace and David met with four people at Disney and two of them were able to attend the February program luncheon.

·  All expiring members have been contacted. Several are working on renewing.

Sponsorship – Alan

·  We have five platinum sponsors.

·  Status of annual renewals: Empire Furniture requested sponsorship information from Alan, which he provided. They have sent request information to their headquarters. Waiting for a response.

·  Alan proposed purchasing a sponsorship banner to display our platinum sponsors. Steve asked for a motion to approve the purchase of a banner. David made a motion, Amie seconded. Passed unanimously.

Community Involvement – Ramona

·  National Rebuilding Together day will take place on Saturday, April 27th. We will meet at 8:30 am at a location to be determined, somewhere in Eatonville. Catherine Mays is assisting with this event and will cover breakfast for us. Ed Green and RTO will provide drinks, lunch, tools and t-shirts. Renee will include this event in our weekly email to our members and those interested in volunteering are to contact Ramona.


·  None

New Business

·  None

Old Business –

·  Darlene is looking into several companies to update our website. She is also looking into another company other than Constant Contact. There are package options on their website, looking into package for less money. Looking into Chapter Manager, software that we pay an up front fee for, has been around since 2004. Base fee $3990 to get up and running. $4350 capital charge. Annual fee to run the website $890. May add on an event module for managing events. Includes free surveys! (gpag.net or cfcnigp.org as examples.) Darlene and Amie will combine details to present to the board at the April meeting. David suggested we also look at opt out clauses, in case at any point we are not satisfied.

·  The renewal of Renee Perrin’s annual contract from March 15, 2013 to March 15, 2014. Alan made a motion to accept Renee’s 2013 contract, Amie seconded, passed unanimously.

Steve made a motion to adjourn, Darlene made a motion, Lisa seconded; Steve asked for a vote and the motion was approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:47 p.m.

Respectively submitted,

Ramona Livingston, CFM, MIS
