NCR Software OSD Users Guide

NCR Software OSD

User Guide for Windows

NCR Corporation

Retail Solutions Division

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Doc Version / Revision 1.2
Issue Date / 22-May-12
DLC Doc. Type / User Guide
Prepared By: / Jerika Omandam
Rico Angelo Rivera
Nadia Coraza

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Copyright © 2011

NCR Corporation

Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines

All Rights Reserved

Confidential, Unpublished

Property of NCR Corporation

Document Change Sheet 1 of 1

Revision / Date / Description of Change / Prepared by
1.0 / 08/12/11 / Initial Release / Jerika Omandam
1.1 / 10/27/11 / Modified documentation to reflect changes made to the utility name from NCRDDCCI to NCR Software OSD / Jerika Omandam
1.2 / 05/22/12 / Modified documentation to reflect added features made to the utility. / Rico Angelo Rivera
Nadia Coraza

Table of Contents

1. Overview 4

2. Installation 4

3. Usage Information 4

3.1. Starting the utility 5

3.2. View Monitors Detected 5

3.3. View Monitor Information 5

3.3.1. Single Monitor 6

3.3.2. Multiple Monitors 6

3.4. View and Modify Monitor Settings 6

3.4.1. Brightness 7

3.4.2. Contrast 8

3.4.3. Positioning 9 Vertical Positioning 9 Horizontal Positioning 9

3.4.4. Size 10 Vertical Size 10 Horizontal Size 10

3.4.5. Phase 11

3.4.6. Clock 11

3.4.7. Colour 12 Colour Presets 13

3.4.8. Sharpness 14

3.4.9. Restore 15 Auto Setup 15 Auto Colour 15 Restore Factory Defaults 16 Restore Brightness/Contrast 16 Restore Geometry Settings 16 Restore Colour Settings 16

3.4.10. Degauss 16

3.4.11. Moire 17 Vertical Moire 17 Horizontal Moire 17

3.4.12. Compliance 17 Capabilities and Capabilities String 17 VCP Version, Display Controller, and Timing Report 18 New Control Value 18 Test Restore 19 Non-continuous VCP Controls 21 Continuous VCP Controls 23 Auto Colour/Auto Setup 25 Degauss 25 Burn-in Test 26

3.4.13. Language 27

3.5. Refresh 27

3.6. About the utility 27

3.7. Help file 27

3.8. Closing the utility 27

4. Troubleshooting 27

5. References 28

1.  Overview

The NCR Software OSD is an application that configures the properties of displays such as brightness, contrast, and color settings. It can also retrieve Extended Display Identification Data (EDID) such as monitor name, monitor serial number, and manufacturer. It is also capable of retrieving the capability string of a monitor to determine what settings are applicable for modification.

The utility can run on both the Windows and Linux platforms.

2.  Installation

The utility is installed through an installer in Windows where the user can choose a location to install the application or choose the default which is installs the utility in the following directories:

Windows XP

·  Customer version – C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\NCR\NCRSoftwareOSD

·  Manufacturing version – C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\NCR\NCRSoftwareOSD – Manufacturing

Windows 7

·  Customer version – C:\ProgramData\NCR\NCRSoftwareOSD

·  Manufacturing version – C:\ProgramData\NCR\NCRSoftwareOSD – Manufacturing

The utility is installed through an RPM in Linux.

3.  Usage Information

The following subsections will provide details on how to use the utility.

3.1.  Starting the utility

In Windows, a shortcut is created on the Desktop after the installer finishes up the installation process. Double-click on the NCR Software OSD icon (for Customer version) or the NCR Software OSD – Manufacturing (for Manufacturing version) icon on the Desktop to start the application.

In Linux, type NCR_Software_OSD_GUI onto the console after the RPM has finished the installation process.

3.2.  View Monitors Detected

After the utility has launched, the two visible panels are the Monitors Detected panel and the Information panel. The Monitors Detected panel shows the list of monitors detected by the utility. If only one monitor is detected, it is selected by default.

If two or more monitors are detected, the first monitor listed is selected by default. To choose between monitors, click on the radio button beside the monitor name. This also changes the Information panel to display information pertaining to the monitor selected.

3.3.  View Monitor Information

Monitor information is displayed in the Information panel, which is one of the two panels that are visible after startup. The information displayed in the Information panel will depend on the chosen monitor in the Monitors Detected panel. The user can also click on the Information ( ) button to view monitor information.

Below is a list of information that is shown on the Information Panel:

·  Manufacturer

·  Manufactured Date

·  EDID Version

·  Input Type

·  Dimensions

·  Monitor Name

·  Monitor Serial Number

·  PCI

·  Vendor ID

·  Product ID

·  MCCS Version

·  Controller Type

·  Firmware Level

·  Firmware Version (For Dynamo Display only)

·  Display Mode (For Dynamo Display only)

·  Timing Report

o  Horizontal Frequency

o  Vertical Frequency

o  Timing Status

·  Raw EDID

·  Raw capabilities string (CAPS)

Note: Not all of the information listed above will be reflected on every monitor. It would depend on whether the monitor supports EDID or DDC/CI. Some monitors may support EDID and not DDC/CI while others might not support EDID or DDC/CI at all.

3.3.1.  Single Monitor

If only a single monitor is detected, its information is the one reflected on the Information panel.

3.3.2.  Multiple Monitors

For multiple monitors, detected monitors are listed on the Monitors Detected panel. The first monitor is detected by default and its information is shown on the Information Panel. Click on the monitor name on the Monitors Detected panel to choose between monitors. Their respective monitor information will be reflected on the Information panel as well.

3.4.  View and Modify Monitor Settings

The monitor settings that this utility supports are the following:

·  Brightness

·  Contrast

·  Positioning

o  Horizontal Positioning

o  Vertical Positioning

·  Size

o  Horizontal Size

o  Vertical Size

·  Phase

·  Clock

·  Colour

o  Colour Preset

·  Sharpness

·  Restore

o  Auto Setup

o  Restore Factory Defaults

o  Restore Brightness / Contrast

o  Restore Geometry Defaults

o  Restore Colour Settings

·  Degauss

·  Moire

o  Horizontal Moire

o  Vertical Moire

·  Compliance

o  Capabilities and Capabilities String

o  VCP Version, Display Controller, and Timing Report

o  New Control Value

o  Test Restore

o  Non-continuous VCP controls

o  Continuous VCP controls

o  Auto Colour/Auto Setup

o  Degauss

o  Burn-in Test

·  Language

Note: Not all monitors will support all of the settings listed above. It varies per monitor.

3.4.1.  Brightness

To adjust the brightness settings of a monitor:

1.  Click on the Brightness Button ()

a.  The Brightness panel shows a slider and two buttons, plus ( ) and minus ( )

b.  The number beside the plus button indicates the current value of the monitor setting

c.  Dragging the slider to the farthest right sets the brightness to its maximum value while dragging it farthest left sets the brightness to its minimum value

2.  Click on the plus button to increase brightness and click on the minus button to decrease the brightness

a.  The slider can also be dragged to the right to increase brightness and dragged to the left to decrease brightness

3.4.2.  Contrast

To adjust the contrast of a monitor:

1.  Click on the Contrast button ( )

a.  The Brightness panel shows a slider and two buttons, plus ( ) and minus ( )

b.  The number beside the plus button indicates the current value of the monitor setting

c.  Dragging the slider to the farthest right sets the contrast to its maximum value while dragging it farthest left sets the contrast to its minimum value

2.  Click on the plus button to increase contrast and click on the minus button to decrease the contrast

a.  The slider can also be dragged to the right to increase contrast and dragged to the left to decrease contrast

3.4.3.  Positioning

Clicking on the Positioning ( ) button displays a panel with two sliders, each with a plus ( ) and minus ( ) button.

Modifying the value of this display setting gradually moves the image on the display to a specific region, either left, right, up, or down. There are two types: Vertical Positioning and Horizontal Positioning.  Vertical Positioning

Increasing or decreasing vertical positioning moves the image toward the top edge or bottom edge of the display.

To adjust the vertical positioning:

1.  Click on the plus button to move the image toward the top edge of the display and click on the minus button to move the image toward the bottom edge of the display.

a.  Alternatively, drag the slider to the right to move the image toward the top edge of the display and drag the slider to the left to move the image toward the bottom edge of the display.  Horizontal Positioning

Increasing or decreasing horizontal positioning moves the image toward the right or left side of the display.

To adjust horizontal positioning:

1.  Click on the plus button to move the image toward the right of the display and click on the minus button to move the image toward the left side of the display

a.  Alternatively, drag the slider to the left to move the image toward the right of the display and drag the slider to the left to move the image toward the left of the display

3.4.4.  Size

Clicking on the Size ( ) button displays a panel with two sliders, each with a plus ( ) and minus ( ) button.

Modifying the value of this display setting increases or decreases the height and width of the image on the display. There are two types: Vertical Size and Horizontal Size.  Vertical Size

Increasing or decreasing vertical size increases or decreases the height of the image on the display.

To adjust vertical size:

1.  Click on the plus button to increase the height of the image and click on the minus button to decrease the height of the image.

  1. Alternatively, drag the slider to the right to increase the height of the image and drag the slider to the left to decrease the height of the image.  Horizontal Size

Increasing or decreasing horizontal size increases or decreases the width of the image on the display.

To adjust horizontal size:

1.  Click on the plus button to increase the width of the image and click on the minus button to decrease the width of the image.

a.  Alternatively, drag the slider to the right to increase the width of the image and drag the slider to the left to decrease the width of the image.

3.4.5.  Phase

Clicking on the Phase ( ) button displays a panel with a slider with plus ( ) and minus ( ) buttons.

Adjusting the phase of a monitor increases or decreases the phase shift of the sampling clock.

To adjust the phase of the monitor:

1.  Click on the plus button to increase the phase shift of the sampling clock and click on the minus button to decrease the phase shift of the sampling clock.

a.  Alternatively, drag the slider to the right to increase the phase shift of the sampling clock and drag the slider to the left to decrease the phase shift of the sampling clock.

3.4.6.  Clock

Clicking on the Clock ( ) button displays a panel with a slider with plus ( ) and minus ( ) buttons.

Adjusting the clock of a monitor increases or decreases the video sampling clock frequency.

To adjust the clock:

1.  Click on the plus button to increase the video sampling clock frequency and click on the minus button to decrease video sampling clock frequency.

a.  Alternatively, drag the slider to the right to increase the video sampling clock frequency and drag the slider to the left to decrease video sampling clock frequency.

3.4.7.  Colour

Clicking on the Colour ( ) button displays a panel with three sliders each with plus ( ) and minus ( ) buttons.

The luminance of red, green, and blue pixels can be modified through colour settings. Colour settings may or may not have associated colour presets. The screenshot shown below indicates a monitor with no associated colour presets.

To adjust the luminance of red pixels:

1.  Click on the plus button to increase the luminance of red pixels and click on the minus button to decrease the luminance of red pixels.

a.  Alternatively, drag the red slider to the right to increase luminance of red pixels and drag the slider to the left to decrease luminance of red pixels.

To adjust the luminance of green pixels:

1.  Click on the plus button to increase the luminance of green pixels and click on the minus button to decrease the luminance of green pixels.

a.  Alternatively, drag the green slider to the right to increase luminance of green pixels and drag the slider to the left to decrease luminance of green pixels.

To adjust the luminance of blue pixels:

1.  Click on the plus button to increase the luminance of blue pixels and click on the minus button to decrease the luminance of blue pixels.