Grading Guide: Ethnic Genogram
CCMH/510 Version 2 / 1

Grading Guide

Ethnic Genogram

This assignment is due in Week Two.

80 Percent / Points Earned
·  Includes information about three or four generations
·  Reflects adequate usage of the suggested formatting, such as geometric figures, direction of arrows, colors, and intensity of lines
·  Includes information regarding at least three characteristics, or core values, of family members; religion or faith; birthplace; nationality; and an urban or rural location
·  Relates characteristics with family biases or prejudices
·  Identifies strengths and weaknesses as a cultural counselor in a predominately North American, youth oriented, and able-bodied society.
·  The student explains how he or she plans to use his or her strengths as a cultural counselor and includes a plan to improve weaknesses.
·  Considered one identity development theory from Ch. 10 11 of Counseling the Culturally Diverse. Explained how the theory compares to his or her identity development
·  The personal reflection demonstrates depth and breadth of a multicultural analysis. / Comments:
Organization and Development
10 Percent / Points Earned
·  The assignment is the specified length.
·  The assignment is clear and organized; major points are supported by details, examples, or analysis.
·  The tone aligns with the assignment’s purpose and is geared towards the appropriate audience.
·  The assignment provides relevant and sufficient background on the topic.
·  The assignment uses visuals appropriately and effectively and excludes distracting or unnecessary elements. / Comments:
Mechanics and Format
10 Percent / Points Earned
·  The assignment file is presentable and functional; for example, the audio clips are audible, visual components are viewable, and links work appropriately.
·  Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.
·  The assignment is consistent with APA guidelines. / Comments:
Additional Comments: / Total Earned

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