Vidyanagar, Bengaluru – 562157
Programme Faculty Profile / Format No. / ACD58
Rev. No. / 00
Date / 01/08/2016
Page / 1 of 1
Name: Rekha N
Qualification: B.E, M.Tech.
Designation: Assistant Professor
Programme: Electronics & Communication Engineering
Experience: 10 years
Area of specialization: VLSI & EMBEDDED SYSTEMS
Quality Improvement Programmes Attended:
1. Participated in the three days national level workshop on “Modelling and simulation using Matlab and simulink”, held on 15th ,16th and 17th feb 2013, conducted by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering in association with IEEE Student Branch SVCE, Bangalore.
2. Participated in the FDP on “Wireless sensor networks and Image Processing”, during 2nd-7th December 2013. Conducted by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SVCE, Bangalore.
3. Participated in the two days workshop on “Documentation using Latex ”, held on 30th and 31st March 2015, conducted by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering,SVCE, Bangalore.
4. Participated in one day technical seminar entitled “Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights and Indian Patenting System”, organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SVCE, Bangalore on16th feb 2017,
Quality Improvement Programmes Organized:
1. Worked as coordinator to organize the two days workshop on “Design and Development of Real Time Industrial Applications” Held on 30th and 31st August 2013.
2. Worked as coordinator to organize national level technical fest “UDYUKTHA- 14”. Held on 25th april 2014 .
3. Worked as coordinator to conduct the “International Conference on Networking, Information & Communications-2014 (ICNIC 2014)” and also to conduct the “Second State Level Inter College Project Competition and Exhibition”, 10th to 12th July 2014 at SVCE, Bangalore.
4. Worked as Coordinator to conduct Three days workshop on “Modeling and Simulation using MATLAB and SIMLINK - 2014” Held on 25th – 27th August 2014 at SVCE, Bangalore.
5. Worked as Coordinator for International Conference on Networks, Information and Communications 2015(ICNIC 2015), 18th – 20th May 2015, SVCE, BANGALORE.
6. Worked as Coordinator for one day student development program “Indian Technology for renewable energy”, on 9th march 2017 at SVCE, BANGALORE.
Papers Published:
Conference / Seminar/W/s / Name, title of the paper, Conference / Seminar, venue and date / Prizes / Awards2015 / “Implementation of OFDM Transmitter” 4th National Conference on emerging Trends in Engineering Technologies (ETET-2015), 20th-21st Feb 2015, Jyothy institute of technology, BANGALORE. / Certificate
“Implementation of FFT algorithm for OFDM communication system” National Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering (NCRTE-2015), 5th-6th March 2015, AVIT, Tamil Nadu. / Certificate
“Smart Plug”, International Conference on Networks, Information and Communications 2015(ICNIC 2015), SVCE, BANGALORE. / Certificate
2014 / “Security based authentication using hand vein images”, International Conference on Networks, Information and Communications 2014(ICNIC 2014), SVCE, BANGALORE. / Certificate
Subjects handled:
Subject(s) / Course(s) taught since joining the institute (list in the order of Semesters)@SVCE till dateSl. No. / Subject Name
1. / Microprocessors
2. / Basic Electronics
3. / Linear integrated circuits
4. / Analog electronic Circuits
5. / HDL
6. / VLSI design
7. / Analog electronic Circuits Lab
8. / HDL Lab
9. / Microcontroller lab
10. / AC+LIC Lab
11. / Microprocessor Lab
12. / Advanced communication lab
13. / VLSI Lab