Sunday Evening August 20th through Friday August 25th


Guest Teacher: Gerry O’Hara from New Brunswick

Staff Teachers: Dottie Welch and Kerry Fletcher, both from Nova Scotia

Cuer Workshop (2 days): Lionel and Janet Crowe, Nova Scotia

Curriculum: We are planning to cover the full CALLERLAB recommended School Curriculum with two levels of training appropriate for new and experienced callers. Our Curriculum will include Choreographic Management, Teaching Techniques, Successful Programming, Using Music Effectively, Creating Smooth Dancing, and Leadership Development. We will have some combined sessions and some separate sessions depending on the benefits of sharing ideas versus focusing on current abilities. There will be plenty of microphone time as well as opportunities for professional evaluation of your skills and suggestions on ways to enhance your calling career.

Schedule: The Callers School will begin with a Sunday evening get-together on August 20th. The following week will feature full days with 3 workshops each morning, afternoon, and evening for a total of 8 hours per day. There will be anassociated two-day Cuers Workshopon Wednesday and Thursday. The school will end with a special dance on Friday evening, August 25th, 7:30 pm at Elm River Campground.

Primary Location: Elm River Park Campground, Glenholme, Nova Scotia

Highway 104 East, Exit 11 to Highway 2 & 4, 2.5 km east on the Glenholme Loop

Highway 104 West, Exit 12 to Highway 2 & 4, 1 km west on the Glenholme Loop

Open and wooded campground on river, RV supplies & service, swimming pool

Camping: Bernice & Winston Bennett, 662-3162/2779 or 1-888-ELM-4ELM

Motels can be found in Truro (16 km east):

The closest three are Comfort Inn, Berry’s Motel, and Tidal Bore Inn.

Restaurants: Double C Truck Stop and Masstown Market arewithin 1 km of camp.

School Tuition: Tuition is $300 per student or calling couple. The Alguire Memorial Fund will automatically cover 50% of the tuition for Maritime Callers. Spouses or dancing partners are welcome and encouraged to attend for no extra tuition cost.

Registration and More Information: (Form is on the back of this sheet)

Please register for the school through Alex Ritchie, see attached form.

For more information contact Dottie Welch, <>,

902-435-4544, 415 Conrad Road, Lawrencetown, NS, Canada, B2Z 1S3



Sunday Evening August 20th through Friday August 25th

Guest Teacher: Gerry O’Hara from New Brunswick

Staff Teachers: Dottie Welch and Kerry Fletcher

Full CALLERLAB Recommended School Curriculum

Location: Elm River Campground, Glenholme, Nova Scotia

(Please Print)

Name: ______


Phone Number______e-mail ______

Partner’s Name: ______Plans to attend? ______

Experience: (Please check the items that apply)

Number of years as a square dancer: ___ none; ___ 1-5; ___ more than 5

Square dancing program: ___ Mainstream; ___ Plus; ___ Advanced

Number of years as a caller: ___ none; ___ 1; ___ 2-3; ___ 4-5; ___ 6 or more

Currently calling for: ___ no one; ___ beginners; ___ Mainstream; ___ Plus;

___ Advanced; ___ Other (______)

Please describe what you hope to gain by attending this callers school.


Deadline Date for registration: July 30, 2017

Total Tuition Fee is $300.00 per student (or couple) payable to:

“The Alguire Callers Memorial Fund”.

Maritime residents or the regular caller for a Maritime club automatically receive a 50% reduction in tuition.

Please include a deposit of $50.00 with this registration form and send to:

Alex Ritchie, Treasurer, The Alguire Callers Memorial Fund

58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS, Canada, B3A 2L8


Balance of tuition fee will be due on arrival at the School.



Wednesday August 23 and Thursday August 24

Teacher: Lionel and Janet Crowefrom Nova Scotia,

Location: Lower Onslow Community Center

12391 Lower Onslow Road, Belmont, Nova Scotia

(Please Print)

Name: ______


Phone Number______e-mail ______

Partner’s Name: ______Plans to attend? ______

Experience: (Please check the items that apply)

Number of years as a round dancer: ___ none; ___ 1-5; ___ more than 5

Round Dance Phases: ___ II; ___ III; ___ IV

Number of years as a cuer: ___ none; ___ 1; ___ 2-3; ___ 4-5; ___ 6 or more

Currently cueing for: ___ no one; ___ beginners; ___ Phase II; ___ Phase III;

___ Phase IV; ___ Other (describe ______)

Please describe what you hope to gain by attending this cuers workshop.


Deadline Date for registration: July 30, 2017

Fee is $10.00 per session (3 per day) or $30 per day payable to:

“The Alguire Callers Memorial Fund”.

Session details will be available in July.

Please include a deposit of $20.00 with this registration form and send to:

Alex Ritchie, Treasurer, The Alguire Callers Memorial Fund

58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS, Canada, B3A 2L8


Balance of tuition fee will be due on arrival at the Workshop.