v1 eportfolio and profiling interest cluster: second bid for BSLES funding 13/06/2008

1. Project Title / ePortfolios and profiling for PDP, CPD, PDR, assessment and reflective learning – Second bid for BSLES funding

2. Endorsement of proposed work by Sponsor(s) identified for the relevant activity area(s) identified in the BSLES Action Plan for 2008/09

Name(s) Project supported yes/no

Valerie Clifford

Richard Francis

Comments by sponsors:

3. To which activities in the Brookes Student Learning Experience Strategy will the proposed project contribute? (Please tick as appropriate.)

Strategic Outcomes
Activities X-primary
x-2ndary / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I / X / I / I / x / I / x / I
II / x / II / II / x / II / x / II / x
III / III / III / X / III / x / III / x
IV / x / IV / IV / IV / x / IV / x
V / X / V / x / V / x / V / V
VI / x / VI / x / VI / X / VI
VIII / x / VIII / VIII / x / VIII
IX / x / IX / IX / x / IX
X / X / X / x / X / x
XI / X / XI
4. Description of developmental work proposed and the contribution it will make in the activities areas identified above. / Developing digitally literate learners able to manage their online identities throughout their lifetime is becoming an ever more important aspect of higher education. Portfolios and profiling are key elements of a personal learning environment. Tools for reflective learning are becoming increasingly sophisticated, effective and useable. Brookes has been among the leaders in understanding the learner experience in technology rich environments. We have taken the first steps towards the implementation of e-Portfolios and Profiling through making Elgg and PebblePad available. See:
·  https://mw.brookes.ac.uk/display/GR004/Home
This project will take portfolios and profiling to the next level at Brookes.
Research Questions
·  What is the impact of portfolios and profiling on the student and staff learning experience?
·  How can portfolio and profiling systems support assessment for learning at the modular, programme and institutional levels?
·  How can portfolios and profiling systems help develop relations with employers, alumni and the community?
·  How can portfolios and profiling systems best be incorporated into the developing Brookes Personal Learning Environment (PLE)
This project will help to further development of
·  Constructively aligned curriculum design
·  Appropriate balance of formative and summative assessment for learning at the programme level
·  PDP, CPD and PDR provision through eportfolios and personal profiles
·  Links with employers, alumni and the community
·  Blended and technology-enhanced learning
·  OCSLD provision of internal consultancy
·  Learning and teaching practice that is fully informed by the outcomes of developmental and research projects conducted at Brookes and elsewhere.
5. Lead person for work to be undertaken / Name / George Roberts
Job Title / Senior Lecturer: Educational Development Consultant
School/Directorate / OCSLD, HR
Telephone / 5677, 07711 698465
Email /
6. Other contributors
(Use a separate sheet if necessary) / 1. Name / Debbie Witney
School/Directorate / Business School
2. Name / Chris Higgins
School/Directorate / Westminster Institute
3. Name / Roberto Daniele
School/Directorate / Business School
4.Name / Sally Feaver
School/Directorate / School of Health and Social Care
5.Name / Irmgard Huppe
School/Directorate / School of Health and Social Care
6. Name / Lorna Froud
School/Directorate / Careers Office
7. Name / Joe Rosa
School/Directorate / External consultant (hosting environments)
7. Objectives of work to be undertaken / We propose to extend the trial and evaluation of two electronic portfolio systems in the Business School, Westminster Institute for Education, the School of Health and Scial Care and OCSLD for PDP, CPD and PDR. The systems are PebblePad and Elgg. These systems will be available more widely and contacts are being followed through the Careers Centre and Alumni Office.
We will:
·  continue licenses to the software to enable up to 1,000 users to trial the services
·  develop and improve test environments for the services
·  extend current case studies
·  develop 4 more case studies
·  discover the impact of these systems on student learning, curriculum design and teaching practice
·  link this programme to other R&D projects funded by the JISC, HEA, Research Councils, TDA, NHS, etc
·  report on the outcomes of the case studies and disseminate our findings widely
Case Studies
Business School
Communicating in a global business environment
Alumni network in hospitality, tourism and leisure
Programme-level use of portfolios
Initial Teacher Training
PDP and reflective practice
Diploma in Healthcare Practice
Nurse Prescribing
Post graduate Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education
Staff PDR
Careers Service
Application of Portfolios to the Brookes Award
8. Performance Indicators
(These must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-framed) / ·  test environments for PebblePad and Elgg “flanged” to Brookes own systems (VLE, wiki)
·  at least 4 more case study scenarios (above) designed
·  up to 1,000 students engaged with each system
·  evaluation of case studies based on mixed mode methodology:
o  qualitative reports of learner experience to discover ease of use, effectiveness of learning, transferability of experience to other contexts
o  numbers of learners engaged with systems
o  numbers of teachers implementing systems
o  technical challenges and implications for ongoing support in Brookes Virtual
9. Timetable/Key milestones / ·  Oct 2008 Reports from Phase 1 case studies
·  Nov 2008 Ethics approval for student experience research
·  Jan 2009 Preliminary report from phase 2 case studies
·  April 2009 Full report and presentation to BSLES conference
·  Publication of results in BeJLT and at least one external, peer reviewed journal
·  Dissemination of results through HEA Subject Centres, workshops and conferences
·  July 2009 Proposal for ongoing development and use of Elgg and PebblePad
·  Sept 2009 ongoing portfolio and profiling programmes in place
10. Full details of proposed expenditure / Licenses for PebblePad
·  £5,000 to continue PebblePad License to for up to 1,000 users to August 2009 (£3,000 already committed from BSLES 07-08)
·  We need to negotiate ongoing licensing and support
Services to and support and develop Elgg
·  £5,000 for 1 year technical support and hosting services: Sept 2008 – August 2009
Support and evaluation
·  G Roberts – 10 days at £300/day internal rate: £3,000
·  D Witney – 5 days at £300/day internal rate: £1,500
·  R Daniele – 5 days at £300/day internal rate: £1,500
·  C Higgins – 5 days at £300/day internal rate: £1,500
·  N Swarbrick – 5 days at £300/day internal rate: £1,500
·  S Feaver – 5 days at £300/day internal rate: £1,500
·  I Huppe – 5 days at £300/day internal rate: £1,500
Total expenditure for pilot phase 2 £22,000

11. Funding to support this work in subsequent years is likely to be required.


Please give reasons for the likelihood that continuation funding will be requested.

The development and integration of profiling tools will necessarily have to be mainstreamed into the wider Brookes managed learning environment. This project will help us to understand how this can be achieved most cost effectively. It is envisaged that the pilot phase will last two years.

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