Nomination Form

Name of nominee
Job title/position
Contact details (if known) / Email: / Extn:
Name of nominator
Relationship to nominee (eg. colleague, student, manager, customer)
Contact details / Email: / Extn:
Signature of nominator (not required by email) / Date
Please tick the Value(s) that apply to your nomination
Valuing and Respecting Everyone Award / Pursuing Excellence Award / Pride and Belonging Award / Shaping the Future Award / Outward Looking Award / Partner Award
In no more than 300 words, please provide details of the contribution or achievements you believe merit consideration for a ‘Spirit of Heriot-Watt’ Award using the examplesand notes of guidance below.
In no more than 300 words, what difference has the nominee/s made at Heriot-Watt?

‘Spirit of Heriot-Watt’ Awards - notes of guidance

Valuing and Respecting Everyone, Pursuing Excellence, Pride and Belonging, Shaping the Future and Outward Looking awards

1.Nominees must be Heriot-Watt employees and can be from any of our campuses (agency workers may not be nominated)

2.Nominations must be aligned to a single award/value

3.Nominations can be for an individual or a team (all team members must be Heriot-Watt employees)

4.Nominations can be made by students or employees of Heriot-Watt University

5.As the nominator, you should complete the Nomination Form and provide a brief description of the activity or contribution for which the nominee/s is being proposed for an award

6.One nomination should be made per form, you can submit as many nominations as you wish as long as each nomination is clearly different

7.Nomination forms should be sent in a sealed envelope to Sharan Virdee ‘Spirit of Heriot-Watt Awards’, HR office, Lord Balerno Building. Or email to

8.If you have any difficulty in completing this form please seek assistance from a colleague, your manager or

9.All nominations must be received by 17:30pm on Friday 19 May 2017

Spirit of Heriot-Watt Partner Award

10.Nominees maybe partners, associates, contractors or those with close working relationships with Heriot-Watt University

11.Nominations should demonstrate that the nominee exhibits the 'Spirit of Heriot-Watt' throughout their activities with the University

What happens after the closing date?

12.Nominees (and their nominators) will be notified by 24 May 2017 if they have been shortlisted as a finalist and invited to the Spirit of Heriot-Watt Awards event. Notification of attendance at the event should be received by Friday 26 May 2017.

13.As part of the judging process, finalists will be invited to attend the prize-giving event taking place between 2-4pm on Wednesday 31 May 2017 hosted by the Principal and Vice Chancellor, Professor Richard Williams

14.The event will be held at or near the Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh campus and will recognise the outstanding contribution nominees have made.

15.Winners of the Valuing and Respecting Everyone, Pursuing Excellence, Pride and Belonging, Shaping the Future and Outward Looking awards will receive £500 (taxable) in cash or vouchers. If the winner is a team entry and the team is made up of more than 4 people the team will receive £500.

16.The Spirit of Heriot-Watt Partner Award is not attached to a cash incentive

17.The decision of the judges is final and no further correspondence will be considered.

18.Further information on the Heriot-Watt University values is available at

Good luck!

‘Spirit of Heriot-Watt Awards’
Valuing and Respecting Everyone – celebrating and appreciating everyone’s unique and positive contribution. Our Diversity enriches us.
  • Demonstrating a caring attitude with students or staff whatever their background or needs
  • Recognising the contribution their colleagues make and celebrating their success
  • Through positive actions, helping others to create a supportive Heriot-Watt community
  • Has taken positive steps to include everyone
  • Supporting students or staff through challenging times

Pursuing Excellence – continuously striving to improve performance in all that we do.
  • Encouraging students and/or staff to learn and develop
  • Bringing out the best in people
  • Giving confidence to students and/or staff to try new things
  • Continuously striving to produce high quality work
  • Developing new and innovative ways of working
  • Overcoming barriers and obstacles to get things done
  • Providing a first rate service to students or staff through the way in which they deliver their job

Pride and Belonging – caring passionately about our mutual success; motivated to grow and develop by being part of the Heriot Watt community.
  • Ensuring students and staff have a great experience with Heriot-Watt
  • Promoting a sense of pride and belonging amongst students and/or staff
  • Organising social and charity events for staff and / or students
  • Taking care of our campuses
  • Actively supporting and talking positively about Heriot-Watt

Shaping the Future – developing sustainable outcomes, that will contribute positively to the future of the University and the world around us.
  • Cutting through complex processes
  • Achieving long term outcomes
  • Working individually and as part of a team in activities that benefit the University
  • Taking care of our University eg. through prudent financial stewardship, caring for the campus environment, promoting ‘green’ initiatives
  • Engaging the public through their work

Outward Looking – striving to further our global reputation through collaboration; seeking and sharing best practice from wherever we find it.
  • Engaging with external communities through events and outreach activities
  • Bringing an active understanding of the outside world to every day activities
  • Supporting our International students / staff and / or the International ambitions of the University
  • Supporting and encouraging the diverse cultures of our staff and students
  • Demonstrating innovative ways of working, thinking broadly and looking at best practice elsewhere

Partner Award – acknowledgingthe range of groups, individuals and organisations tha work with and for the University to meet our goals.
  • Assisting the University to meet its goals through work within and out with the UK
  • Providing services to the University Community
  • Partnering the University in achieving shared aims through research and collaboration
  • Achieving added value to core activities