Kitty Cat L3 rw 57
Here is Kitty Cat.
Kitty Cat is hungry.
Here is a butterfly.
Here comes Kitty Cat.
Look at the butterfly.
Kitty Cat is hungry.
Here is a lizard.
Here comes Kitty Cat.
Look at the lizard.
Here is Fat Cat.
Here comes Kitty Cat.
Fat Cat is hungry, too.
Look at Fat Cat!
Come here, Kitty Cat.
Sam’s Race L4 rw 64
Look at Sam, said Mom.
Sam is in the race.
Sam looked at Mom.
Mom looked at Sam.
Mom! Mom!
Here I come, shouted Sam.
Sam ran and ran.
Come on, Sam! shouted Mom.
Come on!
Oh, no! said Mom.
Look at Sam.
Come on, Sam, said Mom.
Come on!
Sam ran to Mom.
Here I come, said Sam.
Good girl, Sam,
said Mom.
Little Chimp runs away L6 rw 104
Mother Chimp and Little Chimp are going down to the river.
Little Chimp is running.
Little Chimp is running into the trees.
He is running away.
Mother Chimp can not see Little Chimp.
Come back here, Little Chimp!
Come back here!
Little Chimp sees a snake in the grass.
Oo-oo-oo! Oo-oo-oo!
The snake sees little Chimp.
Little Chimp is running back to Mother Chimp.
Where is Mother Chimp?
Here comes Mother Chimp.
She can see Little Chimp.
Here comes Little Chimp.
He can see Mother Chimp.
Litle Chimp runs to Mother Chimp.
Little Chimp is going down to the river
on Mother Chimp’s back.
A Party for Brown Mouse L8 rw149
It is my birthday today, said Brown Mouse to White Mouse.
You can come to my party.
Oh, thank you, said White Mouse.
I will come to your party.
Here comes the cat! said Brown Mouse.
He will eat you! Run in here.
Brown Mouse said to Grey Mouse,
You can come to my party, too.
Oh, thank you, said Grey Mouse.
I will come to your party.
Here comes the cat! said Brown Mouse.
He will eat you! Run in here!
Here is the party, said Brown Mouse.
I like bread and cheese! Said White Mouse.
I like cake, said Grey Mouse.
Where is your birthday cake?
Here is my birthday cake! said Brown mouse.
Look! It is a cat cake.
Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Brown Mouse, Happy birthday to you.
Come on, said Brown Mouse.
We will eat the cat.
Down by the sea L11 rw 152
Meg’s grandma had a house by the sea.
Look Meg! Said grandma. The waves are little today.
I can take you to see the rock pools.
Oh, good! Said Meg.
Meg and her grandma went for a walk on the rocks.
They looked inside the rock pools.
Grandma saw some baby shells.
Meg saw some little black fish.
A big boat went by.
Meg and Grandma did not see the big boat.
They did not see the big wave that it made.
Meg looked down into a little pool.
That shell is going for a walk! She said.
A crab is inside it, said Grandma.
It’s a hermit crab. Can you see its legs?
Then Grandma looked up.
She saw the big wave coming!
Meg! She shouted. Look out!
The big wave from the boat splashed down on the rocks.
It splashed all over Grandma’s legs, but Meg did not get wet.
The donkey in the lion’s skin L12 rw 152
One day, a donkey saw a lion’s skin in the long grass.
I have always wanted to be a lion, he said.
The donkey got into the lion’s skin.
I look like a lion now he said
And I am going to have some fun!
He went to hide in the long grass.
Some zebras came along.
The donkey jumped up, and ran after the zebras.
Help! They cried. A lion is coming to get us!
And they ran and ran.
Then some foxes came along.
The donkey jumped up and ran after the foxes.
Help! They cried. A lion is coming to get us!
And they ran and ran.
Then some some monkeys came along.
The donkey jumped up, and ran after the monkeys.
Help! They cried. A lion is coming to get us.
The monkeys ran up and down. They ran around and around.
They ran this way and that way.
The donkey laughed and laughed. Hee-haw! Hee-haw! Hee-haw!
The Swan Family L10 rw 155
Mother swan made a nest down by the water.
Father Swan got some sticks and grass for her.
The nest got bigger and bigger and bigger.
Mother Swan sat down on her very big nest to lay her eggs.
Father Swan went down to the river.
But he did not swim away.
Mother Swan sat on her six white eggs for weeks.
Then six baby swans came out of the eggs.
They all stayed in the nest with Mother Swan for two days.
The Father Swan saw a big boy coming.
The boy walked up to the nest.
Father Swan ran to help Mother Swan and the six babies.
Father Swan looked very big with his wings out.
He ran at the boy.
The boy ran away from the swans’ nest.
He ran very fast.
Then Mother Swan and Father Swan
And the six little babies walked down to the river.
They all went into the water.
The Classroom Caterpillars rw 161
On Friday morning,
Katie came to school with a caterpillar in a box.
She had some leaves in the box, too.
Katie said to Miss Park,
“I will look after this caterpillar.
Can it stay here in our room?”
“My caterpillar likes eating green leaves,” said Katie.
Miss Park said, “Look under this leaf.
Here are some little white eggs.
Tiny caterpillars will come out of the eggs.”
On Monday morning,
Katie came to school with a green plant in a pot.
“Look!” she said to Anna.
“Some little caterpillars have come out of the eggs!
They can eat this plant, too.”
All that week, and the next week,
The tiny caterpillars nibbled at the plant leaves.
The caterpillars got bigger and bigger and bigger!
They nibbled more and more leaves!
“Look at the plants now!” said Katie.
“The leaves are all gone!
We have no more plants for them to eat.”
“Oh, no!” said Anna. “The caterpillars are still hungry!”
The skipping rope L14 rw 142
Abby always likes to play with her friend Clare.
Clare lived on a farm.
“What can we do today?” said Abby.
“Let’s jump rope!” said Clare.
“I can get two ropes from the shed.”
“But I can’t jump rope,” said Abby.
“Make the rope go over your head, like this,”
said Clare. “Then jump!”
Abby tried, but she tripped.
She looked at Clare, who was jumping very fast.
“I can’t do that,” said Abby.
“I had to try lots of times,” said Clare,
“and then, one day, I did it.”
Abby tried again and again,
but she still tripped over the rope.
Abby turned the rope one more time.
She let it stay on the ground,
and then she jumped over it.
“That’s better!” said Clare.
“But I’m still not very good at it,” said Abby.
“I want to jump like you.”