Community Engagement with Police Scotland
I'd like to bring to your attention an exciting opportunity to help forge stronger links between Fife's voluntary sector and Police Scotland here in Fife.
Police colleagues are keen to work closely with us to ensure the best support possible for our communities.
Engagement meetings will take place every couple of months with a group of representatives to look at new developments, make improvements to communications and various aspects of local policin
What is this?
An opportunity to join a group of voluntary sector representatives who will meet with local Police Scotland colleagues on a regular basis. It will further improve understanding and support between voluntary organisations and the Police, but also the Police and our communities.
Who is it for?
Third sector representatives - people involved in community groups, voluntary organisations or charities - either as staff or volunteers. You need to be attending with the 'permission' of the group/organisation and formally represent them and their interests at the meetings. Knowledge of crime, victims, policing etc. are not required - it's more about community engagement and ongoing dialogue. Representatives are being sought from any and all organisations - a mix of size of organisation, geographic patch, thematic areas of work and so on would be great.
Who is organising it?
DS Stuart Johnston of Police Scotland. Any enquires can be directed to Shirley Buttercase (01383 318640 or ). Fife Voluntary Action will also attend and support the group.
How do I join the group?
Contact Shirley Buttercase (details above). Simply tell her your name, which organisation you will be representing and a little bit about what your group/organisation does.
When is the first meeting of this new group?
It'll take place early evening of Thursday 21 April. Full details will be supplied when you contact Shirley to express interest in joining the group.
I hope that you will give this your consideration and hope to see a number of voluntary sector colleagues at the meeting on 21 April.
Best wishes,
Kenny Murphy,
Chief Executive
An extract from the invitation letter from DS Stuart Johnston, Police Scotland:
Police Scotland, Fife Division would like to invite you, or a member of your group to sit on our newly formed community consultation group. Please find below a brief overview of the remit of the community consultation group.
Police Scotland, Fife Division strives to provide a quality of service which is fair, accessible and meets the needs of everyone irrespective of race, ethnicity, religion/belief, cultural background, sexual orientation, disability, age and gender.
To assist us with this process Fife Division is looking to form a community consultation group which will consist of a range of individuals who, through their collective experience and background, can provide informed views and opinions in relation to a variety of policing issues that have the potential to impact upon Fife's community.
It is vitally important that Fife Division consults effectively with Fife's diverse community, and by involving community members in the community consultation group, they can directly influence policing in Fife in terms of Equality for all who live, work and visit Fife. The first meeting will be heldin Glenrothes. Subsequent meetings can be moved around Fife on a rotational basis to suit the needs of the group.
During the meetings we will discuss individual instances of crime, police officers will attend to provide inputs to specific crimes they have dealt with and information may be disclosed for you to feed back to your community or area of business. There will be ample opportunity for the group to highlight any concerns from their community or area of business.
This in an exciting opportunity for you to directly influence local policing in Fife and to ensure your community or area of business has a voice, in shaping local policing.
I look forward to meeting you on 21st April.
Stuart Johnston
Detective Superintendent
P (Fife) Division, Police Scotland
Fife Voluntary Action
Tel: 0800 389 6046
Fife Voluntary Action is the Third Sector Interface for the Fife Council area.
supporting, developing and representing community groups,
voluntaryorganisations, social enterprises and volunteering
Registered Office: Craig Mitchell House, Flemington Road, Glenrothes, KY7 5QF.
Fife Voluntary Action is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in Scotland No. SC203613 and Registered Scottish Charity No. SCO28457.