Subject to the General Rules and Special Rules as follows:

1No exhibit to have been previously shown at Wensleydale Show. All exhibits to be labelled before arriving at the marquee. Labels provided by Show Committee.

2. Each Exhibitor ONE entry only in each Class.

3. All exhibits to be admitted between 8 a.m. and 9.45 a.m.

4. No exhibit will be allowed to leave the Tent before 4.30 p.m. and the Handicraft Committee will not be responsible for exhibits left after 5.30 pm.

5. ALL EXHIBITS to be staged by the Stewards.

6. The judges shall not award any prize unless the exhibits are deemed worthy.

The Helen Verity Memorial Rosebowl

To be held for one year for the Best Exhibit in P43

Wensleydale Camera Club Tray

To be held for one year for the ‘Best in Show’ in the Photography Section. Also one year’s free club subscription.

A Challenge Trophy

To be held for one year, for the exhibitor gaining most points in Handicraft, Art and Photography Sections.

The Ladies’ Committee Challenge Trophy

To be held for one year, for the exhibitor gaining most points in the Preserves, Baking and Flower Arranging Sections.

A Challenge Trophy

To be held for one year, for the exhibitor gaining most points in the Preserves and Baking Sections.

Mrs M Knowles Memorial Trophy

To be held for one year, for the exhibitor gaining most points in the Handicraft Baking and Flower Arranging sections

£10 donation to the winner of this trophy by Mrs Knowles family

Mrs VM Fields Cup

To be held for one year, presented by Mrs V M Fields, for the Best Exhibit in the Flower Arranging Section.

A Challenge Trophy

To be held for one year, presented by Mrs E S Palmer, for the winner of the Best Handicraft Exhibit in show. A Special Prize of £5 will also be awarded.

A Challenge Trophy

To be held for one year, presented by Mrs ME Hopper, for the winner of the Best in show Produce Exhibit

A Special Prize of £5 will be awarded.

Stitchery Rosebowl

To be held for one year for the Best Exhibit in Class P4

The Norma Croft Trophy

For the Best piece of Hand Knitting in the Show.

The Rita Lockey Memorial Trophy

To be held for one year for the Best Exhibit in Class P45

The Marjorie Clarkson Memorial Trophy

To be held for one year for the Best Exhibit in Class P50

The Yoredale Art Club Trophy

To be held for one year for the Best Exhibit in the Art Section (Classes P31– P33)







Flower Arranging

Entry Fees: All Classes: 50p

Prize Money: All Classes: 1st £5, 2nd £3, 3rd £2


P1.Any Article Machine Sewn


P2. Article in Cross Stitch

P3. Any Article in Canvas Work

P4.Any other embroidery not mentioned above


P5. Any Article in Crochet Hand Knitting


P6.Any article in Arran

P7.A Garment made with Wensleydale Long Wool

P8.Any Garment in Double Knitting incorporating textured stitches

P9.Any article up to and including 4 ply

P10.A childs jumper – any size any pattern to be donated to refugees


P11.A piece of handmade jewellery

P12.An article by a senior citizen – own choice

P13.New from old

P14.A cushion any medium

P15.Any article in patchwork

P16.A rag doll

P17.A strip stitch sampler 12 or more stitches max 6” wide

P18.Length of sewn bunting 2 to 3 metres in length

P19.A handmade greeting card

P20.Any other handicraft in hard material

P21.Any other handicraft in soft material

P22.Create Fantastic Mr Fox

P23.Adult handwriting – not calligraphy 16 lines from any Roald Dahl book


Mounts accepted, Print to be no larger than 10” x 8” – No Picture Frames Allowed

P24.4 Photographs mounted together – Gates


P26. Reflections

P27.Dawn or Dusk

P28.Photo with an Amusing Caption


P29.A Watercolour painting

P30.Picture in Any Medium

P31.A Drawing in Pencil or Pen and Ink of any Quentin Blake character


All jars not less than ½ lb

P32.A Jar of Strawberry Jam

P33.A Jar of Raspberry Jam

P34.A Jar of Marmalade

P35.A Jar of Lemon Curd

P36.A Jar of Blackcurrant Jam

P37.A Jar of Any Other Preserve NOT mentioned above

P38.A Jar of Jelly

P39.A Jar of Chutney

P40.A Bottle of Cordial

P41 A Bottle of Sloe Gin


P42.A Cottage Loaf

P43.A Victoria Sandwich Cake jam filled caster sugar top – one cake split

P44.A Savoury Quiche

P45.Four Savoury Scones (flavour – your choice)

P46.A glazed Fruit Tart

P47.A Rich Fruit Cake (recipe - own choice)

P48.A ‘Showstopper’ - Decoration ONLY to be judged

P49.Four pieces of Flapjack

P50.Chocolate Orange Drizzle Cake – set recipe


6 oz luxury margarine

6 oz self raising flour

Finely grated rind of 2 oranges

6 oz caster sugar

3 eggs

2 tablespoons cold milk

Orange syrup

4 oz caster sugar dissolved in the juice of 2 oranges

Chocolate topping

4 oz block plain chocolate

½ oz butter


Grease a 2lb loaf tinand line with paper. Cream sugar and margarine until soft beat in eggs one at a time. Fold in sifted flour, add the milk and finely grated orange rind. Turn mixture into prepared tin and bake in moderate oven 350F or mark 4 for one hour until well risen and brown. Turn cake out to cool and when almost cold make slits across the top of the cake with a fork and drizzle in the orange syrup so that it soaks into the cake.

Break chocolate into small pieces and place in a bowl with butter and allow to melt over gently steaming water, mix well and use immediately.

Spread chocolate in whirls on top of cake.

P51.A Tea Loaf

P52.A round of Shortbread

P53.Four Muffins

P54.A Treacle Tart

P55.An individual sweet presented in a wine glass - (named)

P56. A Swiss Roll

P57.Men and Boys only – A gingerbread made in a loaf tin


All fresh material to be used.

P58.Take 3

P59.A Pew end suitable for a wedding

P60.From the herb garden in an unusual container

P61.Depict a book title - accessories allowed 2’6” frontage