Training Registration Form
Please complete the form and send us via email: on orbefore January 20, 2018.
CRSM will coordinate with you for further processing.
Training course: MS Excel at Advanced Level with Dashboard
Date: January 25 to 27, 2018
Venue: Murree - Pakistan / Training Fee for (Excluding VAT):
Local NGOs/CBOs (Pakistan Based): $ 140
Int’l NGOs/Donor (Pakistan Based): $ 180
All types of org. (Other Countries): $ 360
Fee Options: Choose an item. Room Options: Choose an item.
Accompanied Occupant: Click here to enter text.
Check in Date: Click here to enter a date.
Check out Date: Click here to enter a date. / Residential Package is also available if required.
Applicant’s Profile
Full Name: / Click here to enter text. / Gender: / Choose an item. /
Nationality: / Click here to enter text. /
Do you need visa to travel to host country? / ☐Yes☐No
Organization Name / Click here to enter text. /
Office Address / Click here to enter text. /
Type of Organization / Choose an item. / Sponsored By: / Choose an item. /
Position & Department / Click here to enter text. /
Qualification (Latest only) / Click here to enter text. / Experience (Years): Click here to enter text.
Office Phone no. / Click here to enter text. / Date of Birth:Click here to enter a date.
Cell No. / Click here to enter text. / Email Address: Click here to enter text.
English Proficiency / Choose an item. / Diet Restrictions: Choose an item.
Supervisor’s Detail
Full Name: / Click here to enter text. / Cell No.Click here to enter text.
Position: / Click here to enter text. / Email Address: Click here to enter text.
Mode of Payment:
Amount to be PaidClick here to enter text. / Payment through:Choose an item. Check/DD/PO No.
Participants’ Assessment (in Brief)
  1. What are your objectives of attending this training? (Top-3)
Click here to enter text.
  1. List the practical issues you and your subordinates are facing in MS Excel functions?(Max. 3)
  2. Click here to enter text.
  1. What practical things or concepts you want to be included in the training material? (Max. 3)
  2. Click here to enter text.

Suite No. 204, 2nd Floor, Street No 73, F-11 Markaz, Islamabad, Pakistan

Phone: +92-51- 222 4860, Cell: +92-321-5565072 Email: