Dear [NAME]

Re: Manifesto for Muscle: Six steps to fight muscle-wasting conditions

I am writing to you as a constituent of [CONSTITUENCY NAME] and as a supporter of Muscular Dystrophy UK regarding the part I hope you will play, if elected on the 7th May, in the fight against muscle-wasting conditions.

[You could include some more personal details here, for example your need to access potential treatments without delay, your fears about the inconsistency of specialist care causing delays and obstacles in receiving treatment and how specific issues in your local area are affecting yours or your family member’s condition.]

Muscular Dystrophy and related neuromuscular conditions cause muscles to weaken and waste over time, leading to increased disability. This can affect muscles in the limbs, as well as the muscles of the heart and lungs, sometimes significantly shortening life-expectancy. With few exceptions, there are currently no effective treatments or cures available.

At least 1 in every 1000 of your prospective constituents is affected by a muscle-wasting condition. I’m sure you will agree that it is crucial that these people are given the support to live as independently as possible, and that they have the ability to access potential treatments quickly.

I am asking candidates to sign up to these six steps to fight muscle-wasting conditions and to join me in campaigning for a better quality of life for people affected by muscular dystrophy. If you are elected in May I would like you to:

  1. Press for streamlined drug approvals and funding processes, to ensure that innovative new medicines, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy treatment Translarna, can reach patients without delay
  2. Attend a meeting of our local Muscle Group to discuss living with muscle-wasting conditions, and back improvements that are needed in local services
  3. Join the All Party Parliamentary Group for Muscular Dystrophy
  4. Meet with Trailblazers(a group of young campaigners) in our local area and join the All Party Parliamentary Group for Young Disabled People
  5. Work to promote greater understanding of muscle-wasting conditions among welfare, housing and equipment providers
  6. Meet with health authorities in our local area to discuss what action they are taking to improve services for constituents living with muscle-wasting conditions

Sign up to Muscular Dystrophy UK’s Manifesto for Muscle today and join the fight against muscle-wasting conditions! To sign up, get in touch with Jonathan Kingsley on or call 020 7803 4839.

Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely