Date this form was completed: ______

Person/Title completing this form: ______


Child’s First Name: ______

Child’s Last Name: ______

Date of Birth: ______

Gender: ______

Race: (Check below)

___ Caucasian

___ African American

___ Native American

___ Asian

___ Hispanic

___ Other ______

Handedness: (Check below)

___ Right

___ Left

___ Ambidextrous

___ Not yet established

Name of School: ______

Current School Grade: ______

Parents’ Names: ______

Parents’ Address: ______



Home phone: ______

Work phone: ______

Cell phone: ______


Yes No Date first Noticed

Academic Skills ______

Alcohol Abuse ______

Anxiety ______

Apathy ______

Attention ______

Defiance/Oppositional ______

Depression ______

Diet/Nutrition ______

Drug Abuse ______

Family Relationships ______

Fine Motor Skills ______

Gross Motor Skills ______

Hurting Others ______

Hurting Self ______

Impulsivity ______

Intellectual Ability ______

Irritability/Anger ______

Language Skills ______

Lying ______

Mood Lability ______

Obsession ______

Organizational Skills ______

Hyperactivity ______

Passivity ______

Physical Aggression ______

Physical Complaints ______

Repetitive Movements ______

Repetitive Sounds ______

Sadness ______

Self-Stimulatory Behavior ______

Sexual Issues ______

Sleep Patterns ______

Social Difficulties ______

Special Fears ______

Stealing ______

Tantrums ______

Toileting/Soiling ______

Trauma Experiences ______

Verbal Aggression ______

Withdrawal ______

Other Concerns ______




Prioritize and describe the specific problems that you would most like addressed by this evaluation: ______















Is your child aware of the problems(s) and your concerns? Yes___ No___

If yes, what have they said to you about the problems?









What strategies have been implemented to address these problems?

______Verbal Reprimands

______Time-out (isolation)

______Removal of Privileges


______Physical Punishment

______Acquiescence to Child

______Avoidance of Child


Have you talked with your child about this evaluation? Yes___ No___

If yes, what was your child’s reaction?









Who lives in the household in which the child usually lives?

___ Biological Mother

___ Biological Father

___ Stepmother

___ Stepfather

___ Adoptive Mother

___ Adoptive Father

___ Sisters (give names and ages)______

___ Brothers (give names and ages)______

___ Stepsisters (give names and ages)______

___ Stepbrothers (give names and ages)______

___ Grandparents

___ Aunt or Uncle (give names and ages)______

___ Significant Other

___ Foster Parents

___ Foster Siblings (give names and ages)______

___ Other (please describe)______

If your child has been placed out of the home, when was the last time he/she lived at home?

Give month and year______

For what reason was child placed out of the home for first time? ______



Birth Parents Information

Birth Mother: ______

Current Age: ______Occupation: ______

Education (Highest grade completed): ______

Birth Father: ______

Current Age: ______Occupation: ______

Education (Highest grade completed): ______

Marital Status of Birth Parents:

___ Married

___ Married but separated (give date of separation):______

___ Married but divorced (give date of divorce):______

___ Never married

If never married, separated, or divorced, does the child have contact with both parents?______

Name of Contact:______


Frequency: ______

Mood of visits: ______

Adoptive Parents Information

Adoptive Mother: ______

Current Age: ______Occupation: ______

Education (Highest grade completed): ______

Adoptive Father: ______

Current Age: ______Occupation: ______

Education (Highest grade completed): ______

Marital Status of Adoptive Parents.

___ Married

___ Married but separated (give date of separation):______

___ Married but divorced (give date of divorce):______

___ Never married

If never married, separated, or divorced, does the child have contact with both adoptive parents?______

Name of Contact:______

Frequency: ______

Mood of visits: ______

Does the child know he/she is adopted? Yes___ No___

Does the child ask questions about the birth parents? Yes ___ No___

Please describe the questions and your response: ______








Foster Parent Information

When was the child placed in your home? ______

Has the child had previous foster placements? Yes ____ No _____ If yes, please describe.




Does the child have contact with one or both birth parents? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, please describe the nature and time of these visits:______









Length of Pregnancy: ______

Complications: Yes No Comments

Anemia ______

Bleeding ______

Consume Alcohol ______

Drug Use (e.g., Marijuana) ______

Heart Disease ______

High Blood Pressure ______

Hospitalization ______

Injury/Accident ______

Operation ______

Prescribed Medications ______

Rh Factor Incompatibility ______

Smoking Cigarettes ______

Threatened Miscarriage ______

Toxemia/Eclampsia ______

Labor and Delivery

Please mark any of the following that describe labor and delivery:

___ Labor induced

___ Delivered by Cesarean Section

___ Deliver aided by instruments (circle: foreceps, vacuum, other)

___ More than one baby born

___ Child blue at birth

___ Child yellow (jaundiced) at birth. Treatment?______

___ Child bruised at birth. Where on body?______

___ Child breathe spontaneously.

___ Oxygen administered

___ Child placed in incubator

___ Apgar score: 1 minute______; 5 minutes______


Birth weight______

Length of hospital stay: ______

Any other delivery/postnatal complications: ______


Were any problems with the child identified at birth? ______


Did the child’s mother experience Postnatal Depression? ______

Neonatal Period

Please mark any of the following problems that occurred with your child:

___ Apnea (Child stopped breathing)

___ Colic

___ Congenital anomalies (physical abnormalities the child was born with)

___ Failure to thrive, feeding failure

___ Infections

___ Seizures

___ Sleep difficulties (sleepwalking, falling asleep, sustaining sleep)

___ Sucking, swallowing, or chewing difficulties

___ Other ______

Were there concerns regarding the baby’s responsiveness?______


Was the baby easy or difficult to sooth?______

Was your baby floppy, tense, or otherwise unusual in the way he/she held his/her body?



Early Developmental Milestones

Indicate your child’s approximate age in months for the following milestones:

Sat alone without support ______

Crawl ______

Walked without support ______

Said single words ______

Put 2-3 words together ______

Bladder trained during the day ______

Bowel trained ______

Bladder trained at night ______

For the following questions, please score according:

1 if less often than other children

2 if about the same as other children

3 if more often than other children

During the first three years of life, in comparison to other children of the same age, did your child:

___ Cry

___ Have temper tantrums

___ Show fear of new places and/or faces

___ Seem distractible

___ Seem unresponsive to discipline

___ Engage in self hurting or injuring behavior

___ Act irritably

___ Act aggressively

___ Enjoy being held

___ Seem overly active

___ Explore surroundings

___ Listened to stories

___ Enjoyed running and climbing on objects

___ Enjoyed playing with Legos and puzzles

___ Showed emotional responsiveness

___ Demonstrating coordination

Ongoing Areas of Child Development

Please comment on your child’s ability in the following areas:

Hearing: ______

Vision: ______

Gross motor coordination: ______

Fine motor coordination: ______

Speech articulation: ______

Difficulty with textures such as certain foods or clothing (e.g., tags): ______




MEDICAL HISTORY INFORMATION (Use reverse side if more room is needed)

Illness/Injury: Yes No Comments

Allergies ______

Asthma ______

Cerebral Palsy ______

Clumsiness ______

Diabetes ______

Eating Difficulties ______

Eating Disorder ______

Frequent ear infections ______

Ear tubes place (include age) ______

Gastrointestinal problems ______

Head banging ______

Head injury ______

Headaches ______

High fever (104+) ______

High lead level ______

Hospitalization (and date) ______

Impulsivity ______

Loss of consciousness ______

Meningitis/encephalitis ______

Oxygen deprivation (Anoxia) ______

Repetitive movements

(e.g., hand flapping) ______

Seizures ______

Self injurious behavior ______

Sleep difficulties ______

Staring spells ______

Surgeries (provide dates) ______

Tic/twitching ______

Other ______

List all medications that your child currently takes on a regular basis (precription drugs and over-the-counter medication such as aspirin and cough syrup, etc.)

Date Medication Dose Prescribed by







Has your child received medication in the past for learning or behavioral problems?

Date Medication Dose Prescribed by







Has the onset of puberty appeared to cause any difficulties for your child? Yes_____ No ______

If yes, explain:______





Have any blood relatives had any of the following? Indicate family member and whether from maternal (M) or paternal (P) side of the family:

Medical/Psychiatric History Yes No Family Member(s) M/P

ADD/ADHD ______

Alzheimer’s Disease ______

Anxiety Disorder ______

Autism/Asperger’s Disorder ______

Bipolar/Manic Depression ______

Cancer ______

Chronic headache ______

Depression ______

Diabetes ______

Drug/alcohol abuse ______

Epilepsy/Seizures ______

Heart trouble ______

High blood pressure ______

Hyperactivity ______

Learning difficulties (specify) ______

Migraines ______

Nervous breakdown ______

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder ______

Personality Disorder ______

Schizophrenia/Psychosis ______

Sleep disorder/apnea ______

Speech problems ______

Stroke ______

Thyroid problems ______

Other ______



Does your child get along with other children? ______Adults? ______

Does your child have friends?______

Is your child able to keep friends? ______

Does you child understand gestures?______Have a good sense of humor?______

Understand social cues well (e.g., knows when others are angry, are in discomfort)? ______

Elaborate your concerns regarding your child’s social skills: ______




Has your child ever experienced or witnessed:

_____ Domestic violence

_____ Foster home placement

_____ History of arrests

_____ History of frequent moves

_____ Illness/death of family member or pet

_____ Legal concerns

_____ Multiple care givers

_____ Natural disaster, accident, or serious injury

_____ Parent hospitalizations

_____ Re-marriage

_____ Separation or divorce

If yes to any of the above, elaborate. Does your child experience any nightmares, flashbacks, or problems sleeping related to these issues? ______






Physical/Emotional/Sexual Abuse:

Has your child been the victim of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse? Yes___ No ___

If yes, please describe giving dates, names and with whom you have previously shared this information.______










Please list all school/daycare centers and dates of attendance for your child.

School Dates Any Problems?









Is truancy a problem? ______

Number and reasons for suspensions______


Number and reasons for expulsions______


Briefly summarize your child’s current academic grades: ______



Have teachers expressed concerns about your child’s learning? Yes___ No___ If yes, explain:

Year Grade Subject Concern





Have teachers expressed concern about your child’s behavior? Yes ___ No___ If yes, explain:

Year Grade Subject Concern





Have teachers expressed concerns about your child’s relationships with other children? Yes__ No__

If yes, elaborate:

Year Grade Subject Concern






What are your child’s best academic subjects?______

What are your child’s most difficult subjects?______

Does your child experience any of the following problems in school/home?

______Expresses fears


______Loses things

______Has trouble finishing what he/she starts

______Fails to follow directions

______Forgets to do routine activities

______Has mood swings”



______Has trouble sitting still

______Tells lies

______Is unhappy

______Verbalizes low self-esteem (“I can’t do anything right”)

______Has no interests: Always complains of being bored

______Noncompliant with adult requests

______Overactive, always on the go

______Is fascinated with fire

______Seems clumsy


______Is verbally aggressive

______Is physically aggressive

______Has trouble making or keeping friends

______Seems unaffected by discipline




______Harms animals

______Has eating problems

______Does not like to change activities

______Seems lethargic

______Reports hearing things that other people do not hear

______Reports seeing things that others do not see

List your child’s strengths and interests: ______









Has your child repeated any grades? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, why was the grade repeated?

Has your child received any Special Education services? Yes ___ No ___

If yes, please list services, for example: Chapter 1 or Title 1; Special Education; 504 Plan; Individual Educational Plan (IEP); Speech Language Therapy (S/LT); Occupational Therapy (OT); or Physical Therapy (PT).

Date Grade Service






Approximate amount of time mainstreamed. ______

Previous Consultations/Evaluations: (Use reverse side if more room is needed)

(Include school district evaluations)

Yes No Dates Diagnosis/Results

Hearing ______

Vision ______

Neurologist ______

Psychologist ______

Social Worker ______

Speech/Lang ______

Educational ______

Occupational Therapy ______

Physical Therapy ______

Other ______

Please indicate if any of the above evaluations/professionals were helpful. ______



If there is any other information you would like to convey, please do so here: ______






Do you wish to speak with the doctor alone to discuss any issues regarding your child?

Yes___ No ___