General Meeting Minutes November 14, 2017

12:00 PM President Shawn Knauts called meeting to order

Introduction of Speaker – Chris Abernathy

Chris is the Training and Development Specialist at Shelter Insurance and he was presenting on “Dealing with Holiday Stress”

Chris was introduced by Dena Kartheiser of Shelter

Chris gave us a simple quick test to determine if you are stressed…Ask your children!

Chris then outlined:

-Causes of stress are more pronounced at the holidays due to

  • More attendance requirements like parties and children’s programs
  • Additional shopping
  • Baking for others
  • Hosting of gatherings has its own issues
  • Will the food be good
  • Who should sit by whom

Chris offered some solutions he found from research on the Mayo Clinic website:

-Solutions for articles on the site

  • Acknowledge your feelings – you don’t have to happy all the time
  • Reach out – you don’t have to be lonely or the only one putting forth the effort
  • Be realistic – it could be worse.
  • Chris shared a story from the 1957 Tornado
  • Set aside differences - no need for politics, or continuing the sour grapes of the Cubs over the Cards another year.
  • Set a budget…and stick to it. When you’re done, you’re done.
  • Plan ahead
  • Learn to say “No”..see above on budget and planning
  • Don’t abandon healthy habits, it will add to your stress
  • Get your sleep, try for 8 hours a night
  • Eat healthy before the party so you can more easily avoid problem snacks
  • Take a breather, do you hobbies, get a massage, rest.

Chris was presented with an honorarium donated to his charity of choice, Turtle Hospital in Marathon FL.

-Minutes were posted later in the day

-Treasurers report was approved

Committee reports

-Good works – Need bell ringers at JCP, please check your email for sign up


  • Received good comments
  • Budget reconciliation is incorrect, and is being revised


  • Next meeting Dec. 12th at MEM with the annual legislative update
  • They are putting together a survey for next year’s suggested topics


  • Question of the month winner – Deana Kartheiser

-Gamma Iota Epsilon Chapter at MU

  • We hosted joint meeting of chapter and the RMI class at Mizzou
  • 36 attendees
  • Used the funds from our recruitment and retention challenge award
  • Nominating
  • Seeking nominations for board and officer positions.
  • Submit by Friday 11.17.17
  • RMI program at Mizzou
  • 21 current students in attendance
  • Chapter gave a big thank you and round of applause to Fred Travis who has lead the program from inception and is leaving at the end of the semester and will continue to teach remotely in the spring.
  • Attendance drawing
  • Andrea and Tammy Wolfe were winners
  • CPCU Logo drawing – Kirk Arnold winner

Meeting Adjourned 12:42