OPERATION: C.A.R.E. Adoption Questionnaire / Application

Applicant's Name (s):

Home Address:

City, State Zip:

Email Address:

Home #: Work #: Cell #:

List ALL members of your household and ages:

Have you ever applied for a dog/cat from us before? If so, who & how long ago:

Are there a specific dog/cat in our system that you are interested in? If so, which one?

Why do you wish to adopt a rescue dog/cat?

Preferences: male / female / either?

Color? Type? Size?

The oldest dog/cat you would consider?

Describe the type of personality / energy level you would like in a dog/cat.

Type of Residence? Rent or Own?

If you rent, please provide name, address, and phone of your landlord?

How long have you lived at this address?

Housing Location / Type of Street?

Where will dog/cat live?

Where will dog/cat spend nights?

How will dog/cat be contained?

Does your home have a fenced yard or fenced area on the property?

If so, please give approximate dimensions of fenced area:

Is this fence attached to the house?

Will dog be allowed to run loose (not in fenced area; not on lead)? If so, when and where?

Hours per day the dog/cat would be alone?

Where would dog/cat stay when alone?

Have you had pets before? What happened to these pets?

Please list any pets you currently own. *Please indicate their ages and their spay/neuter status.

Please list your current veterinarian’s name and phone number (We will contact this veterinarian for a reference before you may be considered for adoption.) Vet’s Name:

Vet’s number:

Who will be the principal caretaker of the dog/cat?

Who would be your back up if you were to go out of town or are temporarily unable to care for the dog/cat?

Do you intend for your dog to be principally an inside or an outside dog?

Do you consider a dog/cat a part of the family? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Will you have your pet spayed/neutered? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Dogs Only: Will your dog be on heartworm prevention? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Cats Only: Will you declaw your cat? ( ) Yes ( ) No

Are you aware that a dog/cat is a lifetime commitment lasting up to 20 years? ( ) Yes ( ) No

How did you hear of us: Petfinder.com___, PetsMart__, Advertisement__, Word of mouth__, Other______.

Additional comments:

Thank you for your interest in adopting a homeless animal!

Please return the completed application to the email of the foster parent listed on the pet’s bio

Please check out our website at www.operationcare.petfinder.com to see some of our other animals listed. We have other animals that are not on our website so let us know if you are interested in an animal that is not listed.