Human Behavior in the Social Environment, SWRK 125A-Sect. 05
Fall 2011 Web-Based Readings

Session Three: Bio-Physical Dimension

The Amen Clinics

Daniel G. Amen, MD is a physician, child and adult psychiatrist, brain imaging specialist, bestselling author, Distinguished Fellow of the American ...

Once at this site, click on the “conditions” and see/learn about various SPECT CT images and read about the biological base to numerous “mental health disorders”;

Session Six: Pregnancy and Substance Abuse

Although all of these references/cites are excellent, please read the “Pregnancy and Substance Abuse”, “Overviews”; and “Specific Conditions” sections for our class.

Pregnancy and Substance Abuse:

If you smoke, use alcohol or take illegal drugs, so does your unborn baby. First , don't smoke. Smoking during pregnancy passes nicotine and cancer-causing ...

 Overviews

  • Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs, and Pregnancy(American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists)
  • Also available in Spanish

 Latest News

  • Smoking in Pregnancy Cuts Child's Good Cholesterol(06/21/2011, Reuters Health)
  • April Is Alcohol Awareness Month(04/06/2011, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Moms with Tough Childhoods More Likely to Have Smaller Babies(03/31/2011, HealthDay)

 Specific Conditions

  • Cocaine and Pregnancy(Organization of Teratology Information Specialists) - PDF
  • Marijuana and Pregnancy(Organization of Teratology Information Specialists) - PDF
  • Methamphetamine/Dextroamphetamine and Pregnancy(Organization of Teratology Information Specialists) - PDF
  • Pregnant? Don't Smoke!(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Prescription Drug Abuse(March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation)

 Research

  • Pregnant Teen Admissions to Substance Abuse Treatment: 1992 and 2007(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
  • Prenatal Effects of Drug Abuse(National Institute on Drug Abuse)

 Journal Articles

References and abstracts from MEDLINE/PubMed (National Library of Medicine)

  • Article: A strong synergism of low birth weight and prenatal smoking...
  • Article: Secondhand smoke and adverse fetal outcomes in nonsmoking pregnant women:...
  • Article: Maternal smoking and congenital heart defects in the Baltimore-Washington Infant...
  • Pregnancy and Substance Abuse -- see more articles

 Organizations

  • March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation
  • Also available in Spanish
  • National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  • Also available in Spanish
  • National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
  • National Institute on Drug Abuse

Session Seven: Developmental Disabilities

Developmental Disabilities, NCBDDD, CDC

Information on developmental disabilities. Provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

· / Autism Spectrum Disorders
· / Cerebral Palsy
· / Hearing Loss
· / Intellectual Disability
· / Vision Impairment

Session Eight: Attachment & Reactive Attachment Disorder

Evergreen Psychotherapy Center:
Treatment and Training for Reactive Attachment Disorder through corrective attachment therapy, specializing in child abuse and adopted children.

Attachment Disorders & Reactive
Explanation of attachment disorders in children, with symptoms, causes, and advice for repair. Includes information on Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD).

Session Nine: The Neuro-Biology of Childhood Trauma

The Leadership Council - The Effect of Childhood

Developmental Traumatology: Neurobiological Development in Maltreated Children With PTSD. Psychiatric Times, 16 (11),. Science shows that child abuse may be ...


Mar 6, 2005 ... SCARS THAT WON'T HEAL: THE NEUROBIOLOGY OF CHILD ABUSE ..... Because Schiffer's research indicated that childhood trauma was associated with ...

Session Ten: Learning Disability & Emotional Intelligence

Learning Disabilities in Children: Symptoms,
Guide to learning disabilities and disorders in children, including common signs and symptoms,
types, testing, ... Free Emotional Intelligence Course ...

Emotional Intelligence - What Is
What exactly is emotional intelligence? Learn more about the history, importance , and measurements
Of emotional intelligence.
Session Eleven: ADHD & Other “Mental Health Issues”
NIMH · Child and Adolescent
Child and Adolescent Mental Health. ... National Institute of Mental Health, Transforming the
understanding and treatment of mental illness throught ...

NIMH · Treatment of Children with
Answers to frequently asked questions about the treatment of mental...

NIMH Child Psychiatry Branch Homepage
Feb 12, 2010 ... The Child Psychiatry Branch of the National Institute of ...
Research on Child and Adolescent Mental
Research on Child and Adolescent Mental Health:
NIMH's Blueprint for Change By Mary L Durham, PhD; Mary Jane England, MD.
Ten percent of children and ...
NIMH · Children and Violence
Not all children enjoy the. ... National Institute of Mental Health...

Session Twelve: Adolescence: Sexual Identity & Eating Disorders
May 20, 2011 ... In the 1990 census, gay and lesbian respondents could identify themselves ...
Gender identity is even less understood. “Transgender” is an umbrella ... The other traditional
Adolescent support systems - such as schools, ...

Helping Families Support Their Lesbian,
identified as lesbian, gay, or bisexual, on average, at age 13.4. Their families learned about ...
identity and transgender adolescents is very limited. ...
Eating Disorders:
National Eating Disorders Association
National non-profit eating disorders organization. Information, referrals, support, prevention, conferences, and newsletters.

NIMH · Eating Disorders
A detailed booklet that describes the different types of eating disorders, symptoms, and treatments.

Session Thirteen: Adolescence: Teen Suicide

Teen Suicide | American Academy of Child

Teen Suicide. No. 10; Updated May 2008. Click here to download and print a PDF version of this document. Suicides among young people continue to be a ...
NAMI | Teenage Suicide

Teenage Suicide. Most everyone at some time in his or her life will experience periods of anxiety, sadness, and despair. These are normal reactions to the ...