Budget Resolutions OKs Pay Parity—Add One

For Immediate Release Contact: Dina Long

June 6, 2008 (202) 572-5500, ext. 7058

NTEU Lauds Inclusion of Pay Parity

Language in Fiscal 2009 Budget Resolution

Washington, D.C.—The leader of the nation’s largest independent union of federal employees welcomed approval by the House of Representatives of the House-Senate conference report containing language strongly backed by the union that would provide parity in pay raises next year for both members of the military and the federal civilian workforce. The Senate previously approved the measure.

This action, said President Colleen M. Kelley of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), is another important step toward reaching the union’s goal of a 3.9 percent pay raise in 2009 for both groups of federal workers.

“NTEU has long believed in the concept of pay parity as serving our nation well by helping both the military and federal agencies recruit and retain the talented people they need,” Kelley said, “and we will continue to fight not just for parity but for a fair pay increase for all who serve our nation with skill, energy and dedication to duty.”

Last month, the House approved the Defense Authorization bill containing a 3.9 percent raise for the military in 2009; the White House earlier proposed a military pay increase of 3.4 percent, and only a 2.9 percent raise for the civilian workforce next year.

Now that the budget resolution is in place, the NTEU leader said, congressional appropriations committees can begin moving the bills that fund government agencies, and provide for the pay raise for federal civilian employees. Appropriations subcommittees on financial services in both the House and Senate, which have jurisdiction over the federal pay raise, are expected to mark up those measures soon, she said.

As the largest independent federal union, NTEU represents 150,000 employees in 31 agencies and departments.


For more information, visit www.nteu.org

Additional contacts: Sheila McCormick, Mike Drapkin, (202) 572-5500