Project Plan

Size Estimation

Function point Estimation Worksheet

Description / Low / Medium / High / Total
Inputs / 6*3 / 5*4 / 3*5 / 53
Outputs / 7*4 / 10*5 / 5*6 / 108
Queries / 9*3 / 5*4 / 1*5 / 52
Files / 1*6 / 4*7 / 0*9 / 34
Program Interfaces / 1*5 / 0*7 / 2*9 / 23
Total Unadjusted Function Points (TUFP) / 270

(0 – No effect on processing complexity; 5 – Great effect on processing complexity)

Data Communications / 4
End User Efficiency / 1
Complex Processing / 0
Installation ease / 1
Performance / 0
Online Data Entry / 3
Online Update / 3
Reusability / 1
Operational Ease / 0
Extensibility / 0
Total / 13
Processing Complexity (PC) / 13
Adjusted Processing Complexity (APC) / 0.65+ (0.01 * 13) / = 0.78
Total Adjusted Function Points (TAFP) / 0.78 * 270 / = 211

Lines of Code

The programming language is Visual Basic. The multiplication factor is .65 because it is a simple system.

Lines of code / 0.65 * 30 *211 = / 4114.5

Estimate Effort required

Effort (in-person months) / 1.4*4114.5 = / 5760.3
5.76 person months

Estimate Time Required

Schedule Time (months) / 2.5 * (5.7603)1/3

4.48 months

Work Breakdown Structure


Staffing Plan

The project will have one operations manager who will lead the team of technical operators to deals with staffing and customer requests, one project manager, two technical operators along with database specialist, website and system maintenance staff.

Role / Description
Project Manager / Creates the work plan, staffs the project, and ensures timeline until requirement are met. Assists with analysis and design of the system.
Operations Manager / Oversees the project to ensure that it meets its objective in time and within budget.
Technical Operators/
System Analysts / Who guides through the development of our Ultimate fitness system. In performing these tasks, the analyst must always match the information system objectives with the goals of the organization.
Sr. Infrastructure and Database specialist / Responsible for organizational feasibility and analysis of system prior to development. Builds database structure and mechanisms to facilitate project. Ensures that system architecture is appropriate and that hardware will handle the system load.
System Administrator / Manage the hardware and network system
Website Administrator / Manage the website and update the website with frequent company events and special offers.


The purpose of this document is to ensure that the tasks are performed in a standard format.

Types of Standards /
Standard Practices
Documentation Standards / ·  The date and project name should appear as a header on all documents.
·  All margins should be set to one inch.
·  All deliverables should be added to the project binder and recorded in its table of contents
·  All text should be Times New Roman and size 12
Coding Standards / ·  Programs should include comment lines after each loop, function, or for large groups of code.
·  Indentation should be used for the conditions.
·  Should contain the programmer’s name in each page of the program.
Procedural Standards / ·  Project meeting updates will be held weekly on Friday morning at 9:30 am
·  All changes to a requirements document must be approved by the project manager.
·  Any changes to the project calendar and deliverables must be approved by the Project Manager.
Specification Requirement Standards / ·  Name of the program to be created
·  Description of the Programs purpose.
·  Due Date
User Interface Standards / ·  Date and name of reports should appear at the top in bold.
·  Labels will appear in bold face text and left justified

Risk Assessment

A Risk Assessment is used to prepare our team for any potential hazards we may run in to and already have a resolution or preparation for it.

Risk #1 / The employees of Ultimate fitness center are currently using a paper based system and will need training for the using the new computerized system
Likelihood of risk / Medium
Potential impact on the project / This risk will add time to the implementation Phase because of the detailed preparation of user manuals.
Ways to address this risk / Users should have constant access to manuals and the developers for the first few days. The Question and answer discussion may help the users to clear up some issues.
Risk #2 / Data loss and System failure
Likelihood of risk / Medium
Potential impact on the project / Chance for system crash and virus infection
Ways to address this risk / In order to minimize the loss from this kind of information, We are planning on creating data backup of our system at the end of every day and make sure our internet connection is secure
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