Minutes from the 22nd Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC 67/SC 4
23/24 May 2011 · Stavanger, Norway
1. Opening of the meeting
The TC 67/SC 4 Chair, Austin Freeman, opened the meeting by welcoming the delegates to Norway and thanking them for their attendance. Business cards were collected to identify attendees. Jens-Henrik (Statoil) offered welcome to the delegates and provided a safety announcement; in the event of an emergency.
2. Roll call of delegates (ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N501)
The delegates introduced themselves, noting each Head of Delegation from the represented countries. A list of delegates is provided as attached to this document.
Head of Delegations were identified as follows:
ISO/TC 67/SC 4 Minutes and Resolutions – Stavanger, Norway Page 2
Bert Dijkhuis, The Netherlands
Jens-Henrik Neuenkirchen, Norway
Austin Freeman, USA
Marcos Pellegrini Ribeiro, Brazil
Michel Grepinet, France
Roberto Masoni, Italy
Anna Kvasnyak, Russia
ISO/TC 67/SC 4 Minutes and Resolutions – Stavanger, Norway Page 2
Noted that only half of the P members are attending the meeting and no O members are attending the meeting.
3. Adoption of the agenda
èR1 The agenda was reviewed. The agenda was accepted as presented in ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N490.
4. Appointment of the drafting committee
The ISO/TC 67/SC 4 Chair asked for volunteers to participate on the resolutions drafting committee. The volunteers were identified as: Ed Baniak, Andries Otter and Eric Simon.
5. Report of the Secretariat (ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N491)
The chair (Austin Freeman) summarized the secretariat's report.
The chair noted that Kazakhstan was downgraded from a (P) member to an (O) member. The ISO rule states that lack of participation in 3 consecutive votes will result in the downgrading of a country from (P) to (O) status.
The expectation is for the national bodies to identify subject matter experts and maintain the global directory on the ISO website.
èR2 The convenors are requested to review the ISO rosters for their work groups for accuracy and to update as needed.
èR3 Request that the Management Committee of TC67 provide advice on how to resolve the issue of maintaining work group and project rosters.
Eric Simon has volunteered as the new convenor of WG1 (replacing David Lewis).
èR4 ISO TC 67/SC 4 requests that ISO Management Committee recognize the appointment of Eric Simon as the new convenor of WG1, replacing David Lewis.
We have 49 standards on the subcommittee, with 23 currently being worked. ISO TC 67/SC 4 has published 3 standards and two amendments in 2010 and expect to publish 4 standards in 2011.
ISO CS has agreed to edit documents at the DIS stage prior to the DIS ballot opening.
5.1. Actions from the 2009 meeting
Outstanding Resolutions
Resolution 7 (Delft, 2009) ISO/TC 67/SC 4 supports that a NWIP by France is raised by WG2 for the development of a document on the repair and remanufacturing of BOPs. Still open…waiting for the identification of a project leader
Resolution 12 (Delft, 2009) ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests WG6 submit 13628-12 directly to DIS. It will be closed when document is submitted.
Resolution 13 (Delft, 2009) ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests WG6 submit 13628-13 directly to DIS.
Note: ISO 13628-13 was reassigned to ISO 13628-8 (Resolution 8 [Washington 2010]). DIS ballot closed 2011-04-11. Closed
Resolution 19 (Delft, 2009) ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests the convenor of WG1 to submit two NWIPs to enable the co-branding of API Spec 4F and API Spec 7K with ISO 13626 and ISO 14693, respectively, to be maintained now that work on the revision of these documents has begun. See WG1 report.
Resolution 7 (Washington, 2010) ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests its chair approach API Subcommittee 16 leadership and address the need to ensure better cooperation on projects of mutual interest between ISO and API and what can be done to meet this need. Closed
Resolution 10 (Washington, 2010) ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests that WG1 use the balloted changes to API 8B and 8C documents, developed since the last ISO DIS ballots for both ISO documents, as a basis to submit to ISO CS for a 2nd DIS ballot for ISO 13534 and ISO 13535, respectively. See WG1 report.
Resolution 13 (Washington, 2010) ISO/TC 67/SC 4 requests that the convenor submit a formal report on the status of projects under ISO/TC 67/SC 4/WG 1 by August 31, 2010. Completed
5.2. ISO/TC 67 update (ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N499 and N499a)
Neil Reeve reported the goals of TC67 have expanded: “To prepare standards that are recognized by regulators.”
The Netherlands has fully assumed the chair of TC67 (replacing the United States).
Globally, about 150 standards have been published. Over 50% (76 documents) of the ISO TC67 standards are now co-branded as API documents. Nearly 90% of the ISO TC67 standards are European standards (adopted by all the countries of CEN – 31 countries).
In response to Macondo (US) and Montara (Australia):
· TC67 prepared an action plan (NDoc 1119), issued on 31 December 2010.
· Identified the need to work closely with active participants: API, IRF, CEN, OGP, etc.
· Information gained from an accident in one country must be transferred globally.
· TC67 documents may achieve the transfer of information.
· Stakeholders are requested to participate and support actively.
New documents needed
· Well Integrity on production wells in TC67/SC4 - (equivalent to complimentary document of API 96, limited to initial design of Deep Water). There may be a need to consider well abandonment issued. ISO and API documents should be complimentary. There may be a need for a global, over-arching integrity document.
· Well control equipment in TC67/SC4 – (equivalent of API 16A)
· Cementing in TC67/SC3 – (equivalent to API SC10)
· Development and implementation of HSE management systems (not assigned in TC67 yet)
· Competence of personnel – general principles (not assigned in TC67 yet)
6. CEN TC 12 Report (Document ISO TC 67/SC 4 N497 and N497a)
The scope of the group is nearly the same as ISO/TC 67. Not all ISO/TC 67 documents are automatically adopted. The documents should have applicability to most of the region (within Europe) serviced my CEN TC 12. The European community is considered 27 countries, but adoption of document by CEN results in the adoption of the document by 31 countries.
The committee maintains a manual (European Project Leadership – EPL) of an updated list of European Directives, a chapter on environmental issues and a number of links. This facilitates ensuring conformance with regulations across several jurisdictions. Role of the EPL is to ensure that requirements in ISO do not contradict regional European requirements. A specific “European Annex” can be added when required.
CEN TC12 provided a copy of the information of the national adoption of the ISO/TC 67/SC 4 documents and the CEN TC12 chairman to report on the status of those adoptions at future meetings.
7. Work Group Reports
7.1. ISO/TC 67/SC 4/WG 1 (Document ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N492)
Eric Simon reported on the status of the work group; requested that membership changes be provided to him for updating in the ISO global directory.
10424-1 (API 7-1): In existence for a while. There is a new API work item to revise the document to include heavy-weight drill pipe and stabilizers. An NWI is needed for the development of this document under ISO (see Resolution 2 (Washington, 2010)).
10424-2 (API 7-2): currently in the API Ballot addresses changes in bevel diameter, corrections in tables for non-preferred connections and clarifications in figures. There will be a 2nd edition launched by API immediately as a result of comments from the 1st edition. A NWI can be launched simultaneously under ISO (see Resolution 3 (Washington, 2010)).
10407-2 (API 7G-2): Just recently adopted back by API. Bevel diameter changes in 10424-2 affect the content of 10407-2. So a NWI is required to ensure there is simultaneous development of the ISO document (see Resolution 4 (Washington, 2010)).
10407-1 (API 7G-1): Chris North reported that the comments were received on this document from the ballot, but due to personnel changes in the leadership, the comments remained unresolved for nearly 2 years. About 80% of the comments have been resolved. There is still the need to resolve the remaining comments. There are several pictures and graphs that need to be “cleaned up” by an outside firm. Work is ongoing. èR5 Need to reactive this document when the document is ready.
13534 (API 8B): Work program stopped and waiting for input from the project leader. èR6 There is a need to reactivate this document and consider incorporating the changes from API.
13535 (API 8C): Work program stopped and waiting for input from the project leader. There is a competing document being worked in CEN for elevators. èR7 There is a need to reactivate this document and consider incorporating the changes from API and the new CEN document.
13626 (API 4F): The ISO and API documents are no longer aligned. The convenor will discuss the status of this document at the upcoming API standards conference in San Francisco.
14693 (API 7K): The ISO and API documents are no longer aligned. èR8 The project leader should have some input as to the changes made in the API document as a basis for adoption of that document as the next revision under ISO.
7.2. ISO/TC 67/SC 4/WG 2 (Document ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N493 & N493a)
Michel Grepinet reported on the status of the work group.
13624-1 (API 16Q) published November 2009
13624-2 published in November 2009
22830 (API 16D) was re-launched in March 2010. The API SC16 was supposed to analyze the document to determine the status. The document sat idle. The CD ballot closed on July 9, 2010. There was not action taken by the project leader. So the document was set to time 0 to stop the ISO timeline. There is a new project leader identified. è R9 Reactivate the project when the API document is published with the intent of taking the API document and issuing it as a DIS ballot for ISO.
èR10 Subcommittee requests ISO MC provide an update on the status of the publication agreements between API and ISO for fast track and back adoptions of documents.
13354 (API 64) – NWIP closed April 2009. Project launched. Project timeline was extended by one year in 2010. Due to idle work, the deliverable CD was to be delayed until September 2011.
TS 16339 – Project launched in March 2010. NWIP ballot closed in June 2010. There 10 experts were nominated from 7 countries. The draft is completed and has been sent to the subject matter experts for comment.
Future projects proposed for the WG:
BOP and associated equipment repair and remanufacturing; no project leader is available.
BOP equipment for well servicing activities:
Proposed NWIP may be launched by 2011.
API RP 53 (BOP Equipment systems for drilling wells) is currently under revision in API and will be considered for fast track adoption of WG 2 when completed.
èR11 Subcommittee 4 is to approach the API Subcommittee chair to consider release of API 16A, 16C, 16D and 53 documents for consideration as fast track adoption by ISO.
èR12 WG2 convenor to monitor the status of the API 16A, 16C, 16D and 53 documents and launch a new work item for the adoption of the documents based the results of discussions for Resolution 11; the request is that these documents be issued straight to FDIS ballot.
èR13 Subcommittee 4 members are requested to nominate subject matter experts to WG1 and WG2.
7.3. ISO/TC 67/SC 4/WG 3 (Document ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N494 & N494a)
Ries Langereis reported on the status of the work group.
The 4th edition of ISO 10423 was issued in December 2009. The 20th edition of API Spec 6A was issued based on this document, which includes a regional annex.
New issues:
Repair and remanufacture is incorporated in the ISO standard, but not initially in the API document. API SC6 formed a work group to address the need for reintroducing “repair”. The reference to OEM (original equipment manufacturer) to OPD (original product definition) allowed for legal acceptance of repair issues from the API perspective. Repair is now included in the current API national adoption process.
The castings at high PSL (3, 3G and 4) remain a discrepancy between the API and ISO document.
7.4. ISO/TC 67/SC 4/WG 4 (Document ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N495)
Bert Dijkhuis reported on the status of the work group. There are 19 documents that fall under this WG. There is a joint initiative between co-branded documents between ISO/TC 67/SC 4/WG 4 and API SC19.
There was relatively little activity due to work in progress status of the suite of documents.
10417 (API 14B): NWI passed in 2010; document under revision in conjunction with 10432.
10432 (API 14A): NWI passed in 2010; document under revision (see above).
10428; 10431: Projects cancelled.
14310 (API 11D1); 15136-1 (API 11D2); 15136-2 (API 11D3); 16070 (API 14L); 17078-1 (API 19G1); 17078-2 (API 19G2); 17078-3 (API 19G3); 17078-4 (API 19G4); 28781: No work activity at this time.
15136-3 (Drive string): New work item opened and project under development. The task group leader has not progress this document.
èR14 Subcommittee requests that ISO set project stage to 0 pending the assignment of new project leader.