Dear Respondent,Please tell us about your Organization

Company Name:

Industry type:

Intercompany CSR project details/ web Link:

Provide a valid contact number:

Company website link:

Q.1.Please select area/s of CSR activity in your organisation (Tick as appropriate, may tick more than one).


Agriculture and allied activities

Poverty alleviation, malnutrition.

Healthcare, Sanitation and Water.

Education & skill development.

Gender equality, inclusion and old age care.

Woman and Child Development.

Protection of National Heritage, art and culture.

Environmental sustainability and conservation.

PM National Relief Fund and similar schemes.

Rural Development projects.

Agriculture & Allied activities.

Others (Please Specify)


Q.2.Do you collaborate with other companies for CSR? (Tick)

a. YESb. No

Q.3. Which of the following collaborations are applicable in implementing your CSR projects (may tick more than one)?

Through own company foundation

Collaboration with other foundations

Non-profit institutions/NGO/Trust partnerships

Collaboration with Government Agencies

Private specialized CSR implementing agencies

Partnership with other Company

None of the above

Any other (please explain)

Q.4.How many Companies are you Collaborating with for CSR related activities currently? (Tick)

Less than 3

3 to 5

5 to 10

More than 10

Q.5. How do you search for your prospective corporate CSR partner?

Conferences, Summits etc.

Personal connections

Other Agencies

Successful CSR projects

Social Medias-Websites/News paper

Not applicable


Q.6.In your company, since when are you engaging in inter-company collaboration for CSR)? (Tick)

Less than 1 year

1-3 years

3-5 years

More than 5 years

Q.7. Please tick main areas of collaboration (may select more than one)

Identification of sectors and areas for CSR activities

Need assessment for CSR interventions in identified sectors and areas

Designing of CSR programmes

Identification of implementation partners, if any

Resource allocation

Joint delivery of CSR activities

Training and development of human resources for CSR projects

Monitoring of CSR projects

Assessment of progress in implementing CSR

All of the above

Any other (Please specify)

Q.8.You may be aware that the Government has mandated allocation of 2% of profits to CSR activities. Listed here some statements regarding the impact of this provision on inter-company collaboration. Please tick your responses appropriately.

Statements / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Neutral / Agree / Strongly Agree
The provision of 2% fund allocation has made significant impact on promoting company to company collaboration.
2% CSR allocation has not helped much in promoting inter-company collaboration
The inter-company collaboration helps in better utilization of 2% allocated CSR fund.

Q.9. What are the different forms of CSR collaboration you are into(May tick more than one)?

Co-operative arrangements

Joint ventures


Strategic alliances

Virtual collaborations

Vertical, horizontal or lateral integration

Q.10. Please tick the appropriate which describes your CSR partner company (may tick more than one)?

Same area of business

Supply Chain Partner

Social Enterprises

Company operating in rural areas

Public Sector enterprises

Co-Operative societies


Others (Specify)………………………………….

Q.11.In your opinion, what are the motivatingfactorsfor promoting inter-company collaborations in CSR?Rank 1 to 5 where 1 –least influencing and 5-Most Influencing.

Influencing factors/ Level of Influence / Ranking
Matching vision, mission and strategies with partner company
Learning opportunity through partnership
Lack of in house expertise in the specified CSR area
Long-term mutual benefit for all partners
Reduced cost through shared CSR resources
Enhanced efficiency and impact of CSR
Added confidence and commitment
Personal networking and relationship
Leadership involvement

12.Apart from the above ,do you find any other motivating factors that encourage you for inter-organisational collaboration for CSR ?(List below)




Q.13.How would you like to rate the level of success of inter-company collaboration in CSR activities of your company?(Tick)

Not Successful

Marginally Successful

Somewhat Successful


Highly Successful

Q.14. Based on your experience with inter-company collaboration in CSR, please rank the benefits to your company (Rate 1 to 5, where 1 is least beneficial and 7 is most beneficial)

Relevant CSR project identification and delivery
Improved satisfaction of beneficiaries
Improved employee satisfaction
Facilitated smooth working with other stakeholder groups
Improved resource pooling
Larger societal influence through collective efforts of companies
Better corporate image


Q.15.Apart from the above benefits, does your company get any other benefits through Inter-company Collaboration?(List Below).




Q.16. Some of the identified challenges in inter-company CSR are listed below (Rate where 1 is least challenging and 7 is most challenging factor)

Factors / Rating
Differences in Corporate cultures
Inadequate senior management support & commitment
Lack of trust at operational level
Lack of effective communication
Threat of sharing information
Threat of competition
Time consuming due to external partnership activities

Q.17.Please tick if you have faced any external challenges in inter-company CSR collaboration(Can tick more than one)

Changing Govt Policy adversary affecting collaborations

Corrupt practices of local agencies

Delays from various approving agencies

Rigidity in Social norms

Cultural issues

Unexpected events

Other (specify)

Q.18..Any suggestions for making inter-company collaborations more effective for CSR:



Q.19. List most critical factors which limit inter-company collaboration in CSR activities of your company



Q.20. Do you plan to collaborate with other companies for CSR projects in future?


May be


Can’t say

Q.21.Describe your approach for collective action (intercompany) in CSR activities and specific achievements (50 to 100 words)

Thank you